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rellocation of consciousness

i have been delving deeply into jung's words,
namely, as he termed it,
the rellocation of the centre of gravity in the personality,
which translated into,
the ego being dethroned,after coming into contact with something greater than itself.
something major must happen to create this shift,
i would be interested to know, what experiences any have had,and what form they took,
by this i mean, us ordinary folk on the forum,
and not the great sages that have gone before,

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 51-uk

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Re: rellocation of consciousness

This may sound rude but I really want to understand what you just posted. I can't understand what you mean. Jung's word? I tried to look it up on google a few moments ago, and i was just too confused to carry on...please explain to me what Jung's word is. thanks xxx

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 17 surrey

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

Re: rellocation of consciousness

You bring up an excellent point in comparing the ordinary Jungian life trying to navigate the treacherous heroic path, to those great sages whose lives made a world of difference for so many and throughout history. As the saying goes about the man in great distress, 'THERE BUT FOR THE GRACE OF GOD GO I'. Most who succeed in the hero adventure do so in a private manner, being heros in their own lives but seldom on a national or world stage. But I believe that at any moment anyone of us can receive the 'call'. Then by the grace of god, or the goddess, 'go I, with my sacrifice to a higher cause'. On a personal level it may be to the family or community. On a higher level, well I think a hero versed in the hero myth has a greater chance of success.

The difference being that a Jungian has something real to guide them in the adventure, while others have to 'feel' their way through the process. Both can work but so many of the dragons one must slay have already been put asunder {internal psychological conflicts have been removed and a focus on the task at hand can proceed}.

So, yes, there are those major shifts, but they can be purely personal reflecting the personal struggle, or it can at any moment become a struggle on a higher level. I believe Jungians possess the tools to carry on regardless of what level. Recognizing the personal shifts can be difficult because they are not always what you would see in a life of a sage. Unless you are called upon to be that sage.

on a personal note: My personal first 'shift' came on that first day I saw Joseph Campbell in the The Power of Myth. It was late 1991. I knew at that moment my life will change. His words resonated with a deeper understanding within my unconscious. He was speaking to the collective unconscious which inherently recognized his language of myth, metaphor and symbols.

And then you realize that life IS a series of trials and realizations.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 56 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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Re: Re: rellocation of consciousness

this particular sentence of jung's is in transformation,by robert a johnson,which i am in the process of reading,
it refers to the three stages of the masculine conscious development,
using,don quixote as the innocent child,
hamlet as the,self conscious need to act and feel in control ,though not having a real connection with the inner self ,
and faust who embodies the master of the true self who has gained awareness by working through the previous stages,
modern western man seems to be stuck in hamlet mode,
it is this aspect that i think jung relates to.
somthing needs to occur ,to break the mind set and as jung says,
relocate the conscious ego to a different centre of gravity,
this i interprate as,
the conscious ego comes into contact or recogizes something greater than itself.

gerard has given a goog example of his own shift,
joseph campbell did it for me .
along with moments of awe through dreams,
i hope this goes someway to answering your question,
regards steve

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 51-uk

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Re: Re: rellocation of consciousness

i am not supprized at all that joseph campbell caused a shift in your awarness,
he did it for you ,he did it to me,
and thousands of others,

i had a friend who was a buddhist,
he said everything is an illusion,
he ran into a tree head first,
that was his shift .

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 51-uk

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