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I have recurring death dreams
I have dreams where someone i know that is still living and in my dream they are dead. It has happened on many occasions and when this happenes we find out within a couple weeks that me or some one in the family is pregnant. Why is that??
Views: 413   Replies: 3
Last Post: Oct 16, 2005 7:54am
by Gerard
Night. Rain. Car crash. Dream in black & white
Night time. Rural area. It has rained. Road dark and shiny from rain. At T junction there are blocks of concrete, of equal size/proprtion, which look like masonry wirth just one or two rough edges i.e. as if they have been salvaged from a building or just fallen at t...
Views: 395   Replies: 2
Last Post: Oct 16, 2005 6:47am
by Gerard
sex kitten
Hey Gerard, This one is kind of short and muddled.. It was raining outside, I was sitting by a window that a branch extended to. I saw a little kitten coming up the branch. I thought "finally, a kitten!" It was all dirty and wet, I had a moment of not wanting to...
Views: 1670   Replies: 5
Last Post: Oct 15, 2005 7:50am
by Gerard
concrete on the roof
I own a small building in a city. I am having concrete poured on the roof. Some others and I are walking around and checking on the work. At one point, I see a section that must be torn down to make the rest of the roof fit right. My neighbor comes over and doesn't...
Views: 492   Replies: 3
Last Post: Oct 15, 2005 7:03am
by Gerard
Recurring Symbols againream
I am at a family function in an unfamiliar house. A male, who feels like a cousin energy, has a serious cocaine problem & comes home with two teeth knocked out and an eye injury. There is visible blood at all injuries - another male family member who feels like a bro...
Views: 513   Replies: 3
Last Post: Oct 12, 2005 6:45pm
by Laurie
death to the queen
I know this dream has great importance, but the end baffles me. The dream takes place in a royal palace, and I'm just a visitor at first. Then the king leads an attack against his own castle that begins in the basement, ultimately causing the death of his elderly q...
Views: 409   Replies: 3
Last Post: Oct 12, 2005 4:03pm
by Gerard
My dream
I keep having recurring dreams about my ex-boyfriend from whom I dated a little over a year ago. These are not bad dreams, they are actually good. We are together in some and others I am trying to get in touch with him and when I do he is glad. I have had these dream...
Views: 446   Replies: 1
Last Post: Oct 12, 2005 11:28am
by Gerard
Recurring Themes of Wars and Quests in my dreams
HI For the past few months i have had 2 recurring themes in my dreams and have had a hard time trying to make sense of them. I was wondering if it means anything to anyone here and they an help me understand them. Dreams Themee one I keep seeing the arthurian ex...
Views: 381   Replies: 3
Last Post: Oct 12, 2005 11:20am
by Gerard
Ankh, Meteors and Scrolls
I had this dream two nights ago and normally after about a day I usually forget about it and move on. But this dream has been on my mind for 48 hours now and I just can't seem to get past it. It just doesn't seem like one of my "typical" dreams. The dream goes like t...
Views: 425   Replies: 4
Last Post: Oct 12, 2005 9:02am
by Gerard
Well, I'm pushing through a crowd of people hanging around in front of my childhood home - they are preparing for a huge party. As I make my way to the door and unlock it, they push past and invade the house (break out the beer bong). I'm fixed on getting to the u...
Views: 457   Replies: 1
Last Post: Oct 12, 2005 8:09am
by Gerard
Married in 80 days
I dreamt that I was on my way to work and on the phone with a psychic and she was doing a reading on me via cell phone. She told me that I was getting married in 80 days. I was very distraught about this in my dream because it meant that I was not marrying who I thou...
Views: 484   Replies: 6
Last Post: Oct 12, 2005 6:42am
by Gerard
Ok I just have a question about a dream I had. I don't know what it means so if anyone can help me please email me and let me know. Ok I keep having this dream where this green eye is coming after me. It is surounded by darkness with streeks of lights. The colors...
Views: 408   Replies: 1
Last Post: Oct 11, 2005 7:01pm
by Gerard
I have 3 friends that died in a car accident. And one of them come into my dreams quite frequently. The one that I will never forget is he came to me and was talking to me and nobody else could see or hear him. Only I could. We talked like we used to and I caught...
Views: 380   Replies: 1
Last Post: Oct 10, 2005 7:30am
by Gerard
shadow work
I moved back home a year ago and since then have been in this old darkness I thought was over. I had a dream the night I left to return to colorado. My son told me that night that he had found the 'answer' and we had a heated discussion over it. It scared the hell o...
Views: 529   Replies: 4
Last Post: Oct 9, 2005 11:50pm
by Leslie
Change Text Color/Add a Link/Add an Image/Cut & Paste
You may be wandering how I add a different color to the words in my posts, add an image or add a link to another page or site. I have created a page to show you just how to do all three. Plus how to easily cut and paste the codes. This page link is also available at...
Views: 548   Replies: 0
Last Post: Oct 9, 2005 11:52am
by Gerard
Weird Movie-Like Dream
I don't know if there is any explaining this dream... There was this woman, she was running from some stalker. He was a violent stalker and she was afraid. Suddenly, Abraham Lincoln popped up and killed this stalker. I think he was sort of a lover to this woman...
Views: 643   Replies: 3
Last Post: Oct 9, 2005 7:07am
by Gerard
dog and father dream
ok this one threw me. i dreamnt i was starving, so much i could feel the hunger more than anything. the hunger also had a small muted sound to it, like a hum. so in the dream i killed my dog and cut her up and began cooking parts of her. while i was eating the do...
Views: 448   Replies: 3
Last Post: Oct 9, 2005 6:04am
by Gerard
Archetypes, Fairy Tales & Mythology
When we look at personality types and how they are influenced by the archetypes, we can go to mythology and discover clues to their associations and also clues our own personalities. My personality/psyche is aligned with the trickster. This particular page from Cryst...
Views: 442   Replies: 3
Last Post: Oct 8, 2005 6:53pm
by Kathy
green fog in corner, loud noise, nosebleed
these dreams happened over a period of about a month. i would fall asleep and in my dream i would wake up and not be able to move. the room would also be in a mirror image of the original, meaning the room would be flipped. i would be laying on my right side and i...
Views: 503   Replies: 3
Last Post: Oct 8, 2005 6:01pm
by Justin
My ex's house. Children turn into tigers
Had a mini snooze this afternoon. Despite a wonderful nights sleep last night, could not shake off a really bad headache all day, today (food, water, stretching, lavender oil,painkillers, fresh air, just staying still - all to no avail!) which was threatening to tur...
Views: 426   Replies: 1
Last Post: Oct 8, 2005 5:51pm
by s Williams
Ghost In The Forest
(Sorry if I am posting too much but this subject is so amazing) Anyway, at my school there was this forest surroundings. They had recently put in a track through the forest that you could run on. My friend and I would run through and everytime, I would hear some...
Views: 708   Replies: 1
Last Post: Oct 8, 2005 8:35am
by Gerard
Hello, I was hoping you would be able to tell me what this dream might mean... From what I can remember, I was being raped by this girl. I was overtaken and I couldn't get away. She wouldn't let me go. All of this happened in the street. Then, I found myself i...
Views: 1122   Replies: 4
Last Post: Oct 8, 2005 6:36am
by Gerard
Temple of the mechanical Gods fridays dream
Im in a room with people that looks like they can be scientist. They needed me for this one project that at first i couldn't belive it but they found this old city that kind of looks like it could be ours, but dated farther back. There were strange markings that were...
Views: 665   Replies: 6
Last Post: Oct 7, 2005 8:49pm
by Justin
mothers dream
My mother e-mailed me this morning and told me to keep a close eye on my daughter for the next couple of days. She staes she had a dream that somthing horrible happened to her but wont tell me what it is becasue she does not want it to come true. MY daughter is 11 1/...
Views: 419   Replies: 2
Last Post: Oct 7, 2005 10:41am
by lynette
reccuring theme in a dream for the first time
I have very random dreams every night, but lately there is a reccuring theme for the first time I can remember. Whenever i dream i see the dreams as I see normal life - through my eye's viewpoint. I alwasy stay this way in dreams throughout, but in every dream I have...
Views: 469   Replies: 4
Last Post: Oct 7, 2005 8:42am
by s Williams
New Spititual Device
I dreamt I walked into a big lecture room, I did,nt know why ,but I felt out of place, seeing men in uniforms, they were in the airforce for some sort of high tech aeoronautic? lecture, they look at me as if to say "what are you doing here" I go to the next room, and...
Views: 493   Replies: 14
Last Post: Oct 6, 2005 6:21pm
by s Williams
Sex Change?
So, what does it mean when in your dream you are a woman and have a husband and are waiting for him to get ready so you can go out to eat? This dream kind of made me nauseous (after I woke up and thought about it). Oddly, it felt entirely normal while asleep. Is t...
Views: 414   Replies: 1
Last Post: Oct 6, 2005 9:30am
by Gerard
Dear Gerard, from my last dream interpretation i have conclude that what I have been repressed is my homosexuality due to culture and religion believes presssure.since that last dream, I have had two more dreams.the first is: my mother call me on the phone, she s...
Views: 1186   Replies: 1
Last Post: Oct 6, 2005 7:56am
by Gerard
Printed numbers - white on black, being 'vacuumed' drawn into an invisible point
I did not sleep much last night, had thre light on for most of the night. Lucid dream: Saw white numbers (typed white on a black background) all moving away from me as if being sucked into an invisible central point ( i.e. I was aware of a central point of their dis...
Views: 422   Replies: 2
Last Post: Oct 6, 2005 7:50am
by s Williams
White theatrical makeup being applied to my face by someone else
I also dreamt that I was looking at myself (but not in a mirro, but as if I was observing somerone else having make up applied to their face). The make up was white opaque theatrical make up, applied liberally, and my expression was serene and happy, I closed my eye...
Views: 420   Replies: 2
Last Post: Oct 6, 2005 7:47am
by s Williams
I constantly dream of rats
Hello Everyone, I am new here and I would like to say hello first. I am TERRIFIED of rats. The other night, I had a dream I was getting married and saw a large white rat. It woke me up because I am so afraid of them. Then, last night as I was drifting off to sleep,...
Views: 392   Replies: 3
Last Post: Oct 6, 2005 6:35am
by Gerard
The Moans of the Twilight sky
The dream starts off at my grandmas old apartment and i walk out side but the sky looked this beautiful blue and yellow color mostly blue thought. The clouds start to come closer to us like something was comming out of it. People everywhere start to come outside to s...
Views: 413   Replies: 1
Last Post: Oct 5, 2005 9:15pm
by Justin
Hello Gerard, I dreamt this morning that my Grandmother (Nanny, as she was known) has died. I am taking my son to her viewing, we walk in the room, and her casket is tucked in a corner. I go over and see that she has the American flag covering just her face. I...
Views: 521   Replies: 3
Last Post: Oct 4, 2005 4:27pm
by Maureen
Bitten - bites
I've had three dreams of being bitten in the last week. the first was frightening: a creature appeared in the corner of my room and came over to me in my bed and bit into my wrist. i couldn't move to stop him. The second was erotic, i was being bitten by a vampiri...
Views: 544   Replies: 3
Last Post: Oct 4, 2005 8:22am
by Gerard
A Scientific Basis for 4 as a Number for Wholeness
Carl Jung saw the number 4 in a dream as the number that symbolized wholeness, balance, the Imdividuated Self. And there are various spiritual philosophies including Buddhism and Native American that used four as the symbols representing the complete But there is a...
Views: 687   Replies: 3
Last Post: Oct 4, 2005 4:11am
by Justin
Three Dreams: (1) Possession/Exorcism, (2) Hell (3) The Rapture
Hey Gerard. I write about all three of these dreams because I feel they are somehow connected to one another. Please feel free to take your time in getting around to them (if you want to get around to them). Thank you. (1) Possession/Exorcism. Not too long ago (af...
Views: 622   Replies: 3
Last Post: Oct 3, 2005 2:06pm
by Gerard
keyring with fur
Hello :-) Twice, I've dreamt that I have acquired a special keyring. In the first dream which was about 5 years ago, I had to kill a giant tar-black skeleton queen and smashed her head to dust to get it out of her. The keyring had a small tuft of white fur and t...
Views: 501   Replies: 7
Last Post: Oct 3, 2005 6:46am
by Gerard
Future battle at the mall
The dream starts out ne and this guy were looking for someone or something. I've never seen him before, but the feeling i'm getting was that we buddies it seems like i known him for ages. The person we were looking for isn't human i guess in this dream im some kind...
Views: 440   Replies: 1
Last Post: Oct 2, 2005 10:17pm
by Gary W
Awoken by fear + pain
The intensity of this dream awoke me, and I would appreciate sny insights. I was watching myself and another man. They had been told or ordered to stand on what looked like a quickly flowing river. Was it for punishment? unsure. Although it looked like a river the...
Views: 495   Replies: 7
Last Post: Oct 2, 2005 10:29am
by Kathy
Annoying sisters
In my dream, I was an adult, living in the home that I lived in until I was 11. My younger sister (who I am very close to) had been away somewhere and had come to stay with me. I was getting very frustrated with her for going through all my things and I remember bein...
Views: 471   Replies: 5
Last Post: Oct 2, 2005 6:58am
by Gerard
Ghosts , monsters (dream of a male child of 5 years old)
I spoke to my son last night and as is commonwioth many children of his age, he is scared of mosters and ghosts. I spoke to him on the telephone and he said that he was tired. He then said that he was always tired. I asked him if he slept well at night. He said no...
Views: 490   Replies: 3
Last Post: Oct 2, 2005 6:09am
by Gerard
Tropical Depression 18 {9}
Just a thought to the possibilities of the 9s. Today is the 18th of September, 9/18. The National Weather Service issued a weather advisory on Tropical Depression 18, predicted to become Hurricane Rita and headed to the Gulf of Mexico. For those who read my post on N...
Views: 816   Replies: 16
Last Post: Sep 30, 2005 3:24pm
by Gerard
The Path, The Clearing, The Cave
Hi, I had a dream a short time ago which has been particularly fascinating to me. The dream started off with me walking on a narrow path in a dense forest. It was the middle of the night, and I suddenly became aware that I was not alone. Coming out of the shadows...
Views: 647   Replies: 6
Last Post: Sep 30, 2005 12:07pm
by Alan
a dream about my father
Views: 618   Replies: 7
Last Post: Sep 30, 2005 10:09am
by s Williams
My last dream
I am in the sitting room, my sister left her things there so I decide to bring it to her, in the corridor leading to her room in meet my teacher who hate me. she accused me to steal from my sister, I says I love my sister I will not doing something bad to her and I s...
Views: 687   Replies: 1
Last Post: Sep 30, 2005 6:33am
by Gerard
The Darkman and the warehouse
There are 2 more parts to this dream so i' some it up The dream first starts out with me walking with my friends and it was a nice dream win it started then thats when i felt like i something bad was approaching ididn't know from where but i knew it was coming so...
Views: 555   Replies: 3
Last Post: Sep 30, 2005 6:15am
by Gerard
I'm going into labour and i'm only 18!
i had this dream i suddenly got pregant, i don't know how or who's baby it is all i kno is that i'm suddenly going into labour and i'm anticipating the pain and im driven by these people i have no idea who they were in the back of their green mini van and i never mak...
Views: 437   Replies: 1
Last Post: Sep 29, 2005 3:34pm
by Gerard
Two parties - one in beautiful ocation & one in a quite grim location!
Last nights dream (20/9/05) I am invited to 2 parties. One at my friend, Steve's. Although in real life Steve lives in a beautiful house in the country, the house in the dream does not look like his. I open the door to the rear of the house and there is a vast exp...
Views: 693   Replies: 11
Last Post: Sep 29, 2005 11:36am
by s Williams
the pet shop
This is a dream that I had last night and it has been bothering me all day long. I was at home reading the newspaper and I see this add for an opening of a store named "My Jewish Life." I captured my eye thinking that it was a judaica store(store where they sell j...
Views: 490   Replies: 1
Last Post: Sep 29, 2005 6:22am
by Gerard
opposite of reality
hi there, i was wondering if you could interpret this dream for me because it confuses me a lot.. i have dreamed that i was at my classroom, listening to my professor's discussion, then suddenly, i just sneaked out of the room and went into a very small house... a v...
Views: 523   Replies: 2
Last Post: Sep 28, 2005 11:52pm
by Maya
A reoccuring world
I'm unable to say for how long this world has been returning to me. I lost track after awhile. This world is one without walls. The only walls belong to homes, and on one rare occaassion, a warehouse that harbored children. But I'll get to that in a moment. It...
Views: 463   Replies: 6
Last Post: Sep 28, 2005 2:20pm
by Gerard
Searching for something.
Normally when I dream I don’t dream very clearly, and I have problems remembering the next morning. However, these two I remember like they really happened, and I am curious as to what they mean. Last night I dreamed my mother was looking for a new house. M...
Views: 504   Replies: 2
Last Post: Sep 27, 2005 7:06am
by Gerard
Hi there I wondered if you could interpret a dream for me please. A few nights ago I dreamt about my ex boyfriend and his new girlfriend. In real life our relationship involved a lot of psychological abuse and this ended around 18 months ago. He got with his now gi...
Views: 829   Replies: 8
Last Post: Sep 27, 2005 6:31am
by Gerard
I Ching links
For anyone interested in studying the I Ching. Below are links to two web sites with relevent information. I Ching with Clarity site offers in depth information: I Ching with Clarity For online access to both Richard Wilhelm and James Legge translations and...
Views: 461   Replies: 7
Last Post: Sep 25, 2005 3:44pm
by Gerard
HI Gerard, I have had a socaill very quiet time recently as many of my missing psychological pieces have been dropping in to place for me - i can understand many of the factors that have influenced my behaviors over the years. Now that I can see the overall landscap...
Views: 670   Replies: 4
Last Post: Sep 23, 2005 4:54pm
by Justin
Besides having an interest in dreams, I am also a student of metaphysics. My metaphysical roots are Jungian and Campbell. But I also take into account all varied possibilities. When the senses are activated, you learn to live by them. Before 9/11 there were many...
Views: 883   Replies: 3
Last Post: Sep 23, 2005 9:12am
by s Williams
brother's wife
Hello All, i wonder if I can have some thoughts on this one. I am in the old family house of my cousin's. My brother's wife is making advances towards me. She is beautiful. I am interested and we met outside in a car on the street. Feels like we are doing somethi...
Views: 626   Replies: 4
Last Post: Sep 22, 2005 6:08pm
by Gerard
Metaphysics and the Mother
Tamed the social dragon the first of the week, finished my project and will take at look at the posted dreams and comments Thursday morning. An article I came across today I think may be of interest. Doorways of Support and Inspiration:: Healing Mind, Body and S...
Views: 664   Replies: 0
Last Post: Sep 21, 2005 6:54pm
by Gerard
Stairs, Court room
Real scenario: Family court debacle involving my 5 yr old son and my ex, to whom I was never married, and co-habited with briefly (first 4 months of pregnancy. I left him in Dec 99 - physical and extreme pscyhological violence. Police state that he is highly dangerou...
Views: 945   Replies: 10
Last Post: Sep 21, 2005 5:40am
by s Williams
Joseph Campbell-The Inspiration for Star Wars
I found a new webpage on Joseph Campbell I felt worthy to note. Notice Campbell's philosophy on the consciousness as a form of energy, underlined at end of post. You can see his influence on my thinking. Just as with George Lucas, Campbell is my personal guru. Her...
Views: 573   Replies: 0
Last Post: Sep 20, 2005 6:02pm
by Gerard
Stabbing Self
I have a recurring(a few times a day) daydream where I am lying in the fetal position and I stab myself in the stomach. Sometimes I twist the knife. I do not feel anything and then I just go back to my life.
Views: 589   Replies: 4
Last Post: Sep 20, 2005 2:02pm
by Gerard
Giving birth to kittens
I dreampt that I gave birth to kittens. IT was weird because I was laying in bed all bloody, with these kittens surrounding me... my children.
Views: 471   Replies: 1
Last Post: Sep 19, 2005 3:46pm
by Gerard
I dreampt that Iwas dying, but only for 10 minutes, then I came back to life, it was like it was nothing, could this be myself reborn?
Views: 621   Replies: 1
Last Post: Sep 19, 2005 3:40pm
by Gerard
fMy son. Fire. Helplessness. Misery.
Another dream thatI had this week: This was a lucid dream i.e. I knew I was dreaming atthe time. My son (aged 5) at his fathers house. Flames all around him, My son atthe centre. Imagine a picture with a childs face at the centre and framed by flames. His ex...
Views: 947   Replies: 5
Last Post: Sep 19, 2005 6:05am
by s Williams
There are two dreams that have me stumped The first is I am hearing a dead aunt (she is not dead in real life) calling out to her daughter (my cousin) Her voice is coming from a mountain. A Brown mountain that is steep. I begin runnng up the mountain at a steady p...
Views: 678   Replies: 6
Last Post: Sep 18, 2005 4:32pm
by Gerard
My Dream
Note: any word in this color is a link to another page or website. I believe this is a first. At least in this forum which I began in 2002. { head. Glued is glued. Straightforward? Yes, and maybe. Never say never. The ceiling represents the limit, as high as...
Views: 649   Replies: 8
Last Post: Sep 18, 2005 3:31pm
by Gerard
Something's up! Gerard
Views: 967   Replies: 9
Last Post: Sep 18, 2005 10:09am
by Kathy
Dark Houses
Hello Gerard, My first post here, I hope you can help me sort some recurring issues/dreams. In the first dream, I'm at work visiting except it's not my actual workplace. ( I don't work anymore). It's a big, big old Victorian house and it's very dark (as most...
Views: 560   Replies: 5
Last Post: Sep 18, 2005 6:19am
by Gerard
I dream I am sleeping and having a dream
Hi. I had this dream yesterday in the wee hours of the morning. Some part of me in my dream suddenly became aware that I was dreaming - but I could see myself asleep on a single wooden bed with a white sheet & pillows, and tucked under a white duvet. And in the dream...
Views: 572   Replies: 3
Last Post: Sep 17, 2005 3:16pm
by Gerard
in my dream me and my boyfriend have an apartment together and we live on the second floor and i was stading on our ledge/pourch thing and i looked down and saw my boyfriend and he was just walkin around in the back yard then a girl he goes to school with walked acro...
Views: 766   Replies: 4
Last Post: Sep 17, 2005 7:47am
by Gerard
My dream last night took place in a shabby hotel, it was dark and very old, almost Victorian looking. I do not remember much except that I was with people I knew and we were looking for someone or something, we were somewhat anxious and in a panic. We finally stumb...
Views: 634   Replies: 7
Last Post: Sep 17, 2005 7:35am
by Gerard
Myth and Dreams
I just reread {for the hundred time} the link I provided in my previous post My Dream and I want to encourage everyone to read it. Joseph Campbell was a master of articulation, able to put into words those things that inform the senses and not only the ear. This ex...
Views: 619   Replies: 0
Last Post: Sep 16, 2005 7:13pm
by Gerard
storm and flood
hello Garard, In my dream, me (female), my sister and a male teacher that I respect were outside and it was windy. The wind kept increasing, turned into a storm and then a tornado. First some palm trees and pine trees were and then some wooden panels and later so...
Views: 550   Replies: 9
Last Post: Sep 15, 2005 1:22am
by Fish
Conflict & resolution
Hi All, I think a time of significant change has arrived. I believe I’ve identified the current stage I’m experiencing in the hero’s journey. The call was received, refused and am currently making preparations to cross the threshold. This dream i...
Views: 710   Replies: 8
Last Post: Sep 12, 2005 6:25am
by Kathy
Hi, I need some help with analysing a certain dream : I'm in a cell with bars in front of me. There's no bed or anything else. It's really frustrating being there, I'm sad, angry, I just don't want to be locked up like that. On the other side of the bars, there...
Views: 744   Replies: 3
Last Post: Sep 11, 2005 3:39pm
by Gerard
Wandering in a beautiful garden.
Hi, I am new to this site. I just want to know my dream interpretation. I had this dream more than once. I along with some people( I think its some of my family members & friends) is roaming in a garden. It is a garden with a theme park also. we enjoy...
Views: 613   Replies: 7
Last Post: Sep 10, 2005 6:58pm
by Gerard
Sinking Sailboat
A friend of mine and I were walking around at night in a neighborhood that I didn't recognize. Then we were walking up a driveway, but I didn't seem to take notice of what house we were in front of. But on the driveway there was a boat, more like a sailboat, and i...
Views: 748   Replies: 4
Last Post: Sep 10, 2005 5:32pm
by Gerard
pastry and stuff
I was at a friends house sitting on her front patio, on a white wooden deck chair, i was wearing a navy blue t-shirt and light grey shorts. my friend apparantly was a caterer/baker and had left me to manage the place for her while she had stepped out for a bit. This...
Views: 686   Replies: 3
Last Post: Sep 10, 2005 3:09pm
by Gerard
Dream Interpretation
Dear whoever is out there: Background story-- part 1: I am considering pursuing a relationship with my EX best-friend's ex boyfriend. Thing is she's been madly "in love" with him for 5 years, and she still is. But he wants nothing to do with her. I usually follow...
Views: 682   Replies: 3
Last Post: Sep 8, 2005 5:10pm
by Unfaithful
Dream Interpretations
All of sudden several posts seeking interpretations....Katrina? Several posts asking for interpretations and the demands from personal obligations will delay my interpretations until this weekend. I hope all understand. When I give an interpretation I want it to b...
Views: 690   Replies: 4
Last Post: Sep 8, 2005 8:13am
by Gerard
Recurring Symbols
Hey Gerard, Hope you're well. Been having some pretty bizarre dreams, but there are two symbols that are recurring in almost all. First, clothing - have gone through colors, which I know Yung would have stated is the onset of a "grand" dream. First was red, then yel...
Views: 522   Replies: 1
Last Post: Sep 8, 2005 7:12am
by Gerard
rape by teacher
hi, new to this site. ever since last year, i've been having these awful nightmares of my woodshop teacher, raping me, and now that i'm in the 8th grade, the year has just started. but i know that i'm having him again this year, i'm just really scared.
Views: 626   Replies: 1
Last Post: Sep 7, 2005 6:30am
by Gerard
What does it mean when you look at someone in your dream and they have lots of needles/nails or pins sticking out of their head?
Views: 465   Replies: 7
Last Post: Sep 5, 2005 12:31am
by P
the night before this dream I was with my family in a trailor that we had rented for the night--they were taking me to B.C for University. That night we got the call that my grandmother had passed away a few hours earlier. Our trip was cancelled and we were to head b...
Views: 928   Replies: 7
Last Post: Sep 4, 2005 12:09pm
by Katharine
a gang
I had this dream two weeks ago, I was in an open place, like a farm, I saw this white roster opening the a chicken mouth and trying to put something inside, then he noticed i was watching and started walking to me but at the same moment he was converting into a man,...
Views: 691   Replies: 4
Last Post: Sep 3, 2005 4:21pm
by Gerard
cars, gangs, jesters, spiders and indian women
lately ive been dreaming like crazy, i remember at least one dream every night. wondering if any of you have ideas as to what they're about. last night i dreamt that i was making love with a native indian woman, she had face paint with intricate designs on her....
Views: 613   Replies: 2
Last Post: Sep 3, 2005 7:54am
by Gerard
chased by goons...
i have dreamed this a couple of times but they have a different ending and i am very much confused about their meaning... i would gladly appreciate it if u could interpret it for me... well, in my dream, we (my friends, cousins, brothers) were in a church listening...
Views: 671   Replies: 2
Last Post: Sep 3, 2005 7:30am
by Gerard
I dream that I am at a party late at night. I am doing the dishes, but I want to go and find a phone to call my eksboyfriend. He lives in Brussels and he is far away. I want to tell him, that I want to be with him again and go with him and live with him. it is a very...
Views: 469   Replies: 3
Last Post: Sep 3, 2005 6:45am
by Gerard
Green Eye
Hi Gerard, I dreamt that there was something outside late dusk. As I went to investigate, I saw something move behind a branch. As I went forward cautiously, I became more intrigued. What I saw was a neutral half face of a person but the person had big beautiful gre...
Views: 635   Replies: 4
Last Post: Sep 2, 2005 7:40am
by Dana
Hurricane Risk to New Orleans - Sept. 2002
Do you believe in prophecy? Read/listen to this radio program aired in Sept. 2002 about Hurricane Risk to New Orleans - Sept. 2002. This is fascinating stuff. You can listen to FREE. Here is the printable version Print Version Also the reference to his dream, l...
Views: 924   Replies: 0
Last Post: Sep 1, 2005 6:48pm
by Gerard
Dream concerning money transaction
Have suffered financial difficulties after recently starting a business. Have considered selling a pice of my property on which my home is situated, and found an interested builder. I am scheduled to meet with him tonight, as he is ready to put "an offer on the table...
Views: 659   Replies: 4
Last Post: Aug 29, 2005 9:05am
by Laurie
dog mutilation
Last night I dreamt that my precious male Chihuahua went outside with my son. Not clear as to whether he was loose or on a leash. When they returned in the house, my dog had been very badly torn up, as "somthing" had attacked him. I sensed it was a lion, and instruct...
Views: 605   Replies: 6
Last Post: Aug 29, 2005 6:42am
by Laurie
Hi Gerard, I had a couple of dreams a couple of weeks ago that really made me think, so I wanted to get some feedback from you. I felt that it was important for me to know what they were really trying to tell me. These dreams are both about churches. Back...
Views: 576   Replies: 6
Last Post: Aug 24, 2005 5:38am
by Gerard
Waking the Guru
Hi Gerard, Since discovering your website I've enjoyed it very much. Last night I had a dream which I found interesting and which seems to play into what I have been processing for several months. In the dream scenario I am talking to another women outside o...
Views: 492   Replies: 7
Last Post: Aug 24, 2005 2:26am
by pj
celebtration time
Hi I had 2 friends ring with similar dreams in the same evening. My partner has a "happy" coffee shop. Family come to celebrate his birthday, but he is disapointed he has no gifts. Everyone is happy bar him, and I try to make light of the situation.
Views: 493   Replies: 4
Last Post: Aug 22, 2005 5:03am
by Dana
Ram from the sky
I look above at the sky which is clear but not sunny. Suddenly a Ram emerges from the sky comes running downward towards me. It is as big as an elephant and charges at me with anger. when it comes down to earth it stands calmly next to me and is of normal size. Iam n...
Views: 447   Replies: 2
Last Post: Aug 18, 2005 10:09pm
by Fairy
I had a dream I was on my back pourch with my boyfriend and I was just stading there with him and all of a sudden there was bees around me, (the tiny bees) and one stung the back of my hand and I freaked out and ran off my pourch and I got stung a couple more times o...
Views: 410   Replies: 1
Last Post: Aug 18, 2005 7:06am
by Gerard
I dreamt that I was doing a show (a show that I'm currently doing) but we were being directed by a hostile man. He would scream and yell, throw tantrums. In the center of the stage there was a clear box with foil-wrapped candies and on top of the box was a stack of...
Views: 460   Replies: 3
Last Post: Aug 18, 2005 6:47am
by Gerard
lately, i always dreamed that i was smoking and that my body was really aching for a cigarette... does this dream have to with me? i dont smoke, niether drink.. right now, i am really in the most deepest situation in my life, regarding with my lovelife... and is it...
Views: 495   Replies: 6
Last Post: Aug 16, 2005 11:27pm
by maan
the dragons breath
hi , before i go off line for a while,i would greatly appreciate your thoughts on this powerful emotive dream i had last night, i watch as a small light aircraft escorts a passanger plane in to land,(maybe a security threat) now in the passanger plane with a femal...
Views: 593   Replies: 4
Last Post: Aug 15, 2005 5:03pm
by Gerard
Taking a break
Sorry I haven't answered the posts the past few days. Very busy time of the year. I will be taking a break from the Forum for a couple of weeks. If the regulars want to take up the slack that would be great. I have posted a Closed sign at the Members page so only t...
Views: 641   Replies: 4
Last Post: Aug 15, 2005 12:29am
by Justin
nights in white satin.
hi gerard i have been pondering your response/thoughts on my talisman dream the past few days,especially the ref to the parsifal myth. i suddenly remembered joseph campbells words. .. myth is the song! i looked at nights in white satin,the song,as a myth or a sec...
Views: 607   Replies: 2
Last Post: Aug 11, 2005 12:25pm
by steve
Strange Nightmare
I had a strange nightmare, which is not really unusual for me. However, this one is bothering me, and I want to get someone else's take on it. In the dream, I am first in an apartment and friends come over. The apartment is a mess, with old clothing strewn everywhere...
Views: 502   Replies: 2
Last Post: Aug 5, 2005 11:45am
by Lisa
i dreamed i was on the right side of the car driving and i had 3 other passengers up front with me. this other car asked if they could get in front of so they could spee. i knew these people in my dream but not in real life, they spead off doing a 100 miles an hour...
Views: 590   Replies: 1
Last Post: Aug 3, 2005 7:36am
by Gerard
in my dream, i was fighting with someone, i dont know who that was, in this dream we were flying and he's chasing me in the air... when he caught me, he stabbed me in my back and then i woke up.. as soon as i woke up, i felt the pain in my back...
Views: 600   Replies: 1
Last Post: Jul 27, 2005 3:49am
by steve
Green field & two circles
Hi All, Notes: 1. In the dream the boy is like my dog Hannah- happy and unruly! 2. Back on the 9 to 5. Feels good to have a job helping people & to be out and about. 3. I feel this dream describes need to continue working toward personal growth. 4. Confused...
Views: 722   Replies: 0
Last Post: Jul 24, 2005 7:08pm
by Kathy
the colour blue and mum and dads missing
just wondered if anyone knew any thing about dreams in your school it was definately familiar in a store room the second door was locked but after finding a message sayin "find mum and dad" the door unlocked. finding a box with a plastic flower and two blue cubes i f...
Views: 612   Replies: 2
Last Post: Jul 23, 2005 3:43am
by mangojuice
in my dream, my mother told me that my father is dead but later i saw him alive and i hug him.
Views: 542   Replies: 1
Last Post: Jul 22, 2005 6:18am
by Gerard
the talisman
hi, i have just come back from a canoeing trip in scotland,great to be able to drop the everyday baggage. while there i had this dream. i am playing a guitar quietly to myself as i feel i am not good enough for others to hear, i am playing nights in white satin b...
Views: 439   Replies: 2
Last Post: Jul 22, 2005 4:04am
by steve
outdoor festival, lesions, art
Hi there, I had a somewhat disturbing dream last night. I was at an outdoor festival with friends. I know among the people I was with was a person with whom I recently terminated our friendship. The entire time we are at the festival my left leg is bothering me...
Views: 703   Replies: 3
Last Post: Jul 21, 2005 6:36am
by Gerard
face paint
Hi, I had this dream, perhaps one which repeats itself, in a way that it involves paint, pigment and body??? It seemed insignificant, in that there wasn't anything strange or unusual about it, and because I don't remember it too well. What I remember is that there...
Views: 739   Replies: 3
Last Post: Jul 21, 2005 6:20am
by Gerard
snake dreams
I have been writing my dreams down for a few years and I have only dicovered this forum,perhaps someone can help explain last night dream. I dreamt I was in maybe a basement ? and I was with 2 brown snakes,they appeared to be friendly with me,for some reason I whipp...
Views: 713   Replies: 6
Last Post: Jul 21, 2005 6:14am
by Gerard
Hi. I need some help with a dream I had. In this dream, I am participating in a contest, answering questions to win a prize (something like Who wants to be millionaire). I know that at 6:00 I am supposed to be at an appointment with a man (who is actually a friend) b...
Views: 570   Replies: 4
Last Post: Jul 20, 2005 11:24am
by marilu
my dream
I always dream that i can take one of my teeth out of my mouth... sometimes it just happen to fall when i was just sitting... one of my friends told me that if ever i would dream of that again, as soon as i wake up i have to bite a hard object... i dont know how it c...
Views: 621   Replies: 3
Last Post: Jul 16, 2005 5:48am
by Gerard
a nightmare???
hi, surfing your site has really helped me interpreting my dreams... sometimes,it really scares me just thinking about my dreams coz sometimes it feels like i was not dreaming at all.. it happened a lot of times..., i have fallen asleep, when suddenly, i dont know...
Views: 506   Replies: 2
Last Post: Jul 19, 2005 6:50am
by Gerard
Hello I was hoping someone could help me connect the dots on this dream. The entire dream takes place over serveral days, but it's always at night. I'm at my parent's house. My friend is living in the house next door to us. She is being forced to stay with h...
Views: 578   Replies: 2
Last Post: Jul 12, 2005 8:52pm
by drshell
Going over a Waterfall
I just recently had a dream that puzzles me and I was looking for some input as to what it might mean. Any thoughts on this would be appreciated. Dream: A old man, of African American origin, is standing in a body of water and I am standing with him. He presents...
Views: 749   Replies: 8
Last Post: Jul 12, 2005 8:40pm
by Nina
dream about fight with sisters fiance
last nite i dreamt about having an argument with my sisters fiance over the phone and the last words i yell to him is 'it's all your fault"
Views: 482   Replies: 1
Last Post: Jul 12, 2005 2:26pm
by Gerard
The Ninth House in Astrology
Something that should be of interest to those interested in the hero/heroine path. And the number nine. NINTH HOUSE: This is the House of THE PHILOSOPHICAL & THE FOREIGN... how you seek the meaning & purpose of Life through: philosophy, religion, higher learnin...
Views: 606   Replies: 0
Last Post: Jul 11, 2005 8:08pm
by Gerard
I dreamt last night that i was looking in this picture frame. Inside this picture frame, the image was moving, like a Harry Potter kind of thing. The image was of Stone henge, and my dad who passed away 8 years ago was sitting on top of one of the big stones. The w...
Views: 492   Replies: 10
Last Post: Jul 11, 2005 2:50am
by Sabrina
Hi All, Need your suggestions. A recent dream identified a repressed item needing resolution. I'm able to interpret everything EXCEPT the specific repressed item. I 'assume' the interpretation block is a result of the conscious mind wanting to repress and not recog...
Views: 640   Replies: 6
Last Post: Jul 11, 2005 1:18am
by Kathy
Deja vu
I am not asking about a certain dream as such right now. Lately I have had a number of dreams in which I have a sense of having dreamed the same dream twice. Sometimes it feels like a message - "this is the second time I am telling you this." kind of thing. thanks f...
Views: 702   Replies: 16
Last Post: Jul 10, 2005 6:40pm
by MaryJane
A spider everywhere...
I keep having dreams that have a spider in it. Usually the spider is resting on my chest or right next to me on a pillow. The most recent dream was last night. I dreamt I was in a barn...sleeping in a normal bed and this spider was dropping from the rafters onto me...
Views: 476   Replies: 2
Last Post: Jul 10, 2005 7:55am
by Gerard
speeding car
I am on a college campus, in the winter. It is snowing and icy. I am driving a car, and all of a sudden it is speeding very fast and I have no control over it. I take my feet off the pedals and hands off the steering wheel and close my eyes, and just wait for the ca...
Views: 505   Replies: 5
Last Post: Jul 7, 2005 11:32pm
by Justin
Is there any significance for me if someone else dreams, more than once, that I am dead? Or is a dream always only about the dreamer?
Views: 680   Replies: 6
Last Post: Jul 7, 2005 6:57pm
by Gerard
handbag dream
Hi, I had this funny piece of dream. It does not feel anything important, but is funny and I think I saw it the night before, too. I'm in a cash register line in the store. I'm going to buy a handbag. Or I don't even remember if I'm buying anything. But then th...
Views: 419   Replies: 2
Last Post: Jul 5, 2005 10:04am
by orchid
oedipal dream
Years ago I had a very vivid dream of having sex with my mother; in the dream she said, 'it's Ok, these things happen' - there was no condemnation. I forgot & repressed this dream. Years later I read Earl Thompson's A Garden of Sand, about this taboo & this triggere...
Views: 516   Replies: 2
Last Post: Jul 4, 2005 12:28am
by phil
Old lady
Hi Gerard Last night I had a disturbing dream. I dreamt my daughter (who lives away from home and is 33) brought home an old lady to visit and stay with us. She didn't say much and she seemed to be ok to have around. Later on in the evening I went into our bathr...
Views: 480   Replies: 10
Last Post: Jul 1, 2005 1:16pm
by Sandra
I have seen white horse and elephant. They were going in a particular direction and nobody was riding them
Views: 440   Replies: 1
Last Post: Jun 28, 2005 4:22pm
by Gerard
Tatto dreams
I have 2 dreams involving tattoos for 2 nights in a row. I do not have any tattoos. The first dream, I had a tattoo on my upper right arm, I was suprised it was there, but in the dream I seemed to have a vague recollection of obtaining it. (Not the physical act but...
Views: 609   Replies: 2
Last Post: Jun 27, 2005 6:31am
by Gerard
jesus and the magic spring
i find a small bubbling spring in a tiny grotto,the waters are refreshing beyond belief,i drink,it tastes sweet. i am so happy at finding this magic place that i want to tell and share with the world. jesus turns up and totally stuns me by saying that, i am not to...
Views: 606   Replies: 2
Last Post: Jun 26, 2005 12:03pm
by steve
I killed my dad
I remember i was at my old school ( i just moved here about 4 months ago and havent had much luck with people around here friend wise) and i was hanging out with my friend foozy. The school was big but it was also gorgeous like a palace it had beautiful paintings on...
Views: 560   Replies: 3
Last Post: Jun 25, 2005 7:23pm
by Gerard
Rivals, crowns and grapes
Hi, I had a dream last night that was the strangest I've had in a long time. I was at a party, sort of an old fashioned dance, I was dressed in a pretty white gown. I remember that I was waiting for someone, a man who finally showed up. We danced, what i think w...
Views: 476   Replies: 2
Last Post: Jun 25, 2005 6:30am
by Gerard
I dreamed that my boyfriend moved a female that he was sleeping with into our house. I was okay with it as first but then he wanted to leave me for her and I became jealous, what is the meaning of this? Also, I dreamed that my boyfriend was cheating with my cousin...
Views: 511   Replies: 4
Last Post: Jun 22, 2005 4:19pm
by cynthia
anger in the library
Hi, my dream started with going to the library, as I go inside I lightly bump into a lady and she rushes after me expecting me to say sorry to her. I do, but feel it wasn't necessary of her to rush after me and expect sorry. Later as I look for books someone bum...
Views: 469   Replies: 5
Last Post: Jun 21, 2005 7:04am
by Gerard
Almost Drowned
Hello, I had a very scary dream the other night. I'm pretty sure I have the main meaning down, but would like some additional input. In the dream, I live in a beach house and am walking along the sand by the water and pass a jetty. (basically a pier made out o...
Views: 606   Replies: 3
Last Post: Jun 21, 2005 6:41am
by Gerard
Hi Gerard. It's me again. This dream started with the new boss that I currently don't reports to. I will be but don't know when. So, I see him not doing something that would be "good" for me. He is ready to travel and we are at the airport but he does not do what...
Views: 640   Replies: 4
Last Post: Jun 21, 2005 4:36am
by Justin
One dream - Two interpretations
Hi All, The 1st interpretation, spiritual, was quick as I’m comfortable in seeing the spiritual meaning in my dreams. The 2nd interpretation was much more difficult. See anything I missed or comments? Notes: 1. Thoughts during pre sleep focused on ful...
Views: 672   Replies: 8
Last Post: Jun 20, 2005 5:35am
by Gerard
abandon ship
things have been a bit quiet on the dream front,but my latest dream needs a good airing ,and i would welcome any thoughts. i am jumping into the sea with three others,off a small wooden ship.abandoning the ship. the drop is huge,hundreds of feet. i watch as the th...
Views: 502   Replies: 2
Last Post: Jun 19, 2005 6:17pm
by steve
Hi, I am unsure what this means, but I remember being inside of a church, there was a few wooden seats at the front where older ladies sat. Suddenly those older ladies decided to move even close to the front, but after they did someone at the back said something alou...
Views: 626   Replies: 2
Last Post: Jun 16, 2005 7:54pm
by Magda
Hi Gerard. I woke up with this dream today. I was back in my college days with my friends. I was in a somewhat empty classrom . It was the beginning of the semester and I was not well prepared. I remember worrying about that. Than I was on the streets walking...
Views: 475   Replies: 2
Last Post: Jun 12, 2005 9:38pm
by yasemin
Missing the elevators
I dreamt I was with my older sisters (in real life I don't have sisters). In some room (it seemed to be a very clean bathroom), there were 3 elevators. The middle one didn't seem to be there, my sisters only used the first and the third. They were very happy, they ju...
Views: 428   Replies: 4
Last Post: Jun 12, 2005 7:41am
by Gerard
2 nightmares
1st dream, i have a friend altho i didnt know her arrive at a restarant where we were having drinks, she apologises for being late but she had just broken up with her boyfriend. next minute this guy walks thru the door and pushes her to the floor then he takes a fork...
Views: 452   Replies: 1
Last Post: Jun 12, 2005 7:26am
by Gerard
Hi last night i had a weird dream, It was night time and I was in a shopping centre waiting and looking out for some one but I knew we hadnt arranged to meet but I really wanted to see them. Then I got asked to go somewhere else by a women who I havent seen in years...
Views: 444   Replies: 1
Last Post: Jun 12, 2005 7:06am
by Gerard
seeing someone I know dead, with dirt smeared on them
What does it mean that I dreamt of a formerly very close girlfriend who is dead in my bed, in clean, white sheets, but her face is smeared with dirt? Also, in the same dream, the man who one day becomes my husband is in the same room but another bed and I try to sme...
Views: 506   Replies: 3
Last Post: Jun 12, 2005 6:28am
by Gerard
veerrry scary nightmare couldnt go back to sleep
in d dream im drivin wildy wid my mom in a car (im the passanger...its dark and foggy and scary)on my property n den my grandma n grandpa appear in dose swinging bench thingies like in one of dem deres my grandma n grandpa and in d 2nd one deres my great grandma n de...
Views: 501   Replies: 1
Last Post: Jun 8, 2005 8:51am
by Kathy
Am I awake
Everytime I fall asleep during the day I dream (well at least I think it's a dream) that I can not wake up. I feel very much awake and am aware of sounds around me but I can not force myself to wake up. I can open my eyes and see everything but I physically can not...
Views: 465   Replies: 3
Last Post: Jun 5, 2005 7:30am
by Gerard
Birth to a baby bear(brown)
Okay, I'm very new at this. here goes. The other night I dreamt I was pregnant. I had decorated the baby's room and had everything ready for our new baby. I finally delivered the baby and it was a bear instead of a baby. In my dream I could not figure out how I had a...
Views: 506   Replies: 1
Last Post: Jun 5, 2005 7:16am
by Gerard
I have had a few weird dreams lately...but two stand out. 1st dream: my husband and I are swimming toward a dock on a cloudy day, in very dark murky water. We realize that a huge ship is closing in behind us. we barely make it to the dock before we get cru...
Views: 504   Replies: 3
Last Post: Jun 5, 2005 6:49am
by Gerard
father in dream
First off my father has been dead for 5 years... My dream was at night and my pet dog was in a window looking outside at me. her head started to glow green and slowly changed to my father's face. Several other times his face appeared in a green glow either just...
Views: 471   Replies: 4
Last Post: Jun 3, 2005 8:22pm
by a.furgerson
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