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My Ex’s Dream...About Me?

So, my ex came to me yesterday saying he missed me and he was the one that ended things. So reluctantly, I asked him what was wrong. And he said he had a dream about it. It’s kinda hard to interpret it myself, so I’ld like some assistance to figure it out:

”Me and you fell off a building in my car into a lake and I get you and me out the seat belts but I was getting dragged to bottom and you started to get attacked by something and I kept fighting to come help you but I then just saw you get separated and I woke up just ****ed up all day”

Any clue about it’s meaning?

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 21/Male/Maryland (his information)

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Re: My Ex’s Dream...About Me?

Will provide analysis and interpretation later today. Although a short dream the images and actions may say more than thought.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 70 Altoona, Fl

Re: My Ex’s Dream...About Me?

Before I do that let me provide my theory of dreams {primary Jungian but with personal concepts} I feel important to help you understand how dreams function, and my analysis.

1. Dreams are about emotional energies of the dreamer
2. All dreams have at least two meanings/applications. One focuses on early life programming and another dealing with recent experiences that possessed strong emotional energies {there can be more than two}.
3. A primary function of dreams is to help resolve emotional conflicts. Just as the body has the immune system to heal and protect, the psych{ology} has the dream
4. Early life programming {experiences with strong emotional energies} are always a factor in actions and re-actions and dreams address those issues, and has some inclusion in all dreams
5. An experienced dream analyst {Jungian} possessing only the age and gender of the dreamer can provide an outline of emotional energies but seldom actual personal experiences.
Also note. One important concept of Jungian dream psyche is unknown or unnamed people in a dream are aspects of the dreamer. Some will include references to actual people as well as being a personal aspect {example: The boss could be a reference to an actual person, a person who is authoritative in their position. But it would also be referencing 'authoritative' emotional energies within you, what drives you emotionally.

Having stated the above let me say that in this dream, his dream, you being a part of it not only represents the relationship with you but also represents his emotional side. He is you, the yin/yang aspects of the psyche, his general emotional attitudes as well as his emotional attitude toward you {wanting to reunite with you}. He is not in control of his emotional self both in the break up of your relationship but also because of his programming from early life. Was his parents divorced or had severe issues in their marriage? Programming has much to do with later life relationships and my sense in your relationship it was doomed from the beginning because he lacks the proper tools to remain in a relationship. He feels helpless because he is alone with emotional support. That could be a feeling he suffered in childhood. Here is my interpretation of the images and actions from his dream.

Me and you fell off a building in my car
-Emotional state of mind/acknowledging aspects of his subconscious related to unresolved issues in relationship with you/in relationships in general

I get you and me out the seat belts
-unwillingness/inability to take any risks while not in control of a situation

but I was getting dragged to bottom
-basic emotions from early life foundations/a lack of power or control in the direction he is going

you started to get attacked by something
-feeling stressed, vulnerable and helpless while facing difficult changes in his waking life {related to the relationship/life as a whole}

I kept fighting to come help you
-inner turmoil/compromising principles

but I then just saw you get separated
-fears of feeling unneeded or abandoned

The last sentence of the dream says a lot about his emotional state of mind. Feeling alone he would grasp for something to hold to and the relationship with you is what he sees as helping him in this difficult time. But because it is more than just the relationship with you the deeper issues are what control his actions. He is unconsciously driven by inner forces he received from early life. Feelings of abandonment began there and continue to plague him in adult life. He is likely incapable of a permanent relationship as long as the deeper issues remained unresolved. He is not in control so he grasps for something to help save him from being alone.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 70 Altoona, Fl

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