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Well, since I was here thought I would ask about another dream I had last week. I dreamed that I was a little girl about the age of 6 living in Germany during the time of Hitler's reign. I dreamed I was jewish, but somehow getting by and passing as a nazi. Hitler himself handed me a very importaant briefcase to bring to a locked dungon type area. I handed it to the guard outside the door, and he invited me into the room, but I was too scared, and excused mself politely and walked backwards. Later I was walking down a dark dank hallway where there were lots of cells where I could hearother little girls crying. I asked the officer what was going on and he explained to me that those girls were prettier than me and were chosen to have intercourse with the soldiers. After they were done they wer sent out to the field in back of the castle and shot. Which was just the fate I awaited. I was pushed out the back door with lots of other girls into an open fiels where we were being shot at. The dream never really concluded. Just kepy trying to avoid being killed.

The funny thing about this is that I am not even close to being Jewish. Not that I am offended by that. But trust me, I grew up traditional, Irish Catholic, al the way through college so I have no idea what this idea is all about. And during the dream I remember a distinct feeling of horror.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 27 FL

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

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Re: Hitler

Let me first refer you to my interpretation of your previous post feeling. I believe these two dreams are related.

Hitler was a tyrant, a dictator. Your dream may be casting light on experiences from childhood where there was such conditions. Being Jewish would be symbolic of being treated as something less than human {as Hitler treated Jews}. But in you dream you see yourself pretending to be like one of them {perhaps relative to some person in your childhood**}. The briefcase may hold clues to these experiences {why it is important}. The walking 'backwards' may be a reference to how these experiences have affected your life {always seems as you can not get ahead, you are always going backwards}.

Then there are the cells along the dark, dank hallway {the deep unconscious} with the crying little girls {perhaps referring to your childhood}. The fact that these girls were 'prettier' than you may indicate feelings you possess that make you feel/felt inadequate, less than other people {even today, as an adult}.
The intercourse could merely be a symbolic language of some type of integration. But it could indicate some form of physical abuse also. This is an area you need to discuss with someone in the professional field of psychology.

This dream does seems to fit with your other dream post. The two together may indicate past experiences from childhood that still influence your life as an adult. Perhaps this is one reason you feel the need for help.

**pretending to be like one of them. This may be related to your mother's mental condition. Perhaps you are experiencing some of the same conditions. But it also may indicate you 'you think' you are sharing these same conditions when in fact it is all in your thinking. Again, this is something that you need to discuss with a professional.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 56 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

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