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Strange looking glowing spider.

I was hiding from a large group of savages in a forest where I found a hideout hole under the ground. As I was in there, I spotted a very small looking tarantula that was very close to me about 1 foot and it was just standing there probably staring at me and it seamed peaceful it also looked a bit odd. It had the stripes and color of a bee, and was glowing blue to the sides like it was on fire...the type of fire you see blue color at the bottom...I hope this makes sense. The fire or glowing seemed to be a part of the spider and the spider itself would only shakes its legs from time to time but would still sit in the same spot. I remember that I stared at him/her for a good amount of time to remember its exact details.

Could anybody explain what this would mean? I really want to find out what it means. Thank you :)

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 20, Male, Canada.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} yes but I don't remember sorry

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Re: Strange looking glowing spider.

Please submit the Dream Submission Form and I will provide an analysis of your dream. I now require this form to provide a more complete analysis.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 66 Cocoa, Fl

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Re: Strange looking glowing spider.

After I finished looking at the spider, I went out the hiding hole and walked for about 10 meters up a smal hill and I discovered a small town but at the same time I heard multiple steps behind me, when I turned there was a person running away from the same savages that i was running away from. I ran to the city and these savages kept on chasing me until they bumped into other civilian people from the city and started slaughtering them with machetes or other type of swords that I don't remember. Ater that i woke up.

I didn't mention this part because its very typical for me to get dreams where I am getting chased by bad guys its just I never saw such an interesting and strange looking spider that's why I only mentioned that part. That is all I can remember though I hope you can still provide me with a basic analysis if possible...

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 20, Male, Canada.

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Re: Strange looking glowing spider.

I have analyzed your dream and lacking more personal information {from the Dream Submission Form I can only provide an outline of the emotional energies in the dream. There is most likely a recent experience/event that relates to these energies that would help you better understand the emotional outline but I will need more personal info to get to those. I do see possible very strong repetitive attitudes that stem from early life experiences/influences {the foundations for your personality/attitudes}. There are unconscious motivators from earlier life that cause you to act/be who you are as an adult. The submission form may help us understand what those are. I looked at a dream from February of this year that may have been yours but your response did not shed any light on my analysis of that dream.

here is my interpretation of the images/actions.

-hiding from a group -keeping a secret/something hidden within your unconscious that brings about emotional energies
-savages in a forest-brash/strong emotional energies that are/have caused changes within you
-spotted very small tarantula-dark feminine aspects
-very close to me-an important part of who you are
-about one foot-origins/foundations of self
-standing there/staring at me-permanently residing within you/causing anxieties
-seemed peaceful/bit odd-at peace while hidden/off balance
-had stripes/color of a tree-contained from origins/foundations
-glowing to the sides/like on fire-an unconscious/foundational aspect that is illuminated consciously
-glowing/fire seemed to be part of spider-an aspect of who you are/your personality and/or attitudes
-spider shakes it legs/in same spot-dealing with the same issues over time/repetitive attitudes
-stared at her good amount of time/remember details-passively coping with the reminder of past experiences
-went out of hiding hole/walked 10 meters-emotional energies emerging unconsciously integrated into conscious life
remaining images/actions point to inner conflict that cause internal/external harm

If you will send me the Dream Submission Form I may be able to provide more insights.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 66 Cocoa, Fl

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Yes

Re: Strange looking glowing spider.


Before I start with my answer I would very much like to thank you for taking the time and helping me out. It means a lot I see you put quite the effort into answering to my topic so I will do my best to provide every single detail that I remember from my dream. :)


To my left - Woods
To my right - Woods
In front of me - Small hill, followed by some ruins made of stone, only I can remember there were 4 pillars that were about 6'4 tall. After the ruins, still in front of me there was the city...people living their lives like they wouldn't even know what's happening out there in the woods. There was mcdonalds,cars driving,people walking like it was just another day and that was about 100M away from me.
Behind me - When I looked back I saw a young boy wearing loose filthy clothes looking down and stepping over obstacles in the woods as he was running away from these savages that were chasing him. They boy was pretty close to me about 20 meters and the savages right behind him.
Another thing I need to mention about this town was that I had a feeling of discovery when I spotted it like I was surprised there was still such a nice place out there and I dropped in prone position to scout it but I heard movement steps behind me which was the boy and the savages chasing him.

Lightning - I could tell that the light was part of the spider. It was calm, dull and blue. It looked like this kind of blue ... 287764.jpg
I could't tell the time but it was daylight and the woods looked very green. It was probably summer I am assuming. The light was coming only from the spider like the spider was burning but the light was part of him. I can remember it was only the spiders back sides that had blue small flames that were about 2-3 cm big.


The savages they looked like they are working for somebody, meant to get to me. The reason I know this is because I felt it. They were also wearing filthy clothing and seemed about in their early 30's or late 20's. However, I do know that they would sacrifice themseleves in order to get to me. When I reached for the town I entered in a mcdoanlds building and they smashed the front door that was made of glass, killed a person and started chasing me but after that I don't remember anything the dream ended.

What my thoughts were however I do not remember but there is something better that I have to offer related to this dream;

I had two dreams on that night, I can only remember a flash of the other dream that happened before this dream that we're discussing. I was stabbed in my left forearm on the upper part. It seemed to be by someone who pretended to be friendly more likely a female(no idea who she was probably had brown hair all I can remember about her) but when I looked at the wound it was bleeding thorugh my white clothing and lots of blood was coming out...then I stopped looking and I looked back and the blood was gone but the whole in the shirt was still there it was like I healed. That's literally everything I remember from this small dream :(.

Anyway, I've had many dreams where I am being chased by evil people that want to harm me. Sometimes they fight me, I hide, I fight or I just wake up. It's always related to that where I am being chased and I am wanted for something that yet I do not know.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 20, Male, Canada.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Yes

Re: Strange looking glowing spider.

The reason I have the Dream Submission Form is it provides me with some personal information {you are comfortable with in providing} which allows me to fit the dream images and actions to your personal life. I don't need additional info about the dream since I interpret the images/actions and seek patterns/energies of emotional behavior from those. Just knowing your age and gender allows me to provide an outline of those patterns/energies. Additional personal info will allow me to provide insights to actual recent experiences that fit with the emotional patterns. Usually the outline of the patterns are the underlying cause for how you act/react to the recent experiences. Patterns of emotional behavior are most always set from childhood/early life {this is the outline} and those early life patterns are foundations for personality and personal attitudes in later life. For instance. If you have a pattern of choosing the wrong type person to have a personal relationship {which almost always is doomed for failure} we can look back at your early life and see reasons for this. The outline of this is what I can see from just knowing your age and gender {and interpreting the images/actions}. Actual recent experiences related to these patterns can be seen with additional personal info. I have interpreted the dream images/actions and have an outline. All I need is the personal info to provide insights to your life in the present.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 66 Cocoa, Fl

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Yes

Re: Strange looking glowing spider.

I see what you mean now, I tried clicking the submission form link but it never worked. I am 20 years old, almost 21 and currently living in Ontario, Canada. I'm originally from Romania and came to canada 5 years ago. I hope this helps :)

Thank you

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 20, Male, Ontario, Canada

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Yes

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Strange looking glowing spider.

Try this link Dream Submission Form. If it doesnt work the URL is


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 66 Cocoa, Fl

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Yes

Re: Strange looking glowing spider.

The info you provided in your submission form doesnt shine any light on any recent personal experiences the dream may be focused {all dreams focus on recent experiences as well as other emotional energies from prior life experiences, using the same images/actions}. I'll summarize what I see from the interpreted images/actions I provided earlier.

The dream is addressing an issue from hiding/running away from something in your life. It would involve emotional experiences and has something to do with foundations or/and early life. You are running away from something that had strong emotional energies. Instinctual aspects may be involved, issues perhaps related to your mother {spider}. Did your mother possess an overbearing personality? {spiders/tarantulas can symbolize the dark side of the feminine power/mother} Unconsciously you may need to avoid the influences of early life relationship with your mother. Her personality may be what you are running away from. The emotional energies related to that relationship may now be emerging in your personality {like mother/like daughter}. There does seem to be a strong feminine/emotional energy the dream is trying to communicate. Without any real personal information about your life I can only make suggestions {if not your mother then the spider could represent other feminine aspects within you}. Other dream may provide insights on what this 'spider' energy might be.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 66 Cocoa, Fl

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Yes

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