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Re: Flying over a land of snow

The unknown place you come down to is within yourself, an aspect you have yet to realize and/experience. Likely is a 'place' you wish to be in/at or experience.

Wearing a wedding dress and getting married may be about a real marriage {desire for a relationship} but also about bringing together masculine and feminine aspects about yourself that you have yet to achieve/experience. You may need to integrate masculine aspects {animus} into your personality. That could have to do with the stresses and anxieties you are experiencing, becoming stronger or disciplined so not to let stresses in life unduly worry you.

Knowing the groom may suggest, if it is about a relationship, you have certain expectations about the type person you wish to have a relationship with. It is about personality aspects it may suggest you know you need to be more 'masculine' in your approach to things and shouldn't let things bother you {the need to be stronger/disciplined}.

Either way, it could be because you woke up just at that time you were to get married, it suggest you yet to achieve this aspect. It could be by co-incidence you woke up but it could be the psyche woke you up as a part of the dream scenario. It could also be a way for the dream to tell you that you are not ready or prepared for some 'masculine' aspect in your life. One would be due to a lack of possessing masculine aspects, or in the case of a relationship have yet to find the right masculine/man to marry, or you are not ready for a relationship.

One last point to make. The dream could be addressing both possible interpretations. All dreams and dream images have at least tow meanings/applications. A lack of masculine aspects to do with stresses in life would be a good possibility {the dream telling you to 'buck up' and not let things bother you so much}. The other possibility, about a relationship, would be true only if it is something you have given thought to. If it does fit then you would need to analyze your true feelings about a relationship, the type guy you wish to meet, and/or if you really want a relationship or prepared for one. No dream is simple, they all have a purpose that is trying to help you resolve an emotional issue{s}. The best way to know if an interpretation is correct is if it fits in your life.


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