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Re: intruders nightmare hostage

Let me make a correction to my analysis involving your choosing older men for relationships. I stated, "This would not be the 'motif' that was the controlling agent in your life if you had chosen men your age or younger."

Let me revise that and instead say it is a good possibility this is a reason you chose older men for relationships. There would need to be a complete analysis before anyone could give a final definitive answer to this. I'm not a psychologist and as I was told when in my military training about instructions {one hour class} in the learning of Judo, "you will learn just enough to hurt yourself."

I probably know more than what I learned in that judo class about this subject but even if I were a psychologist there still would be a need for a deeper examination. Your dream does point to this possibility so when you look at your relationships you can use this to gauge whether it fits.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 63 Space Coast, Fla.

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Re: intruders nightmare hostage

Hi Jerry,

Thank you again. I am lost now. Your sentence rings so so true it is painful to acknowledge. Yes I have been feeling like a child in my life a lot. Demanding that love. So your sentence "You are, in your deepest sense, still that little girl seeking approval, love and security from your father". Yes that is the case :-(

Kind regards

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 31

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