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Re: Thick Eyebrows and Ship Docking..?!?

My impression of the dream is you are being guided by masculine aspects in life with the best possibility of those masculine aspects being your father. In other words the relationship with your father was either lacking/negative or you have a father complex {admiring and seeking out older father figures}. But the dream goes beyond just that relationship and is addressing the relationship with the older man. The dream seems to be pointing to him as a father figure, possibly a 'replacement' substitute relationship for your father. There are two ships in the dream with the ships representing you and your navigating life emotionally. The first ship would be the relationship with your father and the second ship would be the older man. The second ship would be influenced by the first and put you in the same ship as the first {relationship with older man who has adult children}. The dream doesn't explicitly state this is a bad thing but it does seem to point to 'traveling too fast in your emotional life'. Because the dream subject is relationship with older men then the traveling too fast would apply to the current relationship.

Below is my interpretation of the images/actions {I analyze dreams by interpreting the symbolic imaages and actions}. Providing these may help you in understanding the patterns in the dream. The pattern in your dream strongly points to issues with your father {negative or 'exploiting' positive} as well as a possible father complex/substitution.

Thick Eyebrows and Ship Docking..?!?
-thick eyebrows-strong expressions of doubt/disapproval
-ship docking-surviving relationships?

I was part of a group, helping stretch out a very large sheet on a huge field (think holding a corner of a large piece of material at the pre-entertainment of a large sporting match type situation). A male friend of mine (who I have developed feelings for and who has asked me out on a date) has come out of nowhere and walked up towards me (standing on top of the material) and asked me what I was doing? I said I was helping, but I got the vibe in the dream that he wasn't all that impressed. At this point, I saw he had abnormally looking large dark bushy eyebrows, the strange thing was I could see his natural eyebrows underneath. He then walked away.

-part of group-various aspects of personality/self
-helping stretch large sheet on huge field-expanding stability/wholeness to true self dispite material/ego issues
-holding large piece of material-possessing strong emotional energies
-pre-entertainment of large sporting match type situation-consciously guided by strong aggressive energies {unconscious}
-male friend-masculine aspects
-come out of nowhere-influencing conscious actions
-standing on top of material-asserting higher ideas/aspirations/substance you are made of
-walked toward me/asked what I was doing-questioning your actions
-said I was helping-issues that cause a compromising of values
-got the vibe he wasn't impressed-emotions {vibe/feeling} not functioning properly
-had abnormally looking large dark bushy eyebrows-doubt/disapproval/opposition to true self
-see natural eyebrows underneath-unconscious motivating energies underlying reasons for emotional issues
-walked away-moving away from possessing masculine aspects

Additional Narrative Relevant to Dream

-not what to make to it/close for few years-actual experience with real male
-older/has adult children-your father/father figure

The second part of the dream involves me standing on a dock, along with other people but I can't picture anyone I know in particularly. I was watching a ship dock but it was in terrible weather and the sea was rough. The captain did a great job at docking that ship. A second ship was meant to dock shortly after when it was clear, but with this ship, the sea was too rough and the ship completely missed the dock as it was travelling too fast.

-standing on a dock-surviving difficult emotional experience
Note: docks would symbolize successfully getting through some tough times and emotions
-other unknown people-other unknown aspects of self
-watching ship dock in terrible weather-experiencing/surviving difficult emotions
-sea was rough-transition of negative unconscious energies to conscious actions
-captain did great job docking ship-taking charge and surviving emotional experiences {making conscious decisions but influenced by unconscious energies}
-second ship meant to dock-second relationship needing survival skills
-when it was clear-confusion/needing clarity
-with this ship-this experience
-sea was too rough-negative unconscious energies
-ship completely missed dock/traveling too fast-unconscious energies causing negative experiences related to survival/traveling too fast in emotional life

Note: I do request a response to my analysis. My services are free and a response is the least that can be given. A contribution of any amount to my Kitty Fund would be appreciated but not required.


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