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Two Short Dreams

1) I had a dream that I was staring at myself in the bathroom mirror. Suddenly, half of my face was growing this type of black hard stuff like a rock. I peeled it off, but I took half of my face flesh with it and revealed part of my white skull.

2) I was staring at myself in the bathroom mirror and I was examining my hair. I was feeling it. It was my normal hair, but it felt dry and I had an unusual amount of hair. Suddenly, I took it off like it was a wig and under it I had different hair. It was wet and smooth. It was shorter than my normal hair. I proceeded to pet it.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 21/Male Chicago

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Re: Two Short Dreams

I should be able to give you a final analysis on Monday. The dreams have a lot of familiar images that have defined applications/meanings {never fixed but with a common ground} that usually can be 'decoded'. For instance, when you see a mirror you most often say it represents your persona, your ego, and developed attitudes. But also a deeper level of your true self, true emotions {unconscious and conscious}, what we call the inner self {an inner journey}. All dreams have at least two meanings, applications and often more.

The face is also symbolic of the ego self. Bathrooms are where you cleanse yourself as well as eliminate the 'bad/negative stuff'. The hard black stuff can have personal associations, which only you can know. I have only your age and gender which limits me to 'sensing' the basic patterns and outline of your emotional life. On the deeper level I see the dream language {half of my face was growing this type of black hard stuff like a rock} as pointing to unconscious contents, emotional energies that influence and motivate your conscious actions without you knowing/realizing it.

The mirror a reflection of your true self, those hard hidden aspects that you need to acknowledge, understand, and resolve. The ego self will be one part of that {half the face} and the unconscious true self the other.
There is are patterns here {of behavior as well as underlying energies}.

The second dream continues with the examination of who you are on both levels. Seems to be some distinctive patterns emerging just by a cursory examination. I'll analyze them tomorrow.

If you read this post go to the HyperDream Dictionary and look up the images. There aren't a lot. This dictionary uses basic 'Jungian' concepts and that part is most reliable. I think you will find it enlightening interpreting the dream yourself.

By the way. Are you undergoing or experiencing some time of examination or/and changes? This type dream {a reflection of both your ego life as well as the unconscious life} is usually associated to these type dreams.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 66 Cocoa/Soace Coast, Fla

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Re: Two Short Dreams

I'll wait for a response before offering more about the dreams.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 66 Cocoa/Soace Coast, Fla

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Re: Two Short Dreams

To answer your question, I am going through a lot of examination and change. My interpretation was somewhere along the lines of what you are telling me. I suspect that both dreams come from my frustration that I don't really know who I am. I've recently left high school and now I am a college student. Also, I've gotten over a mental illness thanks to counseling. I definitely feel like my depression kept me from releasing important emotions. When I peeled the black stuff off (hair/rock thing) I felt a weird emotional release. It was better than crying or art or exercise. I'd never felt catharsis at that level before. I feel like I was releasing those important feelings.

I appreciate the response . I was interested in what someone more experienced in dream language would say. Unlike other dreams I've had in the past, these two felt really important. I will definitely do more research into the dream dictionary because I know it'll come down to me to figure out. But I'd love to hear more about what you have to say. Sorry about the long time to respond. I didn't think I'd be getting a response this soon.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 21/Male/Chicago

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? May 24th (link:

Re: Two Short Dreams

I appreciate the response. You have grasped the interpretation of the images and actions which should help in understanding how they fit in your personal life. I sense there are deep underlying emotional energies that are trying/needing to be made conscious, the reflection of your true self hidden within the unconscious. The counseling you received may have even been noted in the dream with the wording, "Suddenly, I took it off like it was a wig and under it I had different hair". Hair is often symbolic of personal traits and attitudes and those that negatively affect your waking conscious life will be what your dreams are attempting to convey {so to help resolve the issues}. Looking in the mirror and the reflection from it may also be noting your counseling since that is what happens when you delve into the unconscious working with a therapist. The wet {cleansing}, smooth {calming} and shorter hair {attitudes} would suggest a positive direction. Participating in the counseling {petting it/acknowledging and acceptance} has been beneficial. Continued searching of the unconscious contents will bring about more acceptance of your true self.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 66 Cocoa/Soace Coast, Fla

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