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Re: Jumping off a cliff

Welcome back. It is great to learn you are feeling optimistic. And how is Pippi Longstocking?

Let me look at your dream later in the day. Over the past two years I have once again taken to managing the 'family' business full time and those 'social dragons' require me to start early {and often end late} in having to deal with those responsibilities. The upside is it has been a great year for the business and I attribute that to the spiritual aspect, my desire and efforts to do what is right in dealing with people and doing 'the right and ethic thing'. It is not a religious thing, it is a natural spiritual aspect that must be utilzied in living life. As the saying goes, 'what goes around comes around' and when the spiritual aspect has taken control good deeds leads to good results {the spiritual being the death and resurrection of the ego-centered self, with the spiritual SELF controlling the life and not the ego-centered, materialistic self}. I feel it important to remember when one can not be in that 'blissful' place in life and has to deal with the social world one must live the spiritual life in lue of being creative {when I must serve the social dragon I must do it on a spiritual level}. Jung made this an important aspect of living life and when those patients learned to live a spiritual life they were cured of whatever psychological malodies that ailed them. We are all students of the psychological self within.

But I digress. I will take a long look and provide my thoughts later today or in the morning.
Once again, it is great to know you are feeling optmistic. Let's hope we can keep those feelings.
twat twam asi


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 60 Murfreesboro, Tn

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Re: Jumping off a cliff

The first part of the dream is depicting your true feelings about your youngest daughter's father. But it may also be addressing emotions about your relationship with your father. Dreams are not usually so straightforward in its language {true feelings about Youngest daughter's father} thus the focus of the dream would be addressing more than one emotional aspect. Something that is 'sleeping with you' {youngest daughter sleeping}. As with your own father the relationship of your youngest daughter, at an early age when the psyche is so dependent on the need for love and acceptance by the parents, is, and was in your experience as an infant, not there. Knowing this will be an experience you should remember as she grows older to help you understand any emotional reactions she has toward her father, or in general {look to how you reacted as a child and early teen to learn how how she may react as she ages}. This aspect of the dream may be the most important part. You should be aware of the future consequences of the non-relationship between father and daughter, just as you experienced the same non-relationship {even when a father is present but does not provide adequate love is a non-relationship}.
As in Jung's instruction, the dream is always addressing at least two issues with every dream experience.

The second part may also be addressing the same subject, {how careful you need to be with your daughter because of the same experiences you had as a child. You are not 'whole' because of your childhood experiences and those experiences still remain in the back of your mind {seagulls flying in circles below-anything below is a reference to the unconscious-circles represent the need/desire for wholeness/healing}. You fear, albeit unconscious, is your daughter is living the same experience as you when you were a child.
Perhaps the best evidence of this is your statement, 'As a child I experienced flying in dreams very often'. Like mother like daughter. Flying is a true childhood experience depicting the natural positive attitude children possess. You are still trying to re-create that positive aspect and wish the same for your daughter.
And there is a fear of failing {falling}. The dream, and your own strong will, is looking to the positive. As with the negative memories from early childhood, the positive memories also remain and will provide a 'tingling'. It is a part of the deep psyche that never forgets its roots, the natural aspect of life that evolves as the psyche grows with experience {nature provides the tools for survival of the fittest}.

The positive feelings you have a are encouraging. But you are a practical person. Build on the positive but always remain weary of the unseen. Look at things in a practical way and don't let the emotions rule. Perhaps the most important lesson to be learned from Jungian psyche is to learn to control the emotions, and not let them control you. That in itself, it is an unconscious positive force, will provide a positive outcome in your life.

Always be careful of on-line friendships. One thing I have leaned is people use the internet to create a persona they wish to possess while all along being something different. It is so easy to do, speaking by typing the words far from the person they are directing their false self to. Not to say everyone does it but a great many do. Be weary, be practical, don't let the emotions of the unknown get over on you.

Overall I believe the dream is important because it reveals what is deep within you, the experiences you had as a child being an example of what you can expect from your daughters. They are sharing many of the same experiences and you can expect many of the same responses you gave when you were growing up. Again, like mother like child. That is a positive in itself, knowing the unknown.

I do sense a positive attitude you are creating for yourself as you take each day and make the most of them. I can remember my mother raising four children and how she overcame all the obstacles. She, you, and all mothers who give to their children in this way are heroines, sacrificing for their children. Campbell's formula for being a hero is just that, sacrificing oneself for the other. There is no greater hero deed than being a loving mother.

{In most myths the father is always on a quest, leaving the home to seek adventure. The mother is almost always the teacher/nurturer for the young}


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 60 Murfreesboro, Tn

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Re: Jumping off a cliff

Hi Jerry.
So sorry for the very late response to this one. Time just seems to fly by so fast, and I have so much going on. Most of it is great stuff, but I have trouble finding time and to focus and remember things.

As always I feel that your interpretation clarifies and adds to my own thoughts. It is good to have you reminding me how the aspects in my dreams (especially those involving my daughters) reflects issues from my own childhood as well. In this case, after reading your thoughts, I saw that very clearly.
My own experiences with not having a father figure is a very important influence on how I view things when it comes to raising my own children. I think I get my own emotions mixed in sometimes, and I forget that my daughters have something I lacked myself- a mother who is constantly trying to see things like they really are, and not feeing away from whatever is unpleasant, but trying to face all aspects of life.

I thank you for the advice regarding online friendships. I´m very aware of the difference between chatting online and getting to know someone face to face. I must say that this man I mentioned is actually someone I knew quite a bit before we started chatting, and I know a lot about him. We are seeing each other quite often now, as we are working together on a project with some other friends. We are just friends for now, and I am really concentrating to keep my eyes open. ( I guess I have learnt a bit from my past..) He has intellect, spiritual depth, humor, defined values and high morals, and he is very sensitive and caring. And so much fun to be around, and he makes me feel like... all that, in all ways! The combination of strength in character and emotional depth he is showing me is really something I haven´t seen in many men. So I have a feeling we´re not staying "just friends" forever.. Time will show. There is no rush.

I had a new dream this morning that was very intense, and in some ways I think maybe it is adressing some of the same issues this dream did. I´m curious to hear what you think, and if you can se some sort of "development" in how the issues are represented. I´ll make a new post right away.
Again, I apologize for not giving response before.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 31 Norway

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Re: Jumping off a cliff

Always great to hear from you. I will take a good look at your dream in the morning and provide my thoughts. I am happy to hear that your new relationship is working out. But that is not surprising because for anyone who has the great strength you possess and who follows a path of the heroic journey of self discovery, good things are bound to come your way. Stay the course and you will realize those conscious dreams you so readily deserve. Nature has its way of seeing that such things do occur.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 60 Murfreesboro, Tn

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