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Recurring dreams

So I feel a little silly posting this on the internet but I wanted to get someone else’s opinion on this. I have very strange dreams, I wont go into too much detail about them, but every since I was about 12 years old I have had dreams of a recurring individual nothing sexual when I was yougng. I am 29 now so for the last 17 years this has been going on. My mother says he is just my knight in shining armor that I have dreamt up because of hard circumstances in my life. Which to be honest I have a great life, better than most people and I am thankful for all of it. It is the same person and when I am dreaming it feels like an emotional bond. I have never met this person in real life. I have read all about dreams and how people can create new faces in their dreams from parts of real faces combined, also I have read about animus and I don’t think this is the case either. Lately it has been getting worse, I am dreaming of strange names and places. I know all this sounds crazy, but I was hoping for honest opinions on the subject. Please don’t think I am crazy most of the time I ignore them but they are more vivid and detailed lately so it bothers me some. Some of the dreams are lucid some aren’t.

Dream A, A recent dream was I was riding on a train in a different county and I could see across a lake to a mountain area with a forest around it, I could see a castle type building on the top of the hill. The train stopped and basically all the passengers had to evade bandits. He came to my rescue, he helped guide me to safety. We eventually make it to the castle and we are together I can see the castle very clearly and were talking then I start to drift away from him. I can see his face and mainly his eyes as a drift away. I was drifting into the sky away from him and as I was drifting away it felt like my heart was breaking. When I woke up I was very sad.

Dream B,Another recent one was I was in my house (it wasn’t really my house though I am not sure where it was) trying to rearrange furniture and when I rearranged the furniture a secret passage would open up. My family was in the kitchen eating and I remember talking to my brother when suddenly something grabbed me and I flew across the room. My brother was freaking out, it felt like a ghost or something that grabbed me. This happened several times. Then I woke up in my bedroom (my actual bedroom), but I didn’t actually wake up, I was still dreaming, and he was there. He was there in my bedroom with me when I woke up in my dream, at this point I knew I was dreaming so I said basically what happens doesn’t matter because I knew it was only a dream, we had a few intimate moments, no sex then I woke up.

I have several more similar to this if you would like to hear them. I started to keep track of them a while ago. They are of course much longer, but this is the basic information, and many are more personal and intimate if you get my drift. Many of the dreams he is a dragon and we are flying together. A lot of times though it is like I am drifting towards and away from him. I would say about half of my dreams has him in it.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 29/USA

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Re: Recurring dreams

I have finished analyzing the first dream and below is what I see in it. I'll finish teh second dream either later today or in the morning and put the two together and see what comes from them. I am assuming you are female. Gender can make a difference when analyzing a dream since a male or men in a woman's dream can mean something than if in a man's dream.

First dream
I believe your dreams are addressing animus aspects. At least in a general way since masculine influences {or lack of them} can make a difference is your masculine qualities in later life. Either way this masculine aspect seems to be missing in your life. This aspect, or person, provided something positive in your early life but is now missing. Because it/he is missing you have to avoid of the feeling of being robbed of valuable aspects, probably animus qualities that come from positive male relationships. At one time he came to your rescue but those feelings/experiences have faded. This seems to be the focus of the first dream.

To get a better understanding of my analysis and how dreams function read my page A Simple Guide to Dreams.

Note: I do request a response to my analysis. My services are free and a response is the least that can be given. A contribution of any amount to my Kitty Fund would be appreciated but not required.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 65

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Recurring dreams

After analyzing the second dream and putting the two together I am still sensing someone in your past, a male, who provided what you saw as providing comfort, nurturing and security. The dream images/actions point to either repression or having forgotten about these memories/experiences. You are now disconnected from this person now and probably have been for a long while, even from early childhood. Could it be your father? Is he still a part of your life and if not when did that relationships end?

Here is what i get when interpreting the images/actions from the second dream.

-in my house-within your unconscious/your true self/emotions
-rearrange furniture-secret door would open up-making changes reveals inner aspects that need to be acknowledged
-family in kitchen eating-receiving emotional nourishment/security/harmony
-talking to brother-communication with close masculine aspects
-something grabbed me/threw across room-emotional energies that need closer attention
-brother freaking out-distorted masculine aspects
-felt like a ghost-aspects that are disconnected/repressed

Note: I do request a response to my analysis. My services are free and a response is the least that can be given. A contribution of any amount to my Kitty Fund would be appreciated but not required.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 65

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

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