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Re: Dream of condo, water park, ocean

Thank you again for the excellent interpretation. The thing about Angie that attracted me was that she was just like me. She had a big front, which I easily saw through. She also had a lot of childhood issues that she never really discussed, but I could clearly see from the hints she has given. She's also analytical and introverted, always in her own little world as a habit to escape everything, just like I do. She also has occasional break downs which kind of reminds me of my mother. It scared me at first, but I thought why's fate I guess...but I will break the chain, I will make it work. But it didn't, I guess when it comes down to it, I simply wasn't ready to make it work, I wasn't happy with my own life, my own self, there was no point in dragging her down with me. Also, she's ten years younger than I am, so I couldn't really get through to her. She had a very hard time putting down her own ego(which is huge just like mine) and I'm just starting to let go, so that didn't make it easy. But yes, I did some introspection myself, and I also realized I need to resolve my conflict and issues with my mother, that's why lately I have been trying, but it's difficult because I can't do anything about her. she actually got over her schizophrenia, but she is still very anxious, always worrying about everything. I don't want to run away from my issues, I would like to confront them. But what does it really mean to confront them? I guess I just have to let go, accept the fact my mother has her own issues, and move on.

I even dreamed about a washing machine stating I have a lot of things to wash. no need for interpretation on that one. It is obvious lol.

The only way I know how to resolve my complex is through yoga and meditation and talking to others about it. I find opening up helps a lot, and yoga/meditation can clean up the psyche. I don't know if you have ever heard of kundalini yoga but it's amazing. I also go to a zen buddhist temple every week and that has helped, not only because of the practice but also the people there are genuine and they have been through a lot themselves so I feel I can share my experiences and not be judged.

Thanks again Jerry.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 30

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Re: Dream of condo, water park, ocean

I sensed a strong attraction to Angie in your dream. The fact she reminds you of your mother may be an issue you will need to address, your 'devouring mother' complex being a possible unconscious motivating factor that could manifest itself in future relationships {and possibly a factor in your attraction to Angie}.

As for resolving such issues. Opening up to others is a helpful way to healing. Doing so removes you from that deep introverted state which can often be a real determent to resolving emotional issues. Balance is the key to good mental, physical and spiritual health and developing opposite inherent traits lends itself to that balance.

Note: I once dated a woman who was a mental health professional and when I stated I considered myself as possessing opposite psyche traits developed in my personal 'individuation' she shunned such possibilities. Obviously not someone who understands Jung or the deeper psyche. Needless to say we dated only once.

As for Kundalini yoga. Yes, I am very familiar with it, having been introduced to this powerful 'psychological' concept by Joseph Campbell in his less often read Transformations of Myth Through Time, chapters 7 & 8}. Although it is a psychological concept {as with the soul, it is not something you will find as a physical 'thing' within the body} one can utilize the 'energies' in physical form through meditation. A good teacher, and a dedicated student, can use this technique in transforming 'actions' to non-actions', stilling the mind and utilizing only the natural senses, bringing the kundalini energy up from the base of the spine to the other points that link our ego consciousness, 'aham' consciousness, to the ultimate source of consciousness {what we call God but in reality is the unknowable source of all things}. The Kundalini allows us to realize our creativity aspects and develop a deep spiritual awareness, annihilating the ego so we can see the bigger Truth exactly as it is.

The truth as it really is. Something that our dreams provide.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 60 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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