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Random dream

This is a kinda random dream i had a year ago really short, and probably has no reason but im sure you would get a kick out of it.
Theres a room full of exotic animals everywhere, i go down some stairs to a basement and find a cartoon looking walrus mixing some green stuff in a cauldron. He laughs really loud and says "EVERYTHING IS MADE OF PANCAKE!" and he keeps repeating it until i wake up.

Yeah really weird. lol and like i said i can imagine it has no purpose.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 18, North Dakota

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Re: Random dream

I'll provide an interpretation to your My mother and I dream Sunday morning. I have a better intuitive compass in the morning hours and after a long week my mind is taxed. If I can't provide a confident interpretation I rather wait.
But I do a few comments about this post, especially your question as to whether this weird dream has any meaning.

My response, yes, in some way it does have meaning to your life. All dreams ahve meaning. There are many factors to consider in an attempt to understand what that meaning might be.

And one of those things is age.

The closer to childhood you are the less likely that dreams are addressing deep emotional conflicts of the dreamer{and on a lesser level emotional triumps} simply because there is too little life experiences {and emotional baggage} of emotional distress. From early childhood to mid-life {35-40...there abouts} the psyche is preoccupied with building ego, creating a persona, and living life in a carefree manner that dissipates later in life {mid-life crisis}.

So does this dream have meaning? Yes, all dreams have meaning. The question is, to what importance is the dream, and what is the dream attempting to expose in your waking life that is the major emotional driver in your unconscious? Dreams are from the unconscious, coming mostly during the deep REM sleep, nature's mechanism for the human psyche, a therapeutic mechanism for the mind. Much like the immune system for the body.

Childhood dreams are often 'meaningless' in their importance, and should be a guide to approaching and interpreting a child's dream. Unless their has been some traumatic life experiences, such as physical or deep psychological abuse that has enough psychic energy to leave its imperial mark on the unconscious psyche. Then those experiences, the deep emotional conflicts will surface in dreams.

So at 17, when you had the dream, what was your life like? We know you are at that stage of rapid physical and psychological development. Personality, your place in the world, how people view you, fitting in, how you view yourself, this are often the major components of a normal teens dreams. The dreams are helping you sort through waking life conflicts with the intent to provide positive attitudes as the force in life {this gets into the Jung's spiritual aspect of the psyche}.

Of course these are what a normal teenager would dream of. But if, as I mentioned above, there has been deep physical or psychological abuse then those experiences WILL show themselves in dreams as well. This is the therapeutic aspect of dreams which helps resolve emotional conflicts.

Take some time to explore the Myths-Dreams-Symbols website. You will learn about the psychology of dreams. You might learn to interpret, correctly, your own dreams. It is part science, part intuitive.

So Danielle. Have you lived pretty much the normal teens life? If so look to the personality creation, the daily inner conflicst only you know about, as well as perhaps the day's personal waking experiences being rehashed during your sleep, as the central message of the dream. We all have those type dreams.

But if there is some 'dominant walrus' type person with a cartoonish personality threatening to flatten you into a pancake in your waking life, metaphorically speaking of course, then I would look to a deeper expression of that inner personal conflict. This is where dreams can have real importance if the dreamer can become aware of the dream's attempt to expose the inner truths. And it is with the 'intent' to help resolve the inner conflicts and bring about psyche balance in the dreamer's life.

The therapeutic aspect of nature with a metaphysical support system {spirituality and creativity}.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Random dream

Wow that cleared up alot, thanks so much.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 18, North Dakota

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? No

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