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February 9th 2025
12:54:11 PM
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Francesco Sinibaldi

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The open doors of the immensity.
( “Les sentiers de l\'avenir” )

The smile of the sunshine accompanies them in the beloved stroll along the paths of the valley and in these magic moments their attention is turned to the sounds of the young birds singing the chorus that lives in the tenderness of the meadows full of flowers blooming while the touch of the villager bell remembers that everything is destined to die leaving the trace of a solitary passage.
When a glimmer of light settles on the pond surface reflecting the movement of the leaves creating the dance of a trembling emotion they decide to stop for observing the stunning colors of the nature and so, after having sat on a bench situated close to a garden, this sweet couple in love relives with the thought the happiest moments of a serene existence lived in the certainty of a strong and sincere feeling.
While the wind blows bringing a sensation of nostalgic quietness and the sunset is arriving with the fleeting light of a fugitive ray they resume their walk reaching the top of a hill and here, sitting on the wet grass, their look runs in the immensity searching the glimmer of a constant faith.

Francesco Sinibaldi

Song of life.

And when the song of a free bird is touching
the sunset to follow the trail of an inner happiness,
while the flame of the candor is spreading again
for giving the silence and a fugitive smile, when
everything shines and time, with a soft wind, is
running away I can feel, in my heart, a glimmer
of life that always remains...

Francesco Sinibaldi

Song of life.

And when the song of a free bird is touching
the sunset to follow the trail of an inner happiness,
while the flame of the candor is spreading again
for giving the silence and a fugitive smile, when
everything shines and time, with a soft wind, is
running away I can feel, in my heart, a glimmer
of life that always remains...

Francesco Sinibaldi


August 14th 2024
01:48:13 PM
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Francesco Sinibaldi

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El sonido del amor.
( other version )

En el canto de
la noche brilla la
luz del amor infinito
y en esta magia
cada cosa adquiere
un aspecto distinto,
con un tierno sonido
que dona el candor.
Pero esta mágica luz
es fuente de extremo
sufrimiento, como
la noche que viene
para morir donando
a la estrella el miedo

Francesco Sinibaldi

December 16th 2018
05:58:47 PM
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Bill Smith

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Please join my git: https://github.com/3gods/stories

January 21st 2017
01:17:39 PM
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Barbara Bockman

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United States

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Researching Tintagel.

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It\'s very beautiful country. I would love to visit Cornwall some day.
I write books for children, and I want to write a book about King Arthur.

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October 9th 2016
02:19:52 PM
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Kate Holland

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Local knowledge

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Fantastic site, full of interesting information and up to date news on our lovely village

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September 25th 2016
01:14:56 AM
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Alex Drover

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New Zealand

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It\'s an old favourite

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Former Tagelite who uses the site to keep abreast of village goings on. Like what you have done with the site, much better than last visit. Everyone look out for Tim And Wendy Richards who will be visiting Tintagel this week on a visit from New Zealand!! I may be back for a visit next Christmas.

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December 4th 2015
06:58:11 AM
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Andrew Glynn

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weekend resident

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After nearly 40 years of regularly visiting, my wife and I have finally purchased a flat in the heart of the village.3.5 hours on a Friday night and i\'m drinking the wonderful Tintagel brewery ales in the KAA.Bliss!

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October 7th 2015
02:47:45 PM
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Juliet Bothams

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Planning a visit for foreign guests besotted with early English and celtic sites.

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August 1st 2015
02:39:39 PM
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Mike Woodward

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Looking for a photography holiday in England and stumbled across your web page

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Looks like a great place to make to make as my base camp for a photograph holiday.

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July 5th 2015
09:50:40 PM
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Julia Michell

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Google search for David Flower North Cornwall photography, then David Flower Tintagel photographer

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A big thank you to David who has always supported the charity Abi\'s Wish to Walk by turning up to photograph her charity events. Let\'s hope that we get there together

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June 14th 2015
09:12:36 AM
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am always on search...

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I always love the noble story of King Arthur and his Knights... I love history, mostly during medieval period where there are knights whose words and integrity cannot be broken...

January 16th 2015
02:16:21 PM
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via David Flowers

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Have to say Tintageli is 2nd to Boscastle .but its a very close 2nd !

January 6th 2015
04:14:14 PM
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Richard Wayne Morgan

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Soyth Wales UK

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Searched, after watching about the legendary King Arthur.

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I enjoyed the programme on TV about King Arthur and Tintagel. I am a believer that he did exist. Things went on in Britain over the years, that people don\'t believe, as they don\'t understand how it went on.

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September 25th 2014
04:59:31 AM
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Searching for St Nectan\'s Pottery

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20+ years ago I bought a pair of mugs at St Nectan\'s Pottery. I broke one and, being a potter now myself, I would like to make a mate. I\'ve been unable to locate a matching glaze and am hoping to contact St Nectan\'s proprietor to see if he would be willing to share his recipe for a light blue glaze that breaks light brown on edges and ridges. Can anyone help?

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June 20th 2014
10:19:39 PM
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Steve Clayton

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Worked down in Bossiney for a week . Flew from the football pitch with a Parajet and took lots of photos . Hopefully , they will be put on this Website.
Lovely area , Friendly people

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February 9th 2014
01:51:03 PM
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I am back intintagel for a week or so l have met up with a few people l know would like to meet up with anyone else who remembers me contact me through this site

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April 28th 2013
12:17:19 AM
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Michael Quilty-Maguire

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Great site and a great place, keep up the good work David.

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April 14th 2013
05:06:39 AM
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Can\'t remember...found it many years ago

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My last visit to Tintagel was the end of March 2013...I visit every year for a week and every year I never want to leave..the shops may change but the scenery and people stay the same...lovely!
After over 40 years of visiting Tintagel ... I love it as much as I did the first time I came there...See you next year x

March 8th 2013
03:32:16 PM
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Keith Knipe

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Reccommended on Tripadvisor

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Very good and helpful website

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February 7th 2013
06:01:06 AM
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Ian Saltern

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Great to see some distant Saltern relatives on this site (Emmanuel being a great great uncle of mine).

Good stuff.

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