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metamorphosis of dream characters and places

Hi, I am trying to work our what it means when a character changes into another person as sometimes the transformation can be into a character with similar traits and sometimes its complete opposite. I have had this happen quite often. in the dream it is as though i don't even notice but there is a contingency within the characters. I have even had it where i will talk to one character, they will go away and return in a different body but i will still know that it is them.

I have also had this happen with places , in the past i have been in a shopping mall which transformed into a church. This contrast helped me understand the meaning to the shopping mall as the church of materialism. this change was from one extreme to its opposite. I have read that the unconscious doesn't think of things in opposition as the conscious mind does and this switch is a part of how the unconscious thinks as the opposites are different ends of the same thing. i have also found in successful dream interpretations that opposites will merge into a unity giving clarity and less inner confusion. however the metamorphosis with characters isn't always as extreme.

I have had a dream where George Clooney turned into my dad. I know my dad represents tradition and i felt as though the transformation of George Clooney was emphasising an aspect of tradition instead of opposing to it. I have had my mother transform into a cat (both feminine symbols). a shy person turn into an equally shy person. but also a monk turn into a beautiful woman (possible a anima and also complemetary).

Any ideas would be more than welcome,

Many thanks,


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Re: metamorphosis of dream characters and places

Whatever is transpiring in the dream represents aspects of you. Any transformation would apply to you and your life. The transformation from a shopping mall into a church could very well represent an aspect related to materialism. An example; if materialism has been a 'sacred' aspect of who you were but that has changed that could apply. Whatever application that fits is the one that has meaning to you and your life. All the images/symbols in dreams represent emotional energies within you.

As for the unconscious 'thinking' of things in opposition, that is usually what is happening in the dream. But the opposite is usually who you really are {dreams} as opposed to who you perceive your conscious ego self. I have seen dreams where opposites are applicable in dreams, the dream stating what the ego perceives as a way to demonstrate what is opposite your true self. It is difficult to state how this happens because I am working with so little personal info about the dreamer {age and gender is usually all I have to work on}. If there is a focus on opposites it can be what needs to happen to the ego self so you can realize your true self. The extreme aspect depends on how extreme a change is or needs to be.

George Clooney {see Celebrity} turning into your dad is related to how you feel toward your dad {on one level. on another it could represent an aspect of your animus}. Your dreams are about your emotions and your dad would be in relationship to those emotions {or an aspect of your animus}. Perhaps you wish your dad were more like George Clooney in some aspect {beyond be a celebrity}. An aspiration perhaps related to your dad if not your animus {could be both}. If a shy person turns into an equally shy person the 'equal' aspect needs the examination. It could be you have, if you are indeed shy, discovered your true self. It often depends on the context of how a word or phrase is used or appears in a dream.

Still a lot to be learned about dreams but all in all I believe personally we know enough to properly interpret dreams. I have had great success in outlining emotional energies when I analyze dreams {using basic Jungian concepts} even with the limited info I have about the dreamer. I think the most important thing to understand is dreams are about emotional energies that motivate our waking lives. The dream language of symbol and metaphor {with some literal applications} needs to be interpreted as it applies to the dreamer's emotional energies. And there is always at least two meanings/applications to every dream if not every image/symbol. An outline of emotional energies usually includes foundations to personal traits, attitudes and even personality. More recent emotional energies are also a part of the equation with the foundations playing into those experiences. It may be a challenge to get to the message of a dream when there is limited info about a dreamer but when the outline of energies are exposed applying them to the personal life is made easier.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 67 Cocoa, Fla

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