Shiri's Message Board


Shiri's Message Board
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Hiya ppl!

Hey ppl,

I'm bored I mean this website is VERY interesting but I'm boreeeeeed...Someone, anyone COME online pppppleeeeeeeaseeee*sob* If not, I'm gonna start singing...*words of da broken heart is just emotions....come home to me darling..* omgd!! I sang DC's song!! What's the title again????? ohhhhh EMOTIONS, ok, back to the topic, someone, come online ppppllllleeeeeeeeaseee! Oh ok, I see someone here, YAY!! see ya....mwhaa lol

Re: Hiya ppl!

llllllllooooooollllllllllll! sorry i wasn't on! was at work getting my first ever paycheck... $250!

and in case you were wondering, yes, i am gonna say it again and again and again! hehehe!

love always,

Shir XX

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Replying to:

Hey ppl,

I'm bored I mean this website is VERY interesting but I'm boreeeeeed...Someone, anyone COME online pppppleeeeeeeaseeee*sob* If not, I'm gonna start singing...*words of da broken heart is just emotions....come home to me darling..* omgd!! I sang DC's song!! What's the title again????? ohhhhh EMOTIONS, ok, back to the topic, someone, come online ppppllllleeeeeeeeaseee! Oh ok, I see someone here, YAY!! see ya....mwhaa lol