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dream of not buying earrings at an auction

I was at an auction house, and there was the most desirable pair of earrings being sold, they were so trendy. The earrings were yellow with a design of a man’s face on it and there was a long gold stem hanging from each earing. I was encouraged to buy it by a black guy, but even though I had money to purchase it, I declined and then walked out of the auction house, a little sad, but happy with my decision. I couldn’t decide which way to turn once I was outside of the auction house, should I turn left or right, then I woke up.

2 days later I had this dream

I was watching a tv soap opera but it was me acting out the scenes, it looked like a different character but I knew it was me playing the scenes out because I felt the emotions of this character.
The actress (me) was trying to get away from a group of women chasing her, they were trying to grab her so they could cut off her long ponytail, hair colour was dark brown or black. The group of young women eventually grabs her as she tries to run into someone’s front yard, they cut off her hair, she starts crying uncontrollably trying to get attention from others but no one hears or responds, and then looks down at her dog that is without a head.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 47

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Re: dream of not buying earrings at an auction

I'll analyze your dreams on Sunday.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 67 Cocoa, Fla

Re: dream of not buying earrings at an auction

I am posting the amplification of the images/actions/symbols from your two dreams and will let you put the pieces together. I think it is obvious {to you at least} to what the dream message is in both. They should fit your life.

Amplifcation of Images/Actions/Symbols
Title: dream of not buying earrings at auction
-not buying earrings-not receiving valued attention and affection
-at an auction-issues and feelings of being undervalued
Note: beyond naming the general out life of the dream, there may have been a recent personal experience where you felt your ideas/or feelings were not appreciated/considered

First Dream

Dream Content
-I was at an auction house-feeling undervalued/under appreciated/may point to issues of self esteem
-most desirable pair of earrings being sold-a desire/need for acceptance and affection from parents {pair} which are in adult life motivators for personality traits
-were so trendy-trend/fashioned of emotional energies
-earrings were yellow- tarnished psyche/personality
-with design of a man's face-blueprint for masculine aspects/experiences affecting ego self
-was a long gold stem-extended support system related to values/power
-hanging from each earring-coming from each parent
-was encouraged to buy it by black guy-issues of trust and acceptance assertive in the unconscious
-though I had money-having issues of self worth/values
-to purchase it-to attain fulfillment
-I declined-rejection {issues of self worth to attain fulfillment rejected}
-walked out of auction house-
-a little sad but happy wth decision-compensating how you really feel/need in resolving inner issues
-couldn't decide which way to turn-uncertainity if life's direction

Second Dream

Dream Content
-watching tv soap opera/me acting out the scenes- life being like a soap opera
-looked like a different character-affects on personality
-knew I was playing scenes out because of emotions of character- conscious actions related to emotional energies
-the actress (me)-playing a role/not your true self
-trying to grab her hair-clutching to developed attitudes
-so they cut off her long ponytail-persons responsible for severed causal attitudes
-hair color dark brown or black-cause of negative attitudes
-group of young women-various aspects of her personality
-eventually grabs her-taking control
-as she tries to run in someone's front yard-waking conscious actions/personality aspects
-they cut off her hair-severed attitudes
-starts crying uncontrollably-unable to control emotions
-trying to get attention-seeking affection and attention
-from others-seeking other sources in receiving attention
-no one hears or responds-not finding fulfillment
-looks down at her dog without a head-unclear thinking/attention on loyalty, generosity, protection, and fidelity


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 67 Cocoa, Fla

stats from 7-14-10 to the present