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dream interpretation

I had a dream about posting here, I think. I dreamt of a large computer screen with a black background with a small drawing of an armchair in the lower left corner. :o)

My dream: I am planting marigolds(which are not blooming)in pots under the direction of a woman. There is one plant left over & she says,"Oh, forget about it." I say, "No, I can plant it in this ground plot." As I dig a hole in the earth I find my husband's watch. He is there & happy, laughing about it. (he did not lose his watch in RL) As I dig more, I find another watch and some trash.

Now, I'm sitting in my armchair, listening. ;o)

Thank you in advance!

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 61 Minnesota

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Re: dream interpretation

Interesting dream. And symbols. Symbols when seem to be pointing to something that was 'planted' and to do with time and probably your husband. The computer screen, you as a remote observer. Along with the black background it looks as if the unconscious has something to tell you about your emotional self.

I will take a deeper look at the symbols in the morning and see if I can determine a recognizable pattern.


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Daniel Gifford's 2Stain Fence Staining

The Power of Dreams/Dream Interpretation Space Coast

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 62 Space Coast, Fla.

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Re: dream interpretation

I believe the watch dream is about the anxiety I feel regarding when my husband & I will die. I have been interpreting my own dreams for a long time & wished to know how I am doing at it. I suddenly felt like I was testing YOU by not telling you of my idea regarding the dream. It is myself I am truly testing. Jung/Campbell/Ackyrod I have a high regard for all of them. Still I am interested to your interpretation. Thanks for your time.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 61 Minnesota

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Re: dream interpretation

As you know, you being a student of Jung, dreams do not have a tendency to predict the future. Dreams compensate what we already, know bringing up unconscious aspects that may have been forgotten, repressed or still undiscovered. Death is not something that you will find as a 'literal' subject in dreams. Not to say dreams never predict future events but they are rare.

As for your dream and the symbols. I do see within the dream your fears about dying. It has become an emotional conflict and being such it is suitable to be a subject of your dreams {dreams are about our emotions}.

Computer screens like television or movie screens are 'picture shows' into the unconscious. The black background supports this unconscious interaction. The small armchair in the lower corner also can be looked at as the dream addressing 'detached' aspects within your psyche. Armchairs suggest a passive involvement which in turn would suggest not being actively realized.

As for dreaming that you were watching yourself post here it is very likely the contents within the pages at Myths-Dreams-Symbols, or perhaps merely knowing about the site and/or the Dream Forum, is the stimulus for the inclusion in your dream. Both you and MDS are involved deeply with Jungian psyche and that may be the tie that binds the two together.

When you plant something, especially flowers, you expect something to grow from your efforts. The marigolds may suggest good health and longevity since they are very hardy flowers with a 'sunny' disposition. But this planting is not 'blooming' as you wished. The woman is you {unknown people in dreams are most always aspects of the dreamer}. You are the one who is in control of this 'planting' effort.

The one plant left over may be the one thing that you feel may prove to be a success in whatever efforts the dream is addressing {an emotional conflict}. But there are doubts about this possibility.

Planting it in the 'ground plot' is planting something within yourself. The earth is a symbol for the self, more distinctly the inner self. Within 'you' there is a discovery involving time, and your husband. Time is an illusion, a human concept {in the great cosmos time does not exist}. And because it is human 'nature' time is a fear, at least the end of time.

Is your husband supportive of your 'anxiety' about dying? Or is he less pre-occupied with 'time' as you are? His personality may be more carefree. The deeper you dig the more you become obsessed with time, death and dying. It may be your true self sees this pre-occupation as pure 'trash thinking, something you have planted within yourself and expect to grow as a truth.

Are you or/and your husband experiencing serious health problems that would make you feel as if your time is coming to an end? Or could it be you are at that age {61} when such things become a subject of thought? At the end of the dream you are still passively 'sitting' which to me suggests your true self may have a different take on your fears of dying. The inner self compensates what you know deep down which in turn over rides any conscious thinking. As the saying goes 'the shadow knows' and in this case your shadow {the woman directing the planting} knows best.

But there is probably something deeper involved about the symbols other than just your fears about health and dying. Jung tells us dreams always have at least two meanings or applications. It may be the 'sunny disposition' your husband possesses whereas your marigolds {anything gold is representative of your true self} are not growing, your disposition is not like your husbands. Your personality and his are different on this matter if not all together. The deeper aspects would be getting into the foundations of who you are and why you are that person. My position is dreams are always trying to reveal the foundations. This dream was most likely prompted by your fears about health and dying but when you go deeper into your psyche and look at all the experiences and influences that have made you who you are today you may discover why the 'marigolds' are not growing as they should.


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Daniel Gifford's 2Stain Fence Staining

The Power of Dreams/Dream Interpretation Space Coast

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 62 Space Coast, Fla.

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Re: dream interpretation

You said many insightful things. Thank you!!! To open myself to understand my belief's about death and dying is IT. My fear is making me "close down" to it, instead of exploring it. My husband & I are healthy, but he is turning 70 this year. As you got, he thinks it's great and I am fearful of it. I need to open myself to life/death understanding in order to bring light to it. He has a "know" system about death & dying, while I'm in the dark.

So, my fear is making me passive and controlling(taking over the planting in the dream). Trust can come for me, if I allow my unconcious to show me more. I think I'm in that half truth quandry- not wishing to see the "darkside", which as you said is the shadow and the shadow knows.

As we say in recovery,we must accept life on life's terms. So now, I must accept death on death's terms, not mine.

Sharing dreams with someone on the same wavelength is invaluable to me. I am very grateful, Jerry.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 61 Minnesota

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Re: dream interpretation

Death is a tough subject to address. Although I no longer subscribe to any doctrine on the matter {like most Southerners I grew up in the Christian faith} I do believe there is something after the human life. My philosophy is life is an adventure/experience for the soul. Human life will end but the soul survives. In what form and where it goes afterwards no one knows or can know. There may be no real purpose for our human existance {as Joseph Campbell states, 'we must finding meaning in our individual life' and we do that by discovering/following your bliss} but I do believe there is purpose for the soul. If there is a purpose for our human existence it is for the experience, an experience for the soul in its journey through the vast universe {billions of galaxies}.

As for meaning in life Campbell states it best by offering a remedy that has worked for me. Follow you bliss. Find and do that thing in life that makes you feel alive. Most often it is to be found within the muse, the creative aspects. And when you follow your bliss death is no longer a fixation, your bliss is.

With most things in life I do have a simple proverb I live by. It comes from the ancient Sufi tradition of Islam {and a Campbell prescription} and is as follows:

When the angel of death approaches it is horrific but when it reaches you it is bliss.

The fear of death is an emotional attitude. And as with all emotions there must be a balance of objectivity or the fear will consume you. That is the real horrific aspect.


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Daniel Gifford's 2Stain Fence Staining

The Power of Dreams/Dream Interpretation Space Coast

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Re: dream interpretation

Death as the ultimate mystery, I can accept that as I do my dreams. It's all about fear for me and reducing that so I enjoy life. It's working. I follow my bliss through visual art and have for over 20 years. Part of that IS the dream-the images, the messages. As Campbell said, dreams are our personal mythology.

Avoidance of anything, including death (as a subject), is NOT the way to go. I conciously work on my fear for it's reduction is my liberation, every time. :o) I feel more open-minded now that the subject is open, if that makes sense. I experienced raptor sightings a few years ago, which became my parents: my mother is a hawk, my father a falcon and there are more. The point is, I forgot about those and how that felt. I wish to remain open-minded. Exploring the dream as a diver into the deep blue. I have had such healing dreams that explained things that mere words could not.

The marigolds are not open, but I believe they will. Becoming...

I had a recent thought that the whole hell motif is to keep people away from discovering the richness of the unconcious/collective. People seem to want dogma- it must feel safe, which is about fear again. Ackyrod says, we need not fear anything in the unconcious as in alien. I take this to heart as I sleep & explore further.

Congrats on your move to the sea! Adjusting takes time and I always forget that. I look forward to visiting this site and sharing others journeys.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 61 Minnesota

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Re: dream interpretation

The things you mention definitely fit with the pages at Myth-Dreams-Symbols {500+ at last count}. Campbell is my spiritual mentor and the conduit to Jungian psyche some 20 years ago. Ackroyd's dream dictionary is the best 'little' dream dictionary there is. And your statement, "Exploring the dream as a diver into the deep blue" is the primary reason I relocated to the Space Coast of Florida. The deep and the mysteries that it holds draws me to be closer to it. To delve even deeper and to have the time to do so is what I have been working toward for a very long time. I truly expect to find my genuine and complete self here. As soon as I get settled in I will begin that final voyage to my bliss.

Since leaving Middle Tennessee, yesterday was the first time I had the chance to get a good physical workout {physical fitness has been a part of my lifestyle for more than 30 years}. Finding a good local community center was one of the first things on my agenda. Having done that and having met the manager of the center there was a long discussion about spirituality and the need for dogma. She had a male friend with her {in his 50s I would say, she in her 40s} and when discussing the subject of spirituality I sensed a resistance {as is usual} to the concepts I hold. But she was opened minded, he perhaps less so. After some discussion and my 'presentation' that my spiritual philosophy was that of WWJD {what would Jesus do} and there was no need for the dogma of organized religion, I do believe I made progress, with both of them. To support my 'position' I explained how everything with my move fell into place {this is a major life transition for me at 62}, as told in Campbell's concept of the hero journey. Where there were barriers doors opened. I can honestly say just about everything that should have happened to sup[port my move happened. Right up this morning when I went shopping at local yard sales seeking furniture to complete my home surroundings {living a simple life without the need for expensive material worth}. Within 1 hour I had found just about everything I went 'shopping' for. And it only cost $60.00 {3 tall stools, a nice end table, a computer table and a TV stand}. It all goes to prove, as it has for such a long time in my journey, that Campbell made a correct and honest statement when he said:

“If you do follow your bliss you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there all the while, waiting for you, and the life that you ought to be living is the one you are living. Follow your bliss and don't be afraid, and doors will open where you didn't know they were going to be.”

As for the concept of hell, I can agree there is strong support the concept of a 'Hades' in the afterlife. And it could very well be due to a fear of the collective unconscious. What I find and believe to be a primary reason for a need for the dogma is the power structure of the patriarchal system of Western religions. The 'church' is afraid of the feminine psyche, knowing from the earliest beginnings of established dogma that the feminine is more powerful than the masculine. Jesus lived from the feminine so to counter that God had to me purely masculine with traits that include anger and a fear of 'other gods'. It supports the patriarchal position that man should be, and is, the dominant species {Campbell does a wonderful job of explaining the dispersion of and migrations of early people from Mesopotamia around 3500 BC in his book/video Transformations of Myth Through Time, renamed Mythos}. Patriarchy understands full well the power of the feminine and thus the resistance to allow women more involvement in decision making within many Christian, Islam and Jewish traditions. Campbell and Jung recognized this great power and it is what i believe to be the central concept of discovering wholeness in one's life. Living a spiritual life {spirituality being a feminine aspect} while discovering the true inner being {psychological} will lead to wholeness. It is how I live my life and it has worked wonders in my self discovery and path to wholeness. And vital to finding my bliss and living from that.

“We must be willing to let go of the life we planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us.”
― Joseph Campbell

Discipline is the key. Stay the path and “Your own path you make with every step you take. That's why it's your path.”-Campbell


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Daniel Gifford's 2Stain Fence Staining

The Power of Dreams/Dream Interpretation Space Coast

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 62 Space Coast, Fla.

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giant dishwasher

I want to post this before I get into all the connections we have! I dreamt of a giant dishwasher in the lake which I have a view of from my studio & apt. The details are blurry but there was a group of us involved with this giant dishwasher in the lake. The feeling was joyous & I was right in there with everyone! The last part of the dream was more of a still picture of a beach nearby (in RL) with an oil rig in it (not in RL. I woke up happy!

Just a note: In my art I am loosening up. Going from tight colored pencil pieces that were planned (I was a commerical artist) to watercolor, which are impossible to control without a lot of planning. So I am just painting. I struggle with lack of control often.

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Re: dream interpretation


I never said outloud that I am diving into the dream, journey, living intuituvely, but I am. The guidance is there if we look & listen for it. That is what I've discovered. Letting go of the things, being Higher Power guided, is so much simpler, but not always easy. So my journey feels inward & downward. I really appreciate what you said about the feminine aspect. Looking at the myths, women get one of 2 roles, temptist or mother/goddess. But with Jung's anima/animous, I believe I've learned how to transpose many of outer lessons I've been taught.

I had a friend for many years who was a Jungian and wonderful person. Alas, I can no longer call him. He may have made his transition or just changed addresses in San Francisco. I believe I need to share my dreams or I miss the point. There is a local Jungian woman, but she is expensive after completeing her Phd. I found her too remote & unfeeling- kind of a difficult person to talk to. Here's the thing, everyone I respect & feel share my journey with do NOT have degrees! Anyone can get one, it's the person and the ones without who tend to be deeper, more honest and to work harder, all from passion, not external labelling.

We moved to this apt on a big channeling lake after foreclosure on our house. I had a dream over a year before I moved here of this apt, on the water, surrounded by water. I find connecting with nature daily & exercise, also daily, very important.

As D.H.Lawrance said, "Life is the mystery of the unfolding rose, not a problem to be solved." I am learning a lot reading your website. Thanks for your generous spirit!


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Re: giant dishwasher

I had missed your posted dream 'giant dishwasher'. Let me provide my thoughts to it in contxet with the original dream post Dream Interpretation. But first let me comment on the last paragraph post you made where you had the dream of being surrounded by water. There may have been a deep desire to actually live near the water when you had the dream {one of my greatest desires, one that was just recently fulfilled when I moved to the Space Coast of Florida, was to live near the ocean in a warm climate}. But being surrounded by water probably symbolized a constant stream of emotions. Water represents the unconscious psyche and since dreams are about our emotions being surrounded by water most likely is addressing a time of difficult emotional stress. Living on the water could fit with a true desire to do so as well as reflect the general conditions of your actual waking life when you had the dream. Those two applications of the dream would fit with Jung's supposition that all dreams have at least two meanings/applications.

Here is the original dream post:
I want to post this before I get into all the connections we have! I dreamt of a giant dishwasher in the lake which I have a view of from my studio & apt. The details are blurry but there was a group of us involved with this giant dishwasher in the lake. The feeling was joyous & I was right in there with everyone! The last part of the dream was more of a still picture of a beach nearby (in RL) with an oil rig in it (not in RL. I woke up happy!

Just a note: In my art I am loosening up. Going from tight colored pencil pieces that were planned (I was a commerical artist) to watercolor, which are impossible to control without a lot of planning. So I am just painting. I struggle with lack of control often.

As for the dishwasher dream. Of course the lake/water would relate to your deeper emotions. The studio apartment would symbolize one aspect of your emotional life. Dishwashers are used to clean the different emotional aspects that are in conflict. You are 'cleansing' the attitudes {dishes} you may possess in your waking life. Being in the lake would represent your emotional state of mind. But this is a positive thing, or at least would be if you actually performed such a 'cleansing' of your emotions. You have a 'view' or understanding that this is necessary. If at the time of the dream you were worried about losing your home then that would be a major contributor to your emotional attitude and state of mind. The dream is attempting to help your process and work through these emotions.

One thing I take from this dream which was a year prior to your actually moving to the apartment is you knew before hand there needed to be or would be changes in your life. The need to relocate {or forced to relocate}. This would be related to the stress at the time of the dream to do with the actual waking experiences taking place. But the still picture of the beach and the oil rig may suggest something even deeper. Something that would make you a happier person {you woke up happy}.

One aspect of that is when you drill deeper into your unconscious emotions you discover black {deep unconscious} gold {wealth of emotional understanding}. The beach connects the conscious with the unconscious. Looking deeper into the emotional self you begin to understand yourself better which helps you navigate the waking emotional life. Resolving the emotional issues that were plaguing you would be a joyous moment.

There may still be another aspect to the oil rig and the beach. You stated you have immersed yourself in your art. You were a commercial artist where you had to 'plan' what you were going to draw. But that was impossible to control so you are now just painting, forgetting the need to plan what you will draw and just 'letting go'. That says to me you are becoming an artist because of the desire to draw instead of being required to draw. One of Joseph Campbell's directives for a harmonious life is you must do it because you love what you are doing and not for the money. It is a part of the formula of ' Following Your Bliss. Perhaps a part of moving, beyond the need/desire to escape the stressful and emotional surroundings you lived the prior year, was to get in touch with your creative being. An important aspect of Campbell's bliss factor and Jung's Individuation Process is to discover your creative self and live from that. Creativity is a spiritual endeavor in that when you share your 'art' {whatever your creative aspirations are} you sharing from the soul. You are giving of yourself to the other and that is a spiritual endeavor.

So the dream may have been addressing the waking life stresses in your life as well as trying to coax you into the 'inner artist'. But it could also have been focusing on the future {not predicting but compensation what you already know to be true}. Two aspects of the dream having different applications but using the same symbols and metaphors. That is how dreams function.

If I can get a response to this interpretation perhaps we can gain even more insights to the dream, and maybe, just maybe where you should apply yourself for the future.
The God Within You A Prayer For You

Myths-Dreams-Symbols Dream Forum
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Daniel Gifford's 2Stain Fence Staining

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Melbourne Dreams & Metaphysics - Dream Interpretation Space Coast, Florida

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 62 Space Coast, Fla.

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Re: giant dishwasher

Dear Jerry,

Thank you for your interpretation. I love the oil rig as going to deeper unconcious & finding the gold. This is my desire, as I understand it. It's very affirming. Life appears to be pulling me away from my turning in and down as I put it to myself, but I recognize this has to be part of my journey. I need to let go of old relationships, (a sister) more thoroughly.

The dishwasher, as you interpreted it, describes the process of working the 12 Steps in recovery. (Jung had a pivitol role in the creation of AA & the 12 steps) Attitude change is a BIG part of the process. My joy at being with others in this process is the fellowship of AA & NA. To be at the oil rig next makes me trust my intuition more. Increases my faith in myself.

My artwork & creativity has been therapeutic & part of who I am for a very long time. I ceased enjoying it about 1 & a half years ago and completed "The Artists Way" by Julia Cameron with a woman in Japan via Skype. I had lost the bliss- I have recovered a great deal of it, but must be vigilant to some extent to remain less judgemental of my work. That is a chronic creatives deal- perfectionism. Through my dreams and my visual art I am seeking to connect to a power greater than myself. To listen to & for that power and to create from Spirit to Spirit.

I find it interesting that as soon as I'm on the brink of a deeper journey within, events occur that pull me out of it and I must work diligently to Let go & let God in order to keep going deeper.

I don't know if I gave you any further info per your request. I remember all my dreams & record them and don't know how many to post here. Please let me know how you normally proceed here. I think these are volitile times for folks, the election & Sandy and all that collective energy & now the holidays. They will come and soon, you've built the site, it's just about waiting, right? Looking forward to your cogent insights.
In gratitude, Peggy

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Re: giant dishwasher

"Life appears to be pulling me away from my turning in and down as I put it to myself, but I recognize this has to be part of my journey. I need to let go of old relationships, (a sister) more thoroughly."

Joseph Campbell called this the social dragon. Doing what society requires and not being able to 'follow your bliss'. And relationships, that too is a part of the equation. We need to either find ways to resolve these conflicts, as you said 'let go'. It is a hard thing to do.

Few people know of the influence Jung had in forming AA, Alcoholics Anonymous. Here is Bill Wilson's letter to Jung thanking him for his contributions {although unknown to Jung at the time} to AA. The letter illustrates the importance of spiritual values in life, something Jung included in his many aspects of the natural psyche.

"I had lost the bliss- I have recovered a great deal of it, but must be vigilant to some extent to remain less judgemental of my work."

It is important to be vigilant of losing your bliss. As much as I promote this path in life it doesn't come easy and once you discover {bliss} it can be a struggle to hold on to it. The Monomyth is as much about that struggle as it is of all the other dragons one must slay in life.

"I find it interesting that as soon as I'm on the brink of a deeper journey within, events occur that pull me out of it and I must work diligently to Let go & let God in order to keep going deeper."

The events that occur that try to lead you away from your path are what Campbell described as 'The Road of Trials' in life. It is a part of the Monomythic journey we take when we discover our spiritual/creative path. Do you let the social dragon derail you or do you survive the trials? Campbell stated life is a series of trials and revelations. One trial after another it seems but with each obstacle that is placed before you there are new revelations to the soul. Eventually, if you stay the path you will come to your bliss.

As to posting other dreams I suggest you post something recent. Let's try and determine where you are in your journey. The road of trials does seem to be a constant for you but that is a life long task {even when you reach your bliss there needs to be the realization of the Buddhism's FIRST saying, 'Life is all sorrowful',} there will always be sorrow in life}. You are ware of your creative desires and have acknowledged the emotional conflicts to do with your sister. We may need to 'drill deeper' to discover what it is that is the primary dragon.

Going back to 'letting go and letting God'. Altghough Jung prescribed the spiritual aspect as the road to recovery it was an inner challenge he was speaking of. I don't know your religious affiliation but too many see the spiritual path as an outer endeavor. It is more about the inner life, discovering the 'God' within, your highest power to overcome whatever life throws at you. My motto is {borrowed from Jean Raffa}, Think Psychologically, Live Spiritually. Don't let the emotions overrule your ability to think objectively.
Jerry The God Within You A Prayer For You

Myths-Dreams-Symbols Dream Forum
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Daniel Gifford's 2Stain Fence Staining

Web Design - The Power of Dreams
Melbourne Dreams & Metaphysics - Dream Interpretation Space Coast, Florida

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Recent dreams

When I saw my sister for the 1st time in several years, last week, it so reminded me of Darth Vader removing his "mask". She has blindness (macular degeneration) & now, lung cancer. She was a mother figure for me, years ago when I most needed it. She is an astrologer/tarot card reader and I've heard about that forever. It's like jargon and who can question it? She lives in a fantasy world and is dogmatic about most things. Before she appeared as a door opener for me to the world of creativity via theater,dance & singing. She lived vicariously through me. My dream after this visit:

My husband & I are in my house from my teen years. I find this candelabra unlite in the bay window. (my sister had one in her home the other day- she was uninterested in any discussion about her art objects, which is a BIG change). Then we went upstairs and my husband collapsed in my sisters old room & I went to him asking what the pain was he was feeling? I woke.

The house in the dream is my adolescent home & where the most emotional wreckage occurred for me. Both my older sisters were gone & my parents were very unhealthy. This is when I discovered drawing alone.

Just writing this I get more. I think sharing dreams is so important. The feeling was so,so sad and I felt like that most of the day. I recognize the importance of just feeling things. A program slogan is go through not around. I go to Unity on Sundays for we discuss our feelings & spiritual journeys. THe Daily Word reading was about Helping Others & knowing they are on their own journey & have their own inner work to do. We all discussed my sister. I had a quick dream of a black woman (usually a spiritual guide for me) & we were lightly talking about accepting ourselves as we are. At Unity, a black woman I don't know well, looked at me & said, "at the start of your day say,'Spirit guide me'. It all makes so much sense.

Spiritually, I do not believe in any religion. My other sister is a Christian Minister. SO I had these 2 extremes- a new ager & a minister and I used to think those were my only choices. In the past 3 & a half years I've realized it is all within me and do not name my hp much for it limits it.

Second dream I had yesterday (if it's not one thing, it's your mother ;o)
My mother was visiting (she died in '98). My husband & her were hanging out comfortably. My mother wanted to be sure a driver was picking her up to go home which was to be Tues.SHe was picking food out of her teeth & had food on her hands. My husband & I warned her to not get it on her ticket as she rummaged around in her handbag (Tues is the day my sister is having her 2nd surg) Then I looked on the computer for time for an NA meeting- it was 6:00pm on the clock & the meeting was at 6:30, but really it was 7:00pm. I was joking/light in the dream, cuz I knew I wanted to get away from my mother. Both of my parents were alchoholics & never found recovery. My mother was very narcisstic & controlling.

The behavior of my mother in this dream is how she was in her dementia late in her life. She looked in her handbag a lot. I always felt she was trying to find her mind.

My old thinking was, I have to get over these things to get to my art and now I see them as the journey to myself/my art.

Thank you for your insights and Jungian work. I appreciate this beyond words!


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Re: Recent dreams

I'll provide my thoughts and interpretations to your post and dreams either later today or in the morning. It is a beautiful sunrise here in Palm Bay Florida, the temperature in the upper 60s. I want to enjoy this with what little time I have before exploring a new Unitarian church, something I have been doing since my move to the Space Coast just over a month ago {visiting area Unitarian/Universalist churches, one of the few 'religious' organizations I feel at home with.
Jerry The God Within You A Prayer For You

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Re: Recent dreams

Sounds good, Jerry. Enjoy your day!! The Unity we go to is an early service with an open format where we discuss our journeys. The later one is like any other church service around...I use the term: too churchy. I hope you have a good experience. Peg

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Re: Recent dreams

Unity is another church I would attend. I was a member of First Unity in Nashville for several years before they ran the minister away because of some silly differences by just a few people. He was a 'Jungian' like myself and the first black minister of an all white congregation in Nashville. A similar event happened at the first Unitarian Universalist church I attended, the minister and some of the congregation were at odds and fighting. When it was discovered he was having an affair with one of the members, which made the front page of the local newspaper, he was banished to 'minister hell'.

On the topic of leaving churches. It was when I was 17 that i first starting questioning my Christian upbringing. I was attending a Church of Christ in Nashville where the minister was a great young speaker who gave lessons and not sermons. When he and his wife left due to a broken promise by the church to send them to Africa as missionaries a new preacher took over. On a night he was preforming his duties of introducing himself he visited me at my home. We talked and feeling I was important because he took the time to visit me I was open and expressive with the new minister. But when he asked me where I was baptized I replied it was at a Baptist church in Chattanooga when I was six years old {my mother made me go}. His reply was, "Jerry you will have to be baptized again." I asked why. His answer was the Church of Christ did not recognize a baptism by another religion's anointment. That was the beginning if the end of my affection for the church. I began to question and in Christian doctrine you do not question, you live by unbidden faith. I soon left the church and did not return to a congregation until I attended the UU church when I was 44 {that service included wounded birds, an eagle, an owl and a hawk-a truly moving spiritual experience}.

Enough about 'religion'. To your follow up post and your dreams.

Your description of your sister 'removing her mask' and her being a mother figure for you years ago, could there be a 'shadow experience' in those in your own fears of death? She is suffering health wise and her dogmatic views about her tarot/astrology profession may have cast themselves onto your psyche in some form {I have a problem with most all 'psychics', Edgar Cayce being an exception. I do believe in the ability to be 'psyche', the intuitive ability to recognize beyond what is visible to the normal eye}. But that is a general question and may not be relevant.

The first dream.
There is a focus on the relationship with your husband and sister in this dream. One that has possible associations to experiences with both of them. There is an 'unlit' aspect to the relationships and unconsciously there is that realization that something has changed {unlit candelabra in the window}. Candelabras have many sockets to hold candles so there are most likely many aspects to these relationships that may have commonality. Her real life dis-interest in talking about her art objects would be a real change of attitude. She has a disinterest at a time you are trying to revive your own interest in your creative self.

Your husband collapsing in your sister's room and the possible pain. It there something shared here? Your sister has changed, are there problems with changes in your husband? This is something you may have given conscious thought to {going upstairs with him}. There is pain associated with it also.

I do get the impression the dream is addressing associations of experiences with both your husband and sister. Not the same but related in that they are causing you pain. There are changes are involved. Emotional wreckage in your adolescent home {the grounding for your personality and emotions as an adult}. Unhealthy relationships discovered while being creative. Related experiences from the past and the present?

"Just writing this I get more." That is a purpose to examine dreams. They revive memories and emotions. The 'black' woman in your dream may be your spirit guide as well as your shadow. Discussing emotions is in itself therapy. The fact a black woman gave good advice could be a 'synchronicistic' event. Chance occurrence at a time when it gives meaningful experience to your life.
{I had a wonderful conversation with an African American woman at the UU church yesterday. A proud woman with much wisdom}.

The Gospel According to Thomas
From The Gnostic Gospels

115 Parables Spoken by Jesus
Discovered in 1946
About religion. You have got it right about where to look for the spirit self. Inward! The metaphors of religious language have true meaning when applied to the inner life {the death and resurrection of Jesus on the cross is what has to happen to the individual, death to the ego and a resurrection to the spiritual}. I learned a lot about that aspect of the journey from Elaine Pagels. I have created several pages on her works including The Lost Teachings of Jesus, The Book of Revelation {video}, The Origins of Satan {video} and Matthew, Mark, Luke....and Thomas. Very powerful stuff.

Second Dream
Your husband and mother would likely fit 'comfortably' together. Again shared experiences/aspects? I sense this dream is addressing early life experiences since in the dream she is 'waiting for her up to go home'. Those groundings that make you who you are today {dreams often betray such groundings}. Picking food {emotional nourishment} from her teeth {emotional health} with food on her hands {you have the ability to manage your own emotional health} would be a reference to those groundings. A ticket is passage to a new or another place. Handbags are where we store our emotions. Tuesday denotes the relationship between all these different emotions. You are looking for spiritual advice/wholeness {NA meeting} and at the same time going back in time {the numbers 6 and 9/6:30 are numbers denoting wholeness in body, mind and spirit-see my page on the number nine}.

The behavior of your mother in the dream, the dementia late in her life, may be related to how you feel about your sister's behavior as well as a fear of your own demise. Related groundings last a lifetime.

"My old thinking was, I have to get over these things to get to my art and now I see them as the journey to myself/my art."

There seems to be a 'death and resurrection' in this view. Could it be your psyche is suggesting this is an avenue to help remedy your fears of death? You have a lot of emotional baggage to rummage through and the dream is naturally addressing those issues. It may be suggesting a solution to more than one of your problems in life. Rediscover your creative being to find answers. That was Jung's advice as well as Campbell's. I find it to be good advice for us all.
Jerry The God Within You A Prayer For You

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Re: Recent dreams


All of these emotions involved in my relationship with my sister are so old. I am tired of them and I'm the one being hooked by the circumstances. I so get that and am so done. My big obstacle is my codependence & caretaking. THis is her resurrection or nonresurrection, not mine. I have not been in touch with her or my other sister for years, by choice. I am reasserting that boundary for myself. My oldest son is always upset by this decision and pushes me back towards them. I ignore it usually, but the "hook" was the cancer.

I believe the answer to my death fear is to get in touch with eternity. To breakfree from these self imposed ties and move towards God, mySelf, awareness. I have done a tremendous amount of work on myself over the years. I just have to accept all the emotions as just emotions- especially all these female drama ones. YUCK. It's hard enough for me to deal with my own female Emotions!I take care of my side of the street, so to speak, per the 12 steps and can walk away knowing I have done all I can. Period.

Your dream interpretation skills are excellent and very right on. I will wait for a BIG dream to share. I'm excited about the oil rig & my art which is part of the same big picture.

All the drama in churches, even Unity, reminds me of the dysfunctional family. We've been part of Unity, gone away for a time, and now are back, BUT with very restricted attendence. The people are great, but I say, wear your church like a loose garment. And, just like NA meetings, some are amazing and some are awful & irritating, but I have to go to all of them. Widening our "we" is a suggestion in NA, meaning go to a lot of different meetings because "Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of our program, ever reminding us to place principles before personality." You practice that here in your dream journal by inviting all to participate. If I get hung up by a personality at a meeting, I can go to different meeting. I won't side step my "issues" for wherever I go, there I am! :o)

Most people in recovery know all about our shadowside in terms of it living us out. We learn how to live the priniciples or die of our disease...pretty motivating! I will take the advice to be creative and let whatever gets worked out to do so! For what it's worth, I feel a lot better and am going to be more diligent at protecting my journey, for I deserve it.

Thank you,Jerry!!!

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Re: Recent dreams

Thanks for sharing. When you have your next 'big dream' post it and let's see what there is in the dream. Usually such dreams come about in a time of change in life. Or when something important is realized {which itself is a change}. Let's hope your next 'change' is a positive one.
Jerry The God Within You A Prayer For You

Myths-Dreams-Symbols Dream Forum
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Re: Recent dreams

You may want to check out my most recent post about Marion Woodman
Marion Woodman
Canadian mythopoetic, Jungian analyst, author & sage of the feminine psyche

There is no one who understands the feminine psyche better than Marion Woodman. And it is not just women who can benefit from her knowledge but men also. I discovered the power of my intuitive self, my feminine psyche, primarily because of Woodman's artful instructions. My intuitive insighst into dreams comes from her books and works, many of which I have bought and read over the past 10 years. She takes Jungian psyche to a whole different level.
Jerry The God Within You A Prayer For You

Myths-Dreams-Symbols Dream Forum
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Daniel Gifford's 2Stain Fence Staining

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Re: Recent dreams

Jerry, I've been checking out Marion Woodman & notice several of her publications are on CD/cassette only. Interesting. Will head to Half price books & see what is there for me. I like the 2nd hand stores for I let my intuition do the shopping. ;o) I am currently reading "Dharma Bums" by Keroac. A kind of Basho journey of travelling around, thumbing & boxcars & writing poetry & meditating.

If you haven't read "Cannery Row" by john Steinbeck I recommend that for he fashioned a portion of Doc after Jos. Campbell. Besides that, it is an amazing piece of literature. A fun, human character/nature study.

Marion Woodman seems like my kind of woman!!!! Thanks for pointing her out.


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Re: Recent dreams

I read about Campbell's early friendship with Steinbeck in the Stephen Larsen's biography of Campbell A Fire in the Mind. It seems there was jealousy over a female friend of both men and if I remember correctly Steinbeck ended up marrying her.

As for Cannery Row. I was not aware of this aspect of the relationship. I did not read the book was quite taken by and tremendously enjoyed the movie which starred Nick Nolte and Debra Winger.
Jerry The God Within You A Prayer For You

Myths-Dreams-Symbols Dream Forum
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Re: Recent dreams

Cannery Row, the movie, is from 2 of Steinbeck's books. The book is the jewel! Campbell wrote about this in "The Jos.Campbell Companion" I can't find it to quote it for you directly. So many books and a lot of them repeats, but good reminders.

How do I rescue my animous? I dreamt last night that we stopped on the side of the road to help an old man who was injured (lying prone) in front of a store. THere was another reference to the same "rescue" in the dream, a sick younger man. Two nights ago, I dreamt of being way too exposed in the feminine (too graphic to share), but a clear message!!! LOL. But it occurred in a square shaped tidepool. I ended up looking at these sea turtles swimming in such deep water, it was amazing.

I do agree that I need more masculine energy in my waking situation with my 2 sisters & even recognized it conciously. Regression can be so strong. :o(. I was going to just let this be and allow my unconcious to show me more, but then I wrote in my journal: "more will be reveiled" instead of "revealed" Freudian, I think So then I wrote the above question and thought: Ask Jerry, the dream man. :o)


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