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Ex-Husband trying to kill me in my dream.

Im my dream...Im in the street getting my kids stroller. I have a double stroller, so its very long. All of a sudden I look up and my ex-husband is in a red firebird coming at me very fast. He misses me and I manage to run into my yard and upon trying to get into my house with my kids. My male friend falls and for some odd reason my kids are sitting on a pizza box ( kids are two and one years old.) and I pull them inside right as hes walking up and lock the door. My male friend was getting beat at this point and all of a sudden hes got his keys pryed in my door jam and I can see his eye. He never said anything to me and I woke up at this point. He does have a firebird but its white not red and it wasnt operable last I seen.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 34/Female and Colorado

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Re: Ex-Husband trying to kill me in my dream.

Im in Cocoa Fl and still without power because of hurricane Matthew. Should be restored by today. Will analyze your dream asap.


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Re: Ex-Husband trying to kill me in my dream.

I again apologize for not getting to your dream. Power was restored late Wednesday but I found my laptop's hard drive had crashed {fatal}. I tried using an old laptop but that didnt prove successful. I bought a new one yesterday but we again lost power. Today I had set up the new computer as well as a new telephone {something I have needed for sometime} as well as set up my schedule for tomorrow. Saturdays I work giving estimates for the family fence construction business. That feeds my gang of cats, money that is needed to insure they are taken care of. Sunday will be the day I will have time to finally analyze your dream.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 66 Cocoa, Fl

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Re: Ex-Husband trying to kill me in my dream.

I first interpreted the images and actions in your dream {posted below} and then looked at your Dream Submission Form. Having gained insights from the dream images/actions I sensed there were issues from childhood that are instrumental in your adult life. Seeing what you provided in the submission form about real issues with your parent, it is clear what the dream is addressing. Your ex has similar habits/addictions as your parents and your childhood experiences are influencing your present life. You don't realize the unconscious energies that are motivate your adult life. Your father is in many way your ex-husband, similar actions by both that affect those relationships. Not only the relationships between you and them but also how they affected you as a child and how your ex-husband's actions affect your children. The dream also points to a second application {double stroller}: how past experiences with father and ex are now affecting the relationship with your present boyfriend. The reason for your parent's divorce is a reason for your own divorce.

As to the childhood experiences and how they affect your current life. Your childhood had a lot of emotional 'trauma' and much of it is either repressed or pushed back into your unconscious. It is emotionally painful to think of your childhood because of those experiences. You are in ways again {another application of the double stroller} going through those childhood experiences. It is causing emotional turmoil in your life and possibly clouding decision making. There may be deep hidden experiences to do with your father that have been 'buried' because of the 'trauma' they caused then. The only way to make them go away is to bring them out and seeing/confronting what they are {run into the yard}. You may be feeling you are a lot like your mother {submission form-a miserable person}.

What the dream is pointing to is your childhood experiences and how they affect your adult life, attitudes and outlook. The deeper issues would be related to particular experiences with your father as well as your ex. Your children have experienced some of the things you experienced as a child. Probably not as traumatic but similar. You may want to look at your relationship with your father and determine if some of those experiences may be relevant in the relationship between your ex and your children. There are deep seeded/repressed emotional energies and unconsciously {through your dreams} there may be 'intuitive' sensing you do not consciously realize.

Analysis of Images/Actions
Ex-Husband tried to kill me in my dream
-past masculine experiences that have changed you

-I'm in the street-the direction of your current life
-getting kid's stroller-accessing childhood experiences/experiences that affect your children
-double stroller-two applications to the dream
-very long-in-depth emotions
-look up-accessing unconscious contents
-ex-husband in red firebird coming at me very fast-past experiences with self/ex possessing powerful emotional energies
-he misses me-failing to understand the implications of the emotional energies
-manage to run into yard-confronting what is a part of you
-get into house with kids-getting to childhood issues/issues related to current children
-male friend falls-masculine aspects fails you
-my kids are sitting in pizza box-childhood experiences/issues are what causes emotional issues
-pull them inside and lock door-repressed emotions related to male/ex-husband/masculine aspects
-male friend getting beat up-male related issues beating up on you
-got his keys/pried in my door-recent experiences that are causing emotional issues to be realized/experienced
-he never said anything-not able to voice the unconscious influences of past masculine experiences


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 66 Cocoa, Fl

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Yes

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