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Satanists Playing Poker

Hi! I've had a lot of weird dreams while I've been away....I'll try to space them out. This is a really short one because I barely remember anything about it. I know I was in this mountain watchig a cult of Satanists play some sort of card game together. They didn't look creepy, just like normal adults. Every once in a while the Devil would walk in and observe or speak with someone, and all the Satanists would fawn over him and be scared and whatever. They told me I should worship him too and I scoffed at them and said "I would never worship that thing are you kidding me" This shocked them because I'd said it right in front of the Devil. They told me the Devil killed anyone who acted so disrespectful to his face, so I was going to die. But the Devil just grunted and basically rolled his eyes at me and walked away which shocked his followers even more. I had a feeling like even if he wanted to hurt me he wasn't able to.

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Re: Satanists Playing Poker

I am going to ask you to limit your dream posts to one every two weeks. I have other responsibilities and projects I am working on and my time interpreting dreams is limited. I want to be fair and address other dream posts. I hope you are learning how to look at your dreams and are attempting to understand {interpret them} yourself.

As to this dream. Because we have addressed many of the central conflicts in your life and you have a good understanding of these emotional experiences it may be best to approach this dream with the question, "who is the Devil in your life"? He would be a member of the Satanist group {who would that be?}. It is someone or something that you show defiance to. If you analyze the actions in the dream and compare it to your waking life you will probably be able to put the pieces together yourself {something I hope you are attempting to do having learned from past posts and interpretations}.

A few of the clues {symbols} and possible meaning{s}.

First you are on a mountain. Mountains often symbolize many major obstacles and challenges. Being on top of a mountain {your post reads in} may suggest you have realized something or achieved a goal.

Satanists are people {aspects of yourself or experiences/people in your life} who do evil things.

Card game. Cards is a game of strategy and in the dream you have called the 'Devil's bluff. Take his reaction into account and see where that fits.

Normal adults. This particular symbol may seem insignificant but knowing your experiences with your parents it 'may be' very relevant.

Then there is the final statement which is important. "I had a feeling like even if he wanted to hurt me he wasn't able to."

Look at the whole dream and analyze each word {like worship}. If you have questions go to the dream dictionary and see what they have listed as possibilities {many dream dictionaries are crap but the two I have provide good possibilities}. If you still have questions about a symbol go to a regular dictionary and look up its meaning. Put these together and see what you come up with.

I will provide a grade for this assignment {and you thought you were done with high school}.

Jerry The God Within You A Prayer For You

Myths-Dreams-Symbols Dream Forum
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Gifford Fence Co/Middle Tennessee

Gifford Fence Orlando/Melbourne Fence Pro

Daniel Gifford's 2Stain Fence Staining

Web Design - The Power of Dreams
Melbourne Dreams & Metaphysics - Dream Interpretation Space Coast, Florida

Space Coast/Treasure Coast Dreams & Dream Interpretation Meet Up Group

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 63 Space Coast, Fla.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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Re: Satanists Playing Poker

I have been deciphering a lot of my own dreams, which is why I haven't posted as much actually, haha. I've also considered that the devil or something may be a negative or controlling figure in my life like my dad. The catch is when I had this dream, I was on vacation, far away from my famiy and very happy. While on this amazing vacation I happened to have a number of vivid and disturbing dreams. This caught me off guard because really nothing negative has occurred in my life for months now, I'm at a really good point. This was why I was stumped with it.

Soo if I had to decipher this based on what was going on in my life currently....hmm. Honestly I think in this dream the devil may be myself. Now that I think about it I had been struggling with personal morality at the time. I think the devil was meant to be the darker aspect of me. Which is very controlling and manipulative, a leader who has "loyal followers" who "worship" me. The cards could be related to a metaphor my mom taught me which is that life is a game. Thus they were a connection between these symbols and my life. I stood up to the Devil, (my darker side in this case though I believe it's presence changes from dream to dream) because I have acknowledged those more sinister traits I possess and scorn them, reject them. I am not the "great one" my friends think I am, and I know this. I believe the Satanists may have served a double purpose though in that they were also trying to get me to accept those darker traits of mine, which I refused. The Devil rolled its eyes at my insult because if I am it, it couldn't possibly harm me even if it wanted to, and insulting and rejecting a certain part of myself isn't going to get me anywhere anyways. The fact that they were inside a mountain could have to do with a great struggle that is internal rather than external, which was my morality dilemma.

Wow all of it seems really clear now. When I first had it I was just really confused haha. Honestly though deciphering my own dreams has gotten easier and easier. It's great! :) anyways I have my fingers crossed for a good grade haha.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 18 USA

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Re: Satanists Playing Poker

Being on vacation doesn't remove those pressures and stresses that await you when you return home. What dreams focus on don't have to be recent events or experiences. Accumulated emotional conflicts are as much what dreams are about as are recent conflicts.

I think you have done an excellent job with the interpretation. There may be other secondary applications {as to do with people in your life} but the scenario you laid out seems not only plausible but also authentic. If it fits then it is probably correct. "Wow all of it seems really clear now" is what I like to hear when I give an interpretation.

You get an A+ on this assignment.

If you notice the dream ended on a positive note. The 'Devil' wasn't able to hurt you. That suggests you are managing/controlling your negative aspects. Because you are consciously aware of the negative aspects in your life you know what to look for and thus have a better chance of resolving them. You are aware of the negatives because you have taken your dreams seriously. This is why dreams are important.

Have you considered psychology as a career choice? It won't be long before the field of psychology fully appreciates Jung's contributions to the dream world and that all dreams can be competently interpreted. You seem to have an ability to interpret dreams and could be a part of the new science that explores the deeper psyche. I believe there are secrets within the deep psyche that will contribute to new knowledge that could transform life as we know it. not in my time but perhaps yours.

Jerry The God Within You A Prayer For You

Myths-Dreams-Symbols Dream Forum
Sponsored & Supported by:

Gifford Fence Co/Middle Tennessee

Gifford Fence Orlando/Melbourne Fence Pro

Daniel Gifford's 2Stain Fence Staining

Web Design - The Power of Dreams
Melbourne Dreams & Metaphysics - Dream Interpretation Space Coast, Florida

Space Coast/Treasure Coast Dreams & Dream Interpretation Meet Up Group

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 63 Space Coast, Fla.

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Re: Satanists Playing Poker

Yay! :) I think a lot of times dreams get easier to interpret when I look back on them on retrospect, which is what I've been doing lately. I love psychology. Since I plan on perhaps being a neuroscientist when I get out of college, I was considering dream research as something I would like to study as well.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 18 USA

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Re: Satanists Playing Poker

In response to your latest post about studying neuroscience as well as Jungian dream psyche {Satanists Playing Poker}.

Neuroscience and Jungian psyche go hand in hand. Jung studied the mind which is the 'philosophical' part of the brain. The brain is the physical and the mind the psychological.

Consider this:
The part of the brain that controls dreams is our limbic system. The limbic system is a primitive part of the brain that also controls emotions and orchestrates our instincts, sexual behaviors, drives, and fight -or- flight response.

Dreams are about our emotions. The archetypes are 'primordial images' that are formed within the 'primitive' part of the brain. They are innate within the DNA of all life {the archetypal command in a turtle's brain is 'to flee to the ocean' upon hatching from its shell}.

Also notice that sexual dreams, as well as fight and/or flight dreams, are common. If it were not for developing strong instinctual abilities {intuitive} I would not be able to interpret dreams as well as I do.

It is not by coincidence these things exist as they do. It is nature's way and when you put all the parts together it makes so much sense it is 'mind boggling'. I encourage you to pursue both fields. You may be the person who discovers new things that revolutionize the world. The true mysteries of life reside within the unconscious and understanding all there is to know about the physical and psychological aspects can lead to these discoveries.

You have the tools, go for it.

Here is the entire thread to this post for those who have not followed the dream post and its interpretation Satanists Playing Poker


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 63 Space Coast, Fla.

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