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Stealer of memories

I had a chain of events take place and perhaps this is not the place for this post but I shall share it. My mom was diagnoised last year with advanced Dementia. We all new what it was but my mom refused to get checked out. Let do a little set up my bed was in full view of my mothers bedroom door so I could see or hear if she got up. I had just laid her down and went to lay down my self. I had prayed for God to heal her or take her to a better place that night after a very heartbreaking day. I heard my mother talking "note" there was no one else in the house. I looked towards her door to see a very tall angel. I only saw his Golden Wings which seemed as tall as he was. I could see the detail of each feather. And the appeared to be made of Gold(metal). I thought I must be dreaming and rubbed my eyes but it was still there. I heard the sound of its footsteps leaving her room down the hallway. I jumped up and ran to her room. She was all smiles and for the first time in a long time she formed a sentence when I asked who that was. She replied "It was an angel" She improved for a day or 2 but it faded away.

I went back to bed that night feeling a sense of peace which I had not in a long time. I fell fast asleep another luxury I rarely had.

This was the dream I had. I found myself Suddenly in a large warehouse. Shelves filled with boxes as far as the eye could see. My mom was on the floor rummaging through a box pulling out all kinds of our family photos. She was angered and crying. I saw movement in the shadows to my right and looked over to see what appeared to be a person standing there. Not tall maybe 5'7 with jet black hair. I then noticed Three hooded figures Standing in the doorway behind me. Not saying anything just observing. This whole time my mother is screaming towards the man in the shadows "He is stealing all my pictures" she repeated this over and over. crying due to her anger. I asked him who the hell he was and then turned to the three hooded figures behind me and yelled why are you letting this happen. They of course did not respond. The man in the shadows however seemed to become very nervous as if caught and not knowing what to do. He ran down one of the rows of shelves and I began to run after him and suddenly woke up. When I woke up my mother was coming into my room looking a bit fearful. I calmed her down and got her back to bed. The rest of the night was uneventful but this dream has stuck with me in vivid detail.

I would love to hear your insight on all of this.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 46

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Re: Stealer of memories

I'll work with your dream tomorrow. I will say the first part of your post could be an out-of-body experience while dreaming but believing you were awake the whole time. The fact your mother saw the 'Angel' also could lend to this possibility since the angel image would be 'metaphysical' in nature which would fit within the realm of psych projection from the dream state. Angels are real in the since they can represent comfort and consolation as well as signifying an unusual disturbance in your soul {mother relationship and her impeding transition}. The experience is shared because of the relationship and belief in real Angels {not objectively possible}.

As for the dream. There is a 'masculine' energy and shadow who is stealing all of the pictures which cloud symbolize a mental imprint that remains persistent in your mind {even though it was your mother speaking it is your dream and your emotional energies}. is there a an in your life {and mother's} who would fit with emotional energies both would have experienced? The three hooded figures could represent present, past and future and the 'over and over repeating of your mother could suggest this person is in your past, your present and future life. Plus there may be something being covered up, the hood representing covering up the mental processes. Of course this is all preliminary and a full analysis may sort these out and come up with better explanations.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 67 Cocoa, Fl

Re: Stealer of memories

Thank you for your response I truly look forward to your complete analysis.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 46

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Re: Stealer of memories

I can see elements in the dream that deal with the emotional impact of your mother's condition and the position it has put you in. But as is the case with all dreams there are deeper issues the dream is addressing, issues that seem to deal with nurturing {mother is dream as a metaphor}. Deeper than that there is a masculine aspect, perhaps a man involved. My sense is this masculine aspect is responsible for much of the anger and turmoil not only in your life but also your mother's. It is the last line in the dream that may be telling {the last part of a dream often provides answers or possible solutions}. "He ran down one of the rows of shelves and I began to run after him and suddenly woke up". My interpretation of this sentence is 'following same path that you need to wake up to'. Does that fit with current feelings?

Read the amplified interpretation of the images/actions and see if you react to them in ways that may fit with your life. Your follow up response may provide more clues to the emotional energies the dream is attempting to communicate.

Amplification of Images and actions
Dream Title
Stealer of memories
-deprived of unfulfilled goals/let go of the past in order to move forward with your life

Dream Contents
-found myself suddenly in large warehouse-contact with unconscious aspects/unforeseen aspects causing you to put goals/ambitions on hold/a warehouse also can refer to memories
-shelves filled with boxes-things you put have had to aside related to restrictions/limitations in your life
-as far as eye can see-the way you see things for the future
-mom was on the floor-mother as foundation for experiences [past and present]
-rummaging through a box-unconscious search relating to 'fixed' mechanisms associated with wholeness
-pulling out all kinds of photos-extraction of irreverisal and presistant actions/emotions
-she was angered and crying-stressed/release of negative emotions related to mother/nurturing aspects
-saw movement in shadows-past experiences not recognized/acknowledged
-to my right-conscious reality
-what appeared to be a person standing there-coming to conscious attention aspects that have been ignored that are now before you
-not tall maybe 5'7-overlooked aspects that are compelling related to completion and healing
-with jet black hair-that complement unconscious attitudes
-noticed three hooded figures-being aware of hidden/unconscious emotional aspects that affect your past, present and future
-standing in doorway behind me-a position of escape that are emerging
-not saying anything just observing-consciously aware but not expressing emotions
-whole time mother was screaming towards man in shadows-personal history of nurturing aspects and expressing powerful emotions of anger/fear projected at masculine aspects that shadow your life
-he is stealing all my pictures-masculine aspects that have negatively affected your/mother's personal attitudes
-crying due to her anger-releasing emotions related to anger/yours and mother's
-aksed him what he is doing-unconscious questioning how these attitudes have affected you/self doubting attitudes
-he turned to three hooded figures behind me-masculine aspects that are the axis of emotional energies affecting your whole self
-yelled you are letting this happen-unexpressed anger at what has happened in your emotional life
-they did not respond-not consciously responding to unconscious anger/holding in anger
-man in shadows becomes nervous as if caught-unconscious masculine aspects related to self doubting and vulnerabilities
-not knowing what to do-causing indecision in conscious life
-he ran down on of rows of shelves-dealing with a masculine aspect that you have put aside/repressed
-I began to run after him and suddenly woke up-following same path that you need to wake up to


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 67 Cocoa, Fl

stats from 7-14-10 to the present