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searching for glasses

I was arranging for someone to come and visit me (
following a late night conversation, last night prior to the dream, where a friend is coming to see me in the New year) but in the dream it was Gerard from this site, for some reason. I was looking at different B & Bs/hotels/places for them to stay in the area.
In the dream, I was dressed quite mystically, with a long dress/clock? lots of silver bracelets and then a large special gemstone bracelet on my left arm, possibly rose quartz, I'm not sure, as paid attenion to the 'adding' of this bracelet onto my arm, rather than its manufacture. There were other people around looking at the place/having lunch etc, but I was different from them, in a kind of mystical/mythological kind of way and felt proud of who I was.
I remember having an argument with an older lady, sitting with a younger lady (her daughter)in the outdoor lunch/restaurant area of th B & B, although the youmger woman was a suggestion and didn't figure highly in the dream. The argument ended up with me taking the woman's glasses and throwing them somewhere on the ground. She did the same with mine ( at least I think so but didn't see this until I realised mine were missing too later). I asked her where they were -ended up looking on the ground everywhere for the glasses. I found hers eventually, but couldn't find my own. I found a pair of earrings of mine on the ground - colourful plastic rectangular shapes with a star attached (which I don't own in waking life) and left them on the ground.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 37 F

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Re: searching for glasses

Hopefully the outcome of this dream is purely positive. I would hate to be part of your dream and represent a negative.

The mystical aspect of the dream could very well come from your experiences with Myths-Dreams-Symbols {the dark background, the woman looking into her crystal ball, the expanding page when you click on the dot}. And the clock. Have you viewed my new page on Posted Dreams & Their Interpretations at Dreams A2Z? That clock may be your clock.

You are different from most people. You consult your dreams. And you are in the process of becoming different from those other aspects that once governed your actions. You are in the realm of the mystical world of dreams. The myth is your myth. Giving proper time to your myth should make you proud. So few people are capable of doing so. They live in a world of perceived reality whereas those of us who view life with a mystical view learn to live reality. That is the inner world of reality, less the ego bias and its perceptions.

The older lady, is you, the old you. The younger lady is still developing. The negative aspects of seeking to understand the inner self is it does make it hard to stay grounded in the social world. Seeing is hard since what you are looking for requires more than one set of glasses; the ego self and the true self. Earrings represent the 4 sided wholeness you receive when seeking the true Self. The star is your star and it is seeking the ground that will provide the wholeness and balance you seek in life.

This is an interpretation addressing the inner search. There may experiences in your current waking life that corresponds with the dream content and has it's won message. I believe by looking at the metaphors you will be able to discern those waking associations. They may lead you back to the MDS dream site and this person called Gerard {a fictitious name that is meant to promote nothing}.

Your impressions would be helpful, and appreciated.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 56 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: searching for glasses

I think this is relevant. I think the Gerard theme, substituting the friend coming to stay, was to lead me back to this site, which I have not consulted for quite a while, being absorbed in my new house and all the practicalities which that brings instead in waking life. It was to remind me to consult my dreams again and balance this part of my life.
The glasses theme is like you said looking to my ego and true self and almost has that mirror theme -looking through glasses... and the pair of them being the pairing of ego and true self. Funnily, my pair is missing and I am reminded again to search for this.
There are points in waking life where I have reminded myself to keep 'grounded' and not get 'carried away' so it could be pointing to this too.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 37 F

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Re: searching for glasses

It seems to me maybe you found out a new way of thinking at this website, then you run into someone, or even your own ole thoughts, that are different from your beliefs now, You and the other person see things differntly. You toss each others glasses So the other person will have to see things the way you or she sees them. You are questioning your own belief system. You are not sure how you feel about what you've seen here. You are seeing yourself differently. You are not sure how you or your life feel about the new mystical part of your mind. Just don't do anything to fast, sleep on it. It will come to you. Give yourself time to adjust.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 48/Ohio

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? No

Re: searching for glasses

Gerard there was no suggestion of a clock in my dream and I hadnt seen the clock graphics until after u pointed them out and I followed the link.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 37 F

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Re: searching for glasses

To be honest I now can't remember the exact point I was trying to convey about the clock. But since you have reminded me of the interpretation I want to revisit your dream and see what interpretation I come up with in a second try. Just to test myself.

Does the clock have any meaning for you?


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 56 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: searching for glasses

how about cloak rather than clock?

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 44 Central OH

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

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Re: searching for glasses

yes it was a spelling error - meant to be cloak - or rather was a long mystical type garb/dress in the dream

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 37 F

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