The Psychology of Dreams<>On Line Since 2012

Jungian/Psychology Based [ GO ]

Dream Forum
[Since 2005]
Myths-Dreams-Symbols    Since 1998
The Dream is to The Psyche

As the Immune System is to the body

Dream Analysis/Interpretation by Dream Analyst Gerald Gifford
Read: Methodology I Use in Analyzing Dreams,,,,,Based on Jungian Psychology
5000+ Dreams
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Rescue Kitty Fund

Click the Kitty

FREE INTERPRETATIONS: Please Provide Age/Gender For Proper Analysis.....Follow-up Response to Analysis Requested
By submitting your dream you have read & agree to our Disclaimer/Privacy Policy

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Power of Dreams/MDS Dream Forum
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The Dream Forum is open. Please read the Dream Submission Guidelines before posting a dream. Posted dreams that do not abide by guidelines {simple rules} will have their post deleted. One rule I have added and will enforce is a required follow up response to my analysis. If I am willing to take the time to analyze a dream and provide a detailed interpretation {some dreams can take a couple of hours or more to thoroughly analyze} the least the dreamer can do is post a response to my analysis {and more than just a thank you}. If there is a failure to post a response within 15 days the dreamer's privileges to make future posts will be blocked.

I also reserve the right to delete posted dreams that are not properly posted. I request that proper sentence and paragraph structure is used in all posts. Rambling posts are at best difficult to analyze. Think of a dream as a theatrical production where words and actions create a flow that can be followed and understood. Changes in dreams reflect the emotional energies the dream is addressing with each 'scene' providing clues to that message. When posts are rambling and without structure it is hard to follow the flow of the dream and derive what the message is.

Finally. My analysis/interpretations have always been free {the Dream Forum has been on line since 2005}. I do not require any compensation but if you can afford a contribution to my Kitty Fund it will allow me to focus more on analyzing dreams and not worrying about how to pay for caring for my family of felines. I am retired with a limited income and work Saturdays to pay the costs incurred for 17 community, rescued, homeless and feral cats. A contribution of any amount with helpful and greatly appreciated.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 66 Cocoa/Soace Coast, Fla

stats from 7-14-10 to the present