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Re: Selling my Clothes/Choosing a Cemetary Plot

Here are my thoughts to your last response. I can see where the dream language from your original post, the last paragraph that reads, "There was someone else in the room with us, but I did not see them other than in my peripheral vision. It was masculine, shadowy" is your father. You state in your response, "my mom grew up in an abusive household so as a result, she always raised us to be afraid of my dad". The 'shadowy' masculine would naturally point to your father. Your mother's personality was 'limited' {not allowed to blossom as it should} because of her abusive childhood and the same would be true for you {an atmosphere where everyone was in fear of your father}. It is not only how her mindset was framed, it was how your was also. This is the clear message I got from your second dream where I stated, "This dream looks to be addressing issues of a need to put an end to some aspect of yourself that stems from early life foundations that supports your personality and who you are {flooring}". This is what both dreams point to.

As for mindset, that begins in the womb believe it or not and extends throughout early childhood. We now know that personality is formed by the age of nine and the majority of the foundations that personality is built is achieved by age 3. Growing up in an environment where there is a fear of the father naturally would contribute to the foundations. Those experiences/influences are imprinted on the psyche. Just as in the animal world {we are human animals} have imprinting from imitating their parents, the young minds of children also are greatly influenced by the world around them. It has been shown that many species of animals will follow the first form deemed as 'parent' when they are born which suggest the original mind sees the world around them as the prime governing influence. When a child sees the mother being abused, or is abused themself, that is imprinted on the brain and becomes a structured influenced and motivator in future life. Such experiences would also be a reason 'not to trust men overall', the overall experience in childhood {there were positive aspects as well no doubt} being the motivator for such attitudes. Much of Jungian psyche is 'common sense', it only makes sense that our animal instincts which are designed by nature are influenced if not comforts to the world around us {and then there are the natural archetypal structures within the psyche}.


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