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Deliverable Devotionals Guestbook

I will probably never meet you,
nor you I,
In this world of dot coms
we can all try,
To be neighborly and kind
to those we bump into,
By signing my guest book
that's just what you'll do.

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February 16th 2019
04:44:26 PM
What is your name?  

Sharon Wood

How did you find this website?  

Internet search for bulletin devotionals

Where are you from?  

Kerrville, TX

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Thank you for your devotionals, as well as your entire website. Thank you for permission to use what you\'ve written. You are a blessing. God bless you!

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August 27th 2015
02:32:29 PM
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Marian Webb

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I love reading your poems and your thoughts....I love you for being you!! Please add me to your emailing list..
Thank you!!

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August 6th 2013
02:42:40 PM
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Kathy Duhr

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Love you Judy Parker. You're an amazing woman of God! Thank you for your obedience!

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July 26th 2013
11:29:55 AM
What is your name?  

willetta pilcher

What is the title of your website:  

Teach Me Thy Ways

Type a quick description of your website:  

Devotionals, scriptural teachings, Bible Studies

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Just read your story about storms. I\'m so glad we have a place to hide in the midst of spiritual storms! Have had a few of those lately. One great report... our grandson who had strayed from God has just repented. Praise the Lord for victory!

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May 5th 2013
02:34:45 PM
What is your name?  

Willetta Pilcher

What is the title of your website:  

The Seedsower

Type a quick description of your website:  

Devotionals, Bible Studies, Teaching ministry, Poetry and much more

How did you find this website?  

You are an old friend from years back/ reacquaintance through FB

Where are you from?  

Decatur, Il

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Hello Judy, It is so nice to find you again. I don\'t know how we got separated but it is nice to make your acquaintance again. I\'ve always enjoyed your poetry. God bless you!

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November 12th 2012
02:39:33 PM
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Lorri W.

How did you find this website?  

by chance

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I have read a couple of your devotional posts and plan to share one at our ladies fellowship tonight. Thanks for making them available. I love the music box story! God really does speak to us in a number of unexpected ways, doesn't he? God Bless!

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February 27th 2012
05:39:18 PM
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Where are you from?  

Johnson City TN

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I love the poem you posted about pain. I needed that today. I love you.

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January 30th 2011
07:50:53 PM
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What is the title of your website:  

ladyliw's place

Type a quick description of your website:  

A place to chat and share God's love with others

How did you find this website?  

Looking for Valentine's Day devotionals for a newsletter I work with

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Great material and I pray I have your permission to share these with our readers. (Please send me an email, if possible, confirming permission to use).

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December 8th 2009
06:25:07 PM
What is your name?  

Paul M. McLaughlin

What is the title of your website:  

"Loved In The Midst Of Suffering"

Type a quick description of your website:  

Survivor and Works of Helping Children since 1975 to 1999

Where are you from?  

Eugene, Oregon

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"I Was Loved in The Midst Of Sufferings" and helping children who are suffering since 1975 to 1999 from Donora (Pittsburgh), Pennsylvania to Portland and Eugene, Oregon.
Paul M. McLaughlin --- Save Our Children --- 298 Hunington Ave. ---
Eugene, Oregon 97405

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February 10th 2009
11:19:17 AM
What is your name?  

Gloria Redner

How did you find this website?  

searching in google for bulletin inserts

Where are you from?  

Kingston, Ontario Canada

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I am an officer/pastor at The Salvation Army Rideau Heights Community Church. My husband and I work as a team and I specifically work with women hoslitically. Your website inspires me and brings insight to encourage those in our congregation.
Personally I am writing a book that I pray will be a tool for Women to be saved and become overcomers, regardless of what that have experienced.
Blessings to you as you continue to Bless others
Your sister in Christ

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