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This dream still creeps me out till this day. What happend in my dream is not at all exaggerated.
It started out as a view of a spinning globe, sort of like a background for a news report. The Globe kept spinning back and forth. It was looking for an area of the world with a peninsula. It finally zoomed in on one. It was India. For some strange reason it was looking for a nation on a peninsula where the're was a small Muslim population. The view then suddenly warped into a first person view as if it changed into the eyes of a person on the surface. There were hundreds of tropical trees and the people were wearing traditional...(Islamic, i guess you would call it). clothing. Then the sound of people yelling and women crying came from the distance. The dream then shifted into a temple where a bunch of guys were running out of a small hole as if they had been suffocating. Then outside the temple there was a pile of dead bodies.
I then woke up in horror, of course. I didn't think one thing about the dream until i watched the news one day. (continued in next post)

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 19, Phx, Az

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