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Re: Synchronicity - Chance Encounters That Are Life Changing

Finally, my response to your post. Hopefully I have edited it so there is good understanding to what I wish to convey. A clear mind to the world of the inner world is often hard to access when there are so many other demands on my mental faculties, limited as they are.

I was caught by my first experience with Campbell and have lived there ever since. I was 42 when that happened. It was as if that thing I was searching for suddenly appeared. I immediately recognized it and it has been the guiding force in my life ever since. Psychologically, and unconsciously, I knew there was a void, I just didn't know what it was. And although the introduction of Campbell into my life didn't immediately solve my addition to the ego world, it was the beginning to understanding those unconscious forces that pushed in a destructive direction {childhood experiences being the primary stimuli}. I believe we all possess an ability to recognize the source of our psyche conflicts since it is from those early life experiences that make up who we become later in life. We need only 'cross paths' with the proper 'authority' to fully understand the influences. That is where synchronicity has a role. Unfortunately most let those infrequent opportunities pass them by. It is the social/material 'dragons' that are the untamed controlling agents in most people's life and the root to many of the psychological ills. Add to that the personal emotional conflicts within the psyche {most self created} and you begin to see why the world is so 'messed up'. As Joseph Campbell once said in an interview with Michael Toms, 'just look around, the world is falling to pieces'.

You are still within those years of looking forward to completely understand the full mechanics of how this message can assist you. I was there for many years during my forties, knowing enough to think I 'knew' when in fact I didn't know {Campbell's often quoted proverb,' He who knows doesn't know. He who doesn't know knows'}. The good news is you have begun that difficult task of knowing who they are, the inward journey. Doing this requires one to go past the temporal wants and needs of the material world and focus on the 'inner' life. This is a psychology of the self, Jung's Individuation Process {there are other paths that may provide the same results but few I can think of that do the job so thoroughly}. The tendency in the first half of life is to focus on the material world {building a career, raising a family, etc.}. But when 40 looms on the horizon the focus changes.

As you age life begins to take turns that are so different than you were younger. The subject of death slowly creeps into the equation. The mid-life thing becomes a search for meaning and a validation of ones life. It becomes more and more a psychological thing and less a focus on material worth and ego building. This is the norm for all of us and of course was a part of my evolution as well. It often takes an occurrence of outside forces to open the eyes to what is occurring, what is real. And when you do begin to see clearly, and most people never do, you realize it is psychological first and foremost. Because Campbell and Jung are all about this psychological journey {myths are the universal stories of those different patterns of psychological behavior, the many different 'collective' journeys}, they offer solutions to how to confront, and live with these changes. Those of us who take a deep look within begin to understand the process of this 'hero journey', the psychological path that will bring about balance and harmony, if it is followed. The real task is staying the course to the hero path. The dragons of society, the demons within, constantly challenge the psyche. It requires Discipline and that is something so few people lack. Addition to the material world, to ego self, are the primary foes and they are well armed. Society, with its patriarchal ground, will not let go easily. This is the reality we face every morning and the tasks that confront us every day. Slaying the dragon is not a one day affair. It is a life long endeavor.

The self has to undergo a death of ego {Campbell said a complete annihilation}, just as the myth of Jesus on the cross represents a metaphor for the individual life. To reach that place in life does require the greatest of hero deeds. But to ascend to that highest mountain is to realize a balanced and harmonious life. I believe unconsciously we all know this, it is a basic pattern inherent in all human life. Consciously, well, those inherent patterns are so governed by the outer material world of ego there is little chance to focus on the inner life, that part of us that 'intuitively' knows and understands. 'We must say yes to life' and realize there is suffering in all life no matter how great the bounties of the hero journey. This is the basic message of Buddhism.

Buddhism is a natural religion; it does not violate either mind or body. Its ethics closely approximate the Natural Law. The Buddha became cognizant of how men are born and die according to their good and evil actions, according to their self-created Karma {or the consequence of meritorious and demeritorious deeds}.

There is so much more to be said about the hero path and journey. But that would require more space than I could ever find. And more words than I could ever speak. The task becomes yours to take, your journey must be your own. But if you abide by those natural laws where ego is but a minute part, and take up the mantle of the spiritual deed, I believe you and anyone else who has the discipline can become a hero/heroine in their own life. There will be many difficult times {the FIRST Buddhist saying 'life is full of sorrow'} but the rewards will be much more bountiful. This is the underlying message from Campbell, the psychology of Jung.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 60 Murfreesboro, Tn

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Re: Synchronicity - Chance Encounters That Are Life Changing

Hi Sam and Jerry

The question you ask about whether there has always been an urge towards let me call it the spiritual life is really interesting.

I have always had that urge although I didn't know it.

I can first remember coming slightly awake when I was about eight. One beautiful day in summer I was walking by myself through a field with chest high grass. As I walked I startled up literally hundreds of butterflies (this was 1948 and before DDT was widely used. You have no idea how beautiful the world was before DDT) and I stopped and stared up into the cloud of butterflies above and around me ... and I knew! I had no idea what it was I knew, but I had discovered there was something "other".

Ever since then, that gift from the gods has gently pushed me to understand. I am not there yet but I think I am getting closer.

In peace ...

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 70 New Zealand

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