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Ram-Demon Ritual

I'm in a hotel with several hundred people. An open conference/ballroom, hundreds of people near. Many people start an occult ritual of some kind, the room shakes, a lot of people start to run. I record a video on my phone.

Eventually, a demon of some kind is summoned. I think it had maroon fur and was part man part ram. It seemed calm enough, more people run, but some stay and start talking to it. I stop filming and running and walk up to it.

I approach and ask it who it is. It says 'the devil' but I know it is joking. I ask 'really, who are you.' It seems annoyed but gives a name. I think it's Mediterranean or Greek or something, I can't recall the name. I then ask it a couple questions. The questions seem important at the time but I can't remember them, either. I do remember the answers being insightful but very unsettling, possibly negative.

I try and ask more questions but it says that's all I get and starts talking to other guests. Later, I'm in my hotel room with three or four other people, and a woman asks me to describe the demon. I find the video on my phone. It's shaky and the demon's barely present but when I show the woman the video is gone from my phone so I describe his appearance.

She starts to try and summon it on our room, I feel it's working and get scared, and interrupt her. I say out loud the demon's name and say, 'you cannot come here, you aren't welcome, go back to wherever you came from and stay there.' It works, and the woman is upset.

That's all I remember. It's been on my mind all day.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 25/Male

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Re: Ram-Demon Ritual

It may be relevant to say I'm Jewish, due to the pseudo-religious nature, so do not have Christian attitudes towards demons though I am aware of Christian doctrine. If you are familiar with Jewish belief feel free to ignore ignore the following. Demons are less defined and not always explicitly evil in Judaism depending on who you ask, and aren't in rebellion to G-d per say, but they are dangerous. Modern Jews rarely place much emphasis on them and most probably don't believe in them at all, which is a perfectly valid religious position to take, (that references to demons in holy texts are symbolic of internal demons.) Thanks, much.

Re: Ram-Demon Ritual

I'll provide a complete analysis of your dream Sunday. I have partially interpreted some of the images and actions {subject to revision} and listed them below for your inspection. I'll finish tomorrow.

Dream Title
Ram-Demon Ritual
-ram-aggression, energy, and impulsiveness
-demon-emotional distress/negative attitudes
-ritual-repetitive habits in various aspects of who you are

Dream and Interpretation of Images/Actions by Paragraph
I'm in a hotel with several hundred people. An open conference/ballroom, hundreds of people near. Many people start an occult ritual of some kind, the room shakes, a lot of people start to run. I record a video on my phone.

-in a hotel/several hundred people-transition from old habits
-open conference/ballroom-strong and positive influence of new ideas
-people start occult ritual-unconscious energies needing acknowledgement
-room shakes-ridding yourself of particular aspects
-people start to run-avoiding these aspects
-record a video on phone-unconsciously recording visual experiences

Eventually, a demon of some kind is summoned. I think it had maroon fur and was part man part ram. It seemed calm enough, more people run, but some stay and start talking to it. I stop filming and running and walk up to it.

-demon is summoned-negative attitudes take control
-had a maroon fur/part man/part ram-strong instinctual drive asserting aggressive tendencies
-seemed calm/people run/some stay/talk to it-some contentment in dialog with self
-stop filming and running/walk up to it-confronting past experiences

I approach and ask it who it is. It says 'the devil' but I know it is joking. I ask 'really, who are you.' It seems annoyed but gives a name. I think it's Mediterranean or Greek or something, I can't recall the name. I then ask it a couple questions. The questions seem important at the time but I can't remember them, either. I do remember the answers being insightful but very unsettling, possibly negative.

-approach and ask who it is-confronting anxieties
-says 'the devil' but I know it was joking-negative aspects that needs to be taken seriously
-I ask 'really' who are you-seeking factual identity
-seems annoyed but gives a name-bothersome issues that need to be identified
-think it's Mediterranean/Greek-seeking middle ground
-can't recall its name-unable to identify unconscious energies
-asked a couple of questions-unconscious identification that need answered
-questions seem important at time-
-answers insightful, unsettling, possibly negative-positive response to negative attitudes


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 67

Re: Ram-Demon Ritual

In response to this added info. It may be important and relevant to your spiritual beliefs but the demons are as much symbolic of inner emotional fears/issues. Dreams have a language of symbol and metaphor and although there can be literal applications those can only be addressed with more indebt knowledge of your personal life {I only have your age and gender}. The same goes for the devil. It is as much if not more an inner demon. With the limited knowledge I have I can only provide an outline of the emotional energies and not actual personal experiences {at least in an objective way}.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 67

Re: Ram-Demon Ritual

My sense of your dream is there are unconscious energies that cause conscious negative attitudes/actions that need to be acknowledged and resolved. I sense you are at least partially aware of these attitudes and may have begun to do something about them but for a reason you have been unable to do so. Real life temptations may be a cause but that is speculation on my part. The dream does seem to point to negative repetitive actions and or attitudes. Instinctual aspects or natural drives may be involved.

I also get a sense from the dream you are open to change and may in a transitional phase of some type. This may involve an actual knowledge you are aware of these attitudes/actions but are unable or unwilling to make the necessary changes. The dream points to such knowledge but repressing what is needed to make corrections or resolving the issues.

Then there is the other aspect to your dream {every dream has at least two meanings/applications}. The above is an outline of the emotional energies I sense from your dream. the other aspect would be actual experiences, recent as well as from your past, the dream is attempting to communicate {in an effort to help resolve the issues}. The last two paragraphs seem to point to these experiences. The woman that is upset in the last sentence would be symbolic of the inner self {feminine aspects/emotional aspects} but could point to an actual person. The language leading up to this sentence gives cause to believe there could be an actual experience. If so it would be related to the negative attitudes/habits I presented above, those issues that need an acknowledgment and a resolution. Both aspects seem to point to a desire to understand your actions but are not/were not able to do so. This is what makes the 'woman' upset, you are continuing the negative pattern of behavior.

Below is my final interpretation of the images and actions.

Ram-Demon Ritual
-ram-aggression, energy, and impulsiveness
-demon-emotional distress/negative attitudes
-ritual-repetitive habits in various aspects of who you are

I'm in a hotel with several hundred people. An open conference/ballroom, hundreds of people near. Many people start an occult ritual of some kind, the room shakes, a lot of people start to run. I record a video on my phone.

-in a hotel/several hundred people-a need to change old attitudes/habits
-open conference/ballroom-opening up to positive influence of new ideas
-people start occult ritual-desire/need to access unconscious negative attitudes/habits
-room shakes-reaction in ridding yourself of particular aspects
-people start to run-avoiding these aspects
-record a video on phone-unconsciously recording of visual experiences that requires/needs conscious communication

Eventually, a demon of some kind is summoned. I think it had maroon fur and was part man part ram. It seemed calm enough, more people run, but some stay and start talking to it. I stop filming and running and walk up to it.

-demon is summoned-negative attitudes that control conscious actions
-had a maroon fur/part man/part ram-strong instinctual drive asserting aggressive tendencies
-seemed calm/people run/some stay/talk to it-finding contentment in dialog with self
-stop filming and running/walk up to it-confronting and putting an end to old negative attitudes

I approach and ask it who it is. It says 'the devil' but I know it is joking. I ask 'really, who are you.' It seems annoyed but gives a name. I think it's Mediterranean or Greek or something, I can't recall the name. I then ask it a couple questions. The questions seem important at the time but I can't remember them, either. I do remember the answers being insightful but very unsettling, possibly negative.

-approach and ask who it is-confronting conscious attitudes
-says 'the devil' but I know it was joking-negative attitudes that are not being taken seriously
-I ask 'really' who are you-seeking factual identity
-seems annoyed but gives a name-bothersome issues that need to be identified
-think it's Mediterranean/Greek-seeking middle ground
-can't recall its name-unable to identify unconscious energies
-asked a couple of questions-unconscious aspects that need to be understood
-questions seem important at time-unconscious knowledge that is important to unconsciously understand
-I can't remember them-repressed aspects
-do remember answers insightful, unsettling, possibly negative-conscious positive response to negative attitudes

I try and ask more questions but it says that's all I get and starts talking to other guests. Later, I'm in my hotel room with three or four other people, and a woman asks me to describe the demon. I find the video on my phone. It's shaky and the demon's barely present but when I show the woman the video is gone from my phone so I describe his appearance.

-ask more questions/all I get-need to understand unconscious knowledge/not accessible
-in motel room with three/four other people-in transition to but short of wholeness
-and a woman asks me to describe demon-asking self what is the emotional issues
-I find video on my phone-repressed memories in unconscious

She starts to try and summon it on our room, I feel it's working and get scared, and interrupt her. I say out loud the demon's name and say, 'you cannot come here, you aren't welcome, go back to wherever you came from and stay there.' It works, and the woman is upset.

-starts to try and summon it in our room/feel working/get scared/interrupt her-aspect of self seeking unconscious info/conscious anxieties/unconscious barriers intercede
-say out loud demon's name-consciously identifying/acknowledging negative attitudes
-say, you can not come here, you are not welcome-failing to acknowledge negative issues
-go back to wherever you came from/stay there-repressing issues
-It works, woman upset-repressed aspects causing negative conscious problems


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 67

stats from 7-14-10 to the present