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Death - Unniversity - Magic Realm
Hello! I lost my grandma 2 years ago, but it seems like yesterday. I dream about her almost every night and it's always the same thematic: Some situation going on, then suddenly I remember that it's been a long time since I last talked to her (I used to call her e...
Views: 600   Replies: 3
Last Post: Mar 22, 2009 2:06pm
by Jerry {Dream For...
A rich dream from a very deep sleep
I know when I am awoken from a deep sleep because of a dream, that's my calling card to pay extra attention to the guidance in what I dreamt. It doesn't happen often, but when it does, I know it's an important message. I had a dream, and two fragments. Here they ar...
Views: 730   Replies: 4
Last Post: Mar 22, 2009 9:13am
by Maureen
Interpretations-Kristi and Sera
Kristi and Sera, I will tackle your posted dreams later today. I once again apologize for the delay but my day job {or to better define it my 24 hour a day job} requires me to pay the dragon its due. I regret {painfully so} that I can not give all my time to my drea...
Views: 631   Replies: 2
Last Post: Mar 21, 2009 6:09pm
by Jerry {Dream For...
so much violence and death
jerry, i am including a series of dreams i had this week. i can tell you i have been grieving the loss of a friend and have noticed the things, which she held for me, that i am now being invited to integrate/own for myself.... my wisdom, my pain, my darkness and m...
Views: 636   Replies: 1
Last Post: Mar 19, 2009 6:12am
by Jerry {Dream For...
Pursuing Basement Shooting
The whole dream space is as if in the twilight. Gregory is with his son (and perhaps Sara, too). He is in what looks like a two-tiered mini-bus of sorts, red in color. I see his father as Henry Mack, a man I knew in the Army. He has allowed Gregory to leave home....
Views: 631   Replies: 13
Last Post: Mar 19, 2009 6:10am
by Kristi
Dancing killer
Hi, and thank you for welcoming me back. I have just moved to a new appartement with my family, and there has been a lot going on with fixing up the place, so I haven't found the time or focus to work with my dreams in a while. But as always, I start feeling like som...
Views: 666   Replies: 3
Last Post: Mar 19, 2009 6:03am
by Jerry {Dream For...
Hi I had a dream last night where I was in my bathroom looking at my own feces. Strange as it sounds...I was looking at it to see whether it looked healthy! When I noticed a white worm like the one you find in bad apples. I heard my grandmother's voice in the backgro...
Views: 661   Replies: 1
Last Post: Mar 17, 2009 4:36am
by Jerry {Dream For...
Holy Grail in a box
My partner and I are trying to get into a box-puzzle (had been watching Amazing Race, theme could be gathered from there). To unlock the box you have to undo all the latches in the right order. Inside is the Holy Grail, but the focus was not on the grail itself, bu...
Views: 603   Replies: 5
Last Post: Mar 16, 2009 11:38pm
by Rook
repeating symbols
Hello Everyone, I'm not sure exactly how to post this because I am wondering about certian symbols in several dreams I've had lately. If this is a problem, let me know and I will post a specific dream. In the last 4 months I have had 5 dreams involving Jesus (2 dre...
Views: 668   Replies: 8
Last Post: Mar 15, 2009 8:54pm
by Leslie
Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious
For the really deep stuff we go to Jung's 'Collective Works'. Below is an transcript from his collective works. If you are truly interested in dreams and/or the study of the psyche and want to really understand how dreams function, to get to the depths of Jung's phil...
Views: 772   Replies: 0
Last Post: Mar 15, 2009 8:22pm
by Jerry {Dream For...
Face to Face with Carl Jung
For those who have not or who wish to once again listen to Carl Jung in his own words, I have listed below his probing interview {in 4 segments] with John Freeman which first aired in 1959 on the BBC. Enjoy Jerry
Views: 758   Replies: 0
Last Post: Mar 15, 2009 7:25pm
by Jerry {Dream For...
Summer camp?
I was carted off somewhere, picked up by a woman and another person. They dragged me along in a yellow box-like thing, yet somehow I was also on the back of the truck, feeling the pain of the ‘me’ in the box. The woman said something about ‘pain tre...
Views: 644   Replies: 7
Last Post: Mar 15, 2009 11:31am
by Sera
Cherry tree in full bloom and the blue blue sky
Hi Jerry. I'm glad I can join you dream forum. And here are my dreams I had lately, which I remember very clearly. I'm not good in English, so I hope you understand.. 1) Two days ago I dreamed that I had oralsex with a guy, which I enjoyed pretty much. It was...
Views: 561   Replies: 1
Last Post: Mar 15, 2009 6:05am
by Jerry {Dream For...
Two men
Last week I had a horrible nightmare and could not post it on here cause I forgot my password; but thanks to Gerard he saw my message and sent it to me Pronto. Thank you Gerard! Okay, last week I had this dream where I was walking in the city by myself, just window...
Views: 706   Replies: 4
Last Post: Mar 12, 2009 9:05pm
by Connie
Runaway car
In my dream I was on a residential street of older well-built houses and mature shade trees. I think I was visiting someone. I seem to remember being in and out of a house, or perhaps in and out of conversation. I noticed that my car had moved from where I’d...
Views: 624   Replies: 3
Last Post: Mar 12, 2009 6:03am
by Jerry {Dream For...
burnt out and flooded corn crop
In communist Poland the regime proclaimed that it would be a good idea to maker people grow corn. People who settled there never knew anything about corn, or even about agriculture, they were resettled there from other places and ways of life, to populate a desolated...
Views: 576   Replies: 3
Last Post: Mar 11, 2009 6:35am
by Jerry {Dream For...
Death & Resurrection-gerard/Jerry
It has been more than 4 years since I began using the sir name gerard at the Dream Forum. Since we began the new setup at the Forum I have used both gerard and my real name Jerry when signing off on a post. Today I lay gerard to rest and will use my name on all futur...
Views: 648   Replies: 1
Last Post: Mar 10, 2009 7:37am
by Kristi
Dog, Yoga, Crystal Man, Wounded Ear and Apex
I woke with all of these dream snippets on Friday morning. I am not certain that I have their order correctly recorded. There is an agitated, large sized dog laying before me. I am not sure of the cause of the dog’s agitation, but I do not think the dog wa...
Views: 625   Replies: 13
Last Post: Mar 10, 2009 7:36am
by Kristi
setting bear alight/ smoke signals/help
A woman (no notion that it is me) is trapped by a group of men at the edge of a forest on a beautiful hot summer day. There is a stuffed large brown bear standing up-right with an open mouth at the edge of the forest on the right. The woman in the clearing is harasse...
Views: 633   Replies: 5
Last Post: Mar 8, 2009 7:14pm
by Gerard {Dream Fo...
cardboard bath
dream: paradox bath: I am laying, dressed in a full winter flannel pyjamas (we are having a very hot summer now) with undies underneath in a shallow paper tray made of thick cardboard built to my size (as if in a bath). Nice clean water is pouring from a bath spout...
Views: 747   Replies: 28
Last Post: Mar 8, 2009 6:34pm
by Gertrude
JUNG LEXICON-A Primer of Terms & Concepts
For a brief description of Jungian terms and applications I suggest bookmarking this page link JUNG LEXICON-A Primer of Terms & Concepts. It provides short but precise explanations of Jungian termnology and "a comprehensive overview of the basic principles of Jungian...
Views: 744   Replies: 0
Last Post: Mar 8, 2009 6:32pm
by Gerard {Dream Fo...
Posts & Comments
Sorry for being absent over the past day or so. A lot going on in the world of 'social duty' and yesterday the 'dragons' were quite fierce and repetitive. I will try and catch up on posted comments and dreams later today. In the meanwhile I hope the conversations w...
Views: 608   Replies: 3
Last Post: Mar 7, 2009 9:05am
by Gerard {Dream Fo...
death row & cannibalism
Hi I have to post this dream, it has been in my mind since I dreamt of it, two nights ago. I remember that my family, which included my mother, father and brother had a dinner, like a casserole. In that casserole we had included human meat. Anyway it was normal...
Views: 1132   Replies: 14
Last Post: Mar 6, 2009 8:45pm
by Magdalena
chased by an assassin
Hi, I tried to send this dream message before but I'm not sure it was successful. And I've been re-thinking it anyway in terms of the temptation to always see evil as something outside of ourselves. Here's the dream again. I'm in a modern, hi-rise apartment wit...
Views: 842   Replies: 16
Last Post: Mar 6, 2009 3:43am
by Gertrude
We Walk Right in the Front Door of the Governor's Mansion
My father and I walk right in the front door of the governor's mansion. I'm terrified that we're doing this. We'll probably be arrested. We know where everything is because we've been here before. Before I enter the door, I see a person sitting outside. I think s...
Views: 621   Replies: 5
Last Post: Mar 4, 2009 12:07pm
by harriett
The Relation Between Adverse Childhood Experiences and Adult Health
Often I allude to childhood experiences unconsciously influencing emotional health in adulthood. After Googling the subject I can across this study from the Permanente Journal that supports this thought. Of interest in this study where the findings: Findings A...
Views: 819   Replies: 9
Last Post: Mar 2, 2009 9:31pm
by Rook
my snake dream
2/23/09 Snake Dream In this dream, I was alone in a large cabin with a dirt floor. It was furnished, and I was standing near a table when I noticed snakes start to appear in the room. Some of them came from small holes in the ground. There were all types of snak...
Views: 744   Replies: 3
Last Post: Mar 1, 2009 6:22pm
by Laura
using a golden key to open the door
I'm walking through the Parish House of our church. This is the building where the children's Sunday School classes and the pastor's office are (in waking life). In my dream, the Parish House looks much like it does in waking life except that it has bigger rooms. I...
Views: 676   Replies: 11
Last Post: Mar 1, 2009 8:18am
by Kristi
We are about to have a Brigade run. I am to go to the assembly area. Brenna (a younger lady from school) is with me. I am on my way toward a white in color house/building on the base. I see an Army Sergeant who reminds me of SGT Baier – the supply NCO in...
Views: 612   Replies: 6
Last Post: Feb 28, 2009 1:14pm
by Kristi
dream I had
I dreamt that I was in a hallway of quite a big house where I saw the door to get out, the front door, I tried leaving opening the door, walking through and leaving the house but instead of this happening I entered yet another similar big house but a different house...
Views: 640   Replies: 4
Last Post: Feb 28, 2009 6:43am
by Matthew
Sword in Mud
Hi Gerard and everyone, I've just had a rather Arthurian legend dream. I'm wondering what I should do with it. I was standing half-way in and out of a house with my husband when I saw a dark skinned and bearded man coming past on a silver foot-scooter. I coul...
Views: 676   Replies: 6
Last Post: Feb 27, 2009 8:58am
by Angela
in a Catholic church
My husband and I are heading east in the car on a four-lane highway leading to Lancaster, PA, where he grew up. He turns the car onto a side road because he wants to go to a Catholic church. There he goes to the end of a long line of people and I follow him there....
Views: 715   Replies: 10
Last Post: Feb 25, 2009 7:40am
by harriett
Warm greetings Gerard. Thank you a thousand times for all your support. My dream this time throws me in a free fall. I am walking in a country road with two other women friends, suddenly we see a bulldozer working on that same road and I am on the way, my friend...
Views: 640   Replies: 1
Last Post: Feb 24, 2009 5:33am
by Gerard {Dream Fo...
I am in a class of spiritual learning. The topic is of matters relating to self-growth. It is a smaller sized class. We are discussing (I am preparing for) a phase of development that will be entered into. Next, I am walking out of doors, going to meet someone/th...
Views: 649   Replies: 4
Last Post: Feb 22, 2009 1:59pm
by Kristi
1}Interpretations 2}Childhood Memories
It may be Saturday morning before I am 'confidently' be able to interpret posted dreams. My intuitive 'self' is quite dysfunctional after having to apply so much physical and psyche energy to the 'social being'. But alas! Balance is a life long struggle. As you m...
Views: 660   Replies: 6
Last Post: Feb 22, 2009 11:32am
by julie
Random Mall Shopping?
I was driving on the other side of town from where I live. There was a huge line of cars waiting for the light to change green. I decided to sneak into the line of cars waiting so I could go because the person in front of me was thinking they were going to turn left...
Views: 596   Replies: 1
Last Post: Feb 22, 2009 7:26am
by Gerard {Dream Fo...
I recently had a dream that I was moving toy cars with my mind. In the dream I was very excited about my powers and was openly showing other people what I can do. In the dream I excitedly told a friend of mine. He acknowledged what I can do, but he seemed busy wit...
Views: 639   Replies: 2
Last Post: Feb 22, 2009 3:57am
by Gertrude
I am going to post this for now, long as it is, and will come back to make comments, later, hopefully before the weekend is over. I'll break it down into numbered scenes to make later commenting easier. 1. I am back at the USDB in Leavenworth (where I worked as...
Views: 676   Replies: 5
Last Post: Feb 20, 2009 5:19pm
by Kristi
reoccuring dream
ok so this dream started with my waking life,this is not a dream what i am about to tell you but it soon lead to a dream. So i went to california to visit my friends,they picked me up from the airport and we got high off some medical kush, everything was ok till w...
Views: 660   Replies: 2
Last Post: Feb 19, 2009 4:02am
by Gertrude
The Turn Off
Hi Gerard, I dreamt this exactly one week ago just a couple days before starting my writing retreat. It's a dark evening. I'm coming from the Shell roundabout back to the house. I move into the turning lane and hear my name being called by many voices: "Angie...
Views: 711   Replies: 6
Last Post: Feb 19, 2009 3:49am
by Gertrude
Seduced by a centaur
In my dream I was my current age. A girl was before me, some one I knew in High school but never dated. She lived down the road and took the same school bus but we rarely talked. She was cute in real life, tall with long strawberry blond hair. In the dream she was be...
Views: 689   Replies: 7
Last Post: Feb 19, 2009 1:50am
by Phil
A 2nd Funeral?
I had a dream about my grandmother who died when I was 12. We were having another funeral for her. It was like she was unburied and the casket was open. She was positioned like she was trying to crawl out. She still had skin but it was all brown. Her fingers were rea...
Views: 631   Replies: 6
Last Post: Feb 18, 2009 7:07pm
by Kimberley
I had a dream this morning that I was at a hospital in Colorado for work (but that wasnt my work, I was just visiting the hospital). A nurse and a mother got off the elevator with a ton of belongings. I opened the elevator to see this little boy sitting and he looked...
Views: 590   Replies: 4
Last Post: Feb 18, 2009 7:04pm
by Kimberley
I am at a child hood friend's house, who I am no longer in contact with. She lives on a farm and I am out in the yard with her Grandad who I remember as a mean man. I ask him for a rifle to shoot at birds that look like vultures. They are flying in the sky but I can...
Views: 639   Replies: 5
Last Post: Feb 18, 2009 7:28am
by Kathy
can you help me to interpret this dream? i am new, i don't know if this is the right way to ask, sorry if i am breaking some protocol, i need teaching, thanks, Gertrude
Views: 568   Replies: 1
Last Post: Feb 18, 2009 5:33am
by Gerard {Dream Fo...
loosing control in driving
A girl and I were in a car in the garage of my grandmother's house (mother of my father). I was in the driving seat and the girl was beside me. The girl was kind of unknown girl to me but for a while had a feeling that she is like my uncle's sister (uncle = father's...
Views: 654   Replies: 2
Last Post: Feb 16, 2009 6:38am
by Gerard {Dream Fo...
As I was dreaming this, I felt that this could not be me, was aware of not wanting to be having this dream -and in my dream thinking, said, I am having (or am in) somebody else's dream: I am with a man that I do not know/recognize. While I do not see (or do not r...
Views: 630   Replies: 15
Last Post: Feb 15, 2009 9:25am
by Kristi
I'm with Joseph Campbell on a Talk Show
I'm on a talk show with Joseph Campbell. We're on an elevated stage as I remember guests being on the Merv Griffin Show in my childhood. The host is to our left and never really comes into focus. Joe Campbell is to my immediate left, and he is holding my hand. I...
Views: 609   Replies: 6
Last Post: Feb 15, 2009 8:38am
by harriett
Vetibular Rehabilitation
I am watching something on a television. At first, absorbed, I suddenly realize that it is demonstrating a “story” that I am living. I “wake up” out of the story. I then see that I am in a meeting room. The air is comfortable, clear. I fe...
Views: 628   Replies: 5
Last Post: Feb 1, 2009 8:25am
by Kristi
Myth & Dreams
Myth & Dreams Some exerpts from Joseph Campbell and his The Power of Myth series about the relationship of myth and dreams. Plus some of Jung's quotes I believe most will find insightful. This first quote demonstrates the wisdom of the man, and the wisdom within his...
Views: 763   Replies: 0
Last Post: Feb 6, 2009 7:40pm
by Gerard {Dream Fo...
Just Linens & Underground Raffle
I am in a home that is empty. A man and a woman come into the home. I am now aware that there also a young boy in the home with me. The only items I am aware of in the home are two sets of clean, white linens on the floor, in different rooms. It is decided that w...
Views: 664   Replies: 9
Last Post: Feb 5, 2009 5:46pm
by Kristi
the other church dreams
Kristi suggested that I post the other church dreams that came before and after the "In a Catholic Church" dream. Dream #1. I go to what is supposed to be our church.I'm returning there after a long absence. It doesn't look the same. The sanctuary is turned sid...
Views: 788   Replies: 3
Last Post: Feb 3, 2009 8:13am
by Gerard {Dream Fo...
Joseph Campbell Video-The Mythos II Series
For those of you who are die hard students of Joseph Campbell {like myself}, below is the first of his series of videosMythos-The Shaping of the Eastern Tradition Joseph Campbell - The Experience of God (1 of 5) Here is my page that lists and links all the Myth...
Views: 669   Replies: 3
Last Post: Feb 3, 2009 7:09am
by Kristi
horse with six legs
This dream comes at a time of great family crisis. Everything is white. Out of the whiteness comes a huge white horse galloping towards me. As it comes closer, I see it has six legs. I say, "Gosh, six legs!" The horse comes close by me, it's head is above mine. I...
Views: 641   Replies: 4
Last Post: Feb 1, 2009 9:19am
by elizabeth
My friend is telling me she has suicidal tendencies because her mother had a deep depression all her life. Then I'm running away or trying to get away from a guy in my college. EOD I had this dream one or two days after someone pranked me at college. It was...
Views: 698   Replies: 3
Last Post: Feb 1, 2009 8:42am
by Kristi
I find myself in a luscious green garden; my mother and grandma are also at this place. I am outside in the garden looking out in the distance. I see an incredible view of a sunset, reddish blue with hues of yellow, amazingly beautiful, but somewhat detached from the...
Views: 626   Replies: 1
Last Post: Jan 31, 2009 6:51am
by Gerard {Dream Fo...
In this dream, two of my daughters were little around 5 and 6 years old....(they are 23 & 24 now) they were with me walking to the stores...all of a sudden they rushed ahead of me and I was yelling to them to stop running. They would not listen but this lady saw...
Views: 700   Replies: 3
Last Post: Jan 29, 2009 8:24am
by Gerard {Dream Fo...
Airport Man
I am in a busy airport. I have my long black coat on. I am with a man, whom I do not know. He is also wearing a long black coat. He is moving quickly. I am picking up my shoulder bags from an area where there are many bags/briefcases sitting. I then walk quickly to c...
Views: 727   Replies: 21
Last Post: Jan 28, 2009 6:30pm
by kristi
swimming upstream
Gerard, I am very interested in your insights on this dream from last night. I am standing beside a creek. It looks and feels like a particular local creek. I'm facing west. I look to my left and see some large animals or fish swimming toward me, upstream. Th...
Views: 660   Replies: 3
Last Post: Jan 27, 2009 6:44am
by Gerard {Dream Fo...
Bird in Car
Hi Gerard, me again.. That was so interesting with the pig, that I'm now back with a bird! I just woke from this one a couple hours ago. There were a few of us getting into car, when I saw a mid-size, grey-black bird, mid-flight in the back seat area. The bac...
Views: 676   Replies: 2
Last Post: Jan 26, 2009 6:23am
by Angela
Desert journey with a bag of bones
I am happy to be able to be part of the new dream forum! Okay, here goes: I am in a little house possibly by an ocean or just by a field. There is a man there, older, attractive. He has a little blond boy with him. He is adorable and the boy runs away arou...
Views: 628   Replies: 2
Last Post: Jan 25, 2009 7:54am
by Gerard {Dream Fo...
torn dictionary of the Bible
My husband (a pastor in waking life) comes to me and shows me what has happened to one of the volumes of his Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible. "How could you do this?" he says. The cover is torn, maybe even ripped off. But I recognize it as the Interpreter's...
Views: 745   Replies: 4
Last Post: Jan 24, 2009 8:42am
by harriett
Terrified Pig
Gerard, this is great! How quickly you've made these forum changes. I love the direction you've taken this and have much hope for all of us to encounter many new AH HAs. My dream of a couple nights ago woke me in great terror. I was at the end of the drive...
Views: 645   Replies: 4
Last Post: Jan 23, 2009 8:55am
by Angela
Intense Dream
Gerard, I know you mentioned that you're not taking any new dreams but I feel this one is really important. It was incredibly vivid and strange. I'm in a beautiful green landscape, then some sort of higher power 'voice' is telling me that Jesus is both transcen...
Views: 813   Replies: 7
Last Post: Jan 22, 2009 4:50am
by May
In Jungian psyche there is the constant reference to levels of consciousness within the human psyche as well as the collective psyche. One can not be divorced from the other because they are so intertwined and connected. But what is it about today's world that points...
Views: 573   Replies: 1
Last Post: Jan 21, 2009 6:22am
by Kristi
amazing birds
I look out my window and see two beautiful birds on a branch. They both look like birds from the rainforest. One is very large. On first glance, he looks mostly black, but when the sun shines on the black feathers I see that they are an iridescent dark blue that r...
Views: 572   Replies: 3
Last Post: Jan 18, 2009 6:48am
by Gerard {Dream Fo...
The Dream Forum Is Open
The dream Forum is now open in its new format. If you have not registered you can do so easily and for FREE. It requires a password to enter the forum so register asap so you can participate in the New Dream Forum. You can register below.
Views: 692   Replies: 0
Last Post: Jan 16, 2009 2:13pm
by Gerard {Dream Fo...
New Format Almost Completed-Please Read
As you can see with the new heading the new format is in progress and will be completed soon. Under the new guidelines everyone will be required to register to post dreams and comments. The process will require a password which will be sent to you upon registering. M...
Views: 696   Replies: 0
Last Post: Jan 16, 2009 7:33am
by Gerard {Dream Fo...
The Power of Myth
Many times I have spoken of my 'chance' encounter with Joseph Campbell and his popular PBS series 'The Power of Myth'. Below is a short video exerpt from one of the six hour interviews from that series. I suggest anyone interested or engaged in the 'inner search' or...
Views: 610   Replies: 2
Last Post: Jan 15, 2009 6:40pm
by Gerard {Dream Fo...
baby taken away from me
I had a dream about having a baby taken away from me, the baby was a child belonging to my brother, but i was looking after him, in my dream the child who was sleeping peacefully was harshly taken away from me. neither me or my brother have children in real life...
Views: 593   Replies: 1
Last Post: Jan 15, 2009 5:11pm
by julz
No Longer First
In my dream, I was looking through my friend's Myspace profile. I decided to go and look through her Top Friends where I've been her number one friend for years now. Well, when I looked I saw that I had been replaced by her new girlfriend (Yes, she is a lesbian)....
Views: 599   Replies: 1
Last Post: Jan 15, 2009 4:38pm
by julz
Different Life Dream
Dear Gerard, I've had this dream twice in the last 4 years. It's not a dream in the symbol sense-I've been keeping a dream journal for many years, and have reliable books on dream symbology. It was a different life. I had a job, a wife, a home, kids, friends, an...
Views: 607   Replies: 3
Last Post: Jan 13, 2009 12:52pm
by Gerard {Dream Fo...
Repulsive Black Penis
There is a guy I don't like in my college, he picks on me, bullies me and is generally rude and disrespectful. I dream that we are about to have sex, and something is very wrong with his penis, its extremely long, about 12 inches but as it reaches the top it taper...
Views: 839   Replies: 5
Last Post: Jan 13, 2009 12:41pm
by Gerard {Dream Fo...
New Format Coming Soon to the Dream Forum
For those who are frequent visitors to the Dream Forum, I want to let you know I am not shutting down the Forum, just revamping it in a new format. This may take a couple of weeks {perhaps less if time allows} but when it is reopened it will be in a format geared to...
Views: 722   Replies: 0
Last Post: Jan 13, 2009 7:19am
by Gerard {Dream Fo...
Not Accepting New Dreams For Interpretation
Because of new responsibilities from my personal contractor's business and a desire to take the Dream Forum in a new direction I will no longer accept new dreams for interpretation in the old forum. It has been just over 4 years since I restarted the Dream Forum {the...
Views: 634   Replies: 1
Last Post: Jan 11, 2009 5:43am
by Gerard {Dream Fo...
why would i talk out loud?
i have a history of mumbling in my sleep but it usually isnt loud enough or clear enough for anybody else to understand. but today when i fell asleep on the couch in my basement my mom woke me up asking who 'chris' was because i kept saying his name in my sleep while...
Views: 585   Replies: 1
Last Post: Jan 11, 2009 5:40am
by Gerard {Dream Fo...
As of late, I have been having a lot of dreams where I have been smoking(it may be helpful to note that I do not smoke in reality) and in the dreams I am always trying to hide the fact that I am smoking, whether from my brothers, my friends, or my mom. What could be...
Views: 580   Replies: 1
Last Post: Jan 11, 2009 4:53am
by Gerard {Dream Fo...
Last night I dreamt that I was in an old asian house with these people i have never seen before. My boyfriend was with me ( We have lived together the whole time we have been together)He is probably one of the most straight people I have ever met. But in the dream I...
Views: 697   Replies: 9
Last Post: Jan 10, 2009 10:13pm
by Justin
Kissing snake
I was at work and a large green python snake was trying to persue me. A woman at work came up and looked it in the eye. Then leaned over and gave it a consuming kiss. The snake then returned to pursuing me. I became afraid and held up a pillow to stop the snake. The...
Views: 652   Replies: 2
Last Post: Jan 9, 2009 11:23pm
by May
Baby Boy
This morning I woke up and looked all around what happened lol? The dreams I do have and remember are before waking up. Last night I dreamt that I was in a different country (don't know which) but I was like a tourist and I was walking by crowds of people w...
Views: 686   Replies: 2
Last Post: Jan 9, 2009 11:04pm
by Connie
Dreamt I was a male stalker in women's trousers
Hi! I'm a 16 year-old girl who had a really awkward dream... As the title of the topic says, I dreamt I was a male stalker in women's trousers. I was tall and thin, with short black hair and a black, well-trimmed curly moustache. I stalked a pretty lady with blazing...
Views: 663   Replies: 12
Last Post: Jan 9, 2009 5:06pm
by Johanne
Swimming Pool in a Cave
I am in a cave-like place which I realize is the inside of the "Upton Mountain," the waking-life nickname for a local landfill). I can see people swimming in a swimming pool far below. I see the blue water. I hear someone say that it's appalling that people are sw...
Views: 646   Replies: 3
Last Post: Jan 9, 2009 6:46am
by Gerard {Dream Fo...
I woke up at 1:00 AM this morning from a very vivid dream. I was in an unfamiliar room, encircled by a group of women, and I was curled up in a fetal position on the floor. I had the sense I was very weak and/or discouraged and this gathering was some form of ceremon...
Views: 944   Replies: 2
Last Post: Jan 7, 2009 11:27am
by Kaylie
I am in a large room has the feel of a kitchen but theres nothing to suggest it is and I dont know if it felt like that during the actual dream. There is a taller man there too and some others though I dont actually see them. Water comes up evenly through the floor....
Views: 578   Replies: 2
Last Post: Jan 7, 2009 8:11am
by dali
Bodybuilder Mother
There is a bodybuilder blonde female and she is holding a newborn baby and I'm thinking wow, no one will be able to take that baby away from her.. Then I see a photo of myself when I was six, another when I was in 8th grade, so maybe around 12-13 and another when...
Views: 646   Replies: 2
Last Post: Jan 6, 2009 12:03am
by May
Why would I dream this?
it all started that I was in school and i was walking around and all the kids were too, as if the bell had rung, and all i knew at that moment that it was friday. Also the light was pretty low,not completely dark,& it was in color. As i was walking I spotted the guy...
Views: 581   Replies: 1
Last Post: Jan 4, 2009 6:04pm
by Gerard {Dream Fo...
australian cult dream??
thanks for taking the time to read this. i'm new here & posting b/c i can't get a strange dream out of my head...i'm in a remote location somewhere in australia with my younger sister (our father's australian but we've never lived there). there is a very steep cliff...
Views: 592   Replies: 1
Last Post: Jan 4, 2009 8:57am
by Gerard {Dream Fo...
I'm in the library and one of the girls in my college was going into an office in the basement of the library that belonged to another girl at my college. She said the lights went out in her room at college, and she didn't want to be in the dark so she decided to...
Views: 704   Replies: 3
Last Post: Jan 3, 2009 1:44am
by May
Sexy Boiled Egg?
This was a brief but vivid dream. I was in a sex club with my real life (now ex) partner. I was not that interested in the environment but noticed my (ex) partner "nibbling" at my ankle - which I took to be sexual. When I looked down there was a hard boiled egg be...
Views: 681   Replies: 2
Last Post: Jan 3, 2009 12:14am
by Anna
Abandoned in hospital
A dream fragment: I'm with S. in a public place. He is walking away. I think its a hospital actually. I'm calling out to him to come over and talk to me but he is walking away. He seems to come in my direction but doesn't, so I call again. An overweight blonde fem...
Views: 671   Replies: 2
Last Post: Jan 2, 2009 11:50pm
by May
Stabbed in the neck
In my dream, I was in some kind of shopping centre, I took the elevator to get to my car which was parked in the car park in the basement, as the stairs looked dodgy, I'm quite fearful in the dark so when the elevator door opened and there were 2 dodgy looking people...
Views: 854   Replies: 1
Last Post: Jan 2, 2009 5:23am
by Gerard {Dream Fo...
Wine Cellar Man
Hi Gerard and all -- season's greetings! This is a dream I had yesterday afternoon. Wine Cellar Man I was going, for the third time, to either serve or be served in a wine cellar restaurant, which was mostly frequented by men. I bumped into the same man e...
Views: 707   Replies: 2
Last Post: Jan 2, 2009 4:55am
by Angela
Kiss..This dream is really bothering me...
It was me and this guy "Jason" and we were standing in the side of his white car and he said something and then he came closer to my face and he kissed me and it was really quick. I was speechless and I said something that I'll be right back with a big smile on my fa...
Views: 675   Replies: 2
Last Post: Jan 2, 2009 2:38am
by Marie
Couldn't wake
Can't remember all details but I was like two towns over from where I live. Worried b/c I had no way to get home. Some lady offered me a ride hom but then we were at what looked like a car dealership place and she was talking to some guy. I tell her I really gotta go...
Views: 638   Replies: 1
Last Post: Jan 1, 2009 7:00am
by Gerard {Dream Fo...
My friend
I'm in a house with my mom and my friend S. The house is supposed to be my parents house and it is but it isn't at the same time. Even though my mom is there, I'm giving my friend a box of condoms and telling him he should use them.
Views: 647   Replies: 2
Last Post: Dec 29, 2008 10:08pm
by May
cannot pull the trigger of a gun
I have had more than one dream in the past week and I hope that someone can help me with this. In all of my dreams I end up in a situation to where I need to use a gun. In the last one I was in my bed and my house was broken into. I got out of bed and went to see wha...
Views: 644   Replies: 1
Last Post: Dec 29, 2008 6:49am
by Gerard
When the whales came
I can't remember much of the dream, but this one part of it. I could see a sea shore - pretty avarage, the weather was alright, the waves not choppy, the sand was quite avarage, it was a typical mid to late afternoon on a winters day, though not cold - only, hundr...
Views: 654   Replies: 4
Last Post: Dec 27, 2008 9:45am
by Ivy
Hi Gerard: I dreamt about water. In a dream, I saw myself standing in front of my building. However, water layed stretched out before me. I saw a man who reminded me of my son dive into it. He wanted me to follow him, but I couldn't because I do not know ho...
Views: 566   Replies: 1
Last Post: Dec 25, 2008 5:23am
by Gerard {Dream Fo...
My ex-husband and I are house-sitting, but we are going from apartment to apartment to apartment, and each one is different from the other. The images become blurred but each one is in a different state. One of them was in bad shape with rotten food in the fridge. Th...
Views: 746   Replies: 3
Last Post: Dec 25, 2008 4:37am
by May
Me, my mom and my brother are shopping. She picked our a pink and white sweater dress for a friend's daughter. I'm upset its not for me. I try it on. Its a size 14. I wonder if it will fit. It does. She says that its not for her friend's daughter because she wears a...
Views: 694   Replies: 3
Last Post: Dec 25, 2008 4:33am
by May
Dead ex
I dreamt the other night that I was in a room that looked just like a hotel room. I was standing in the door way and to my left was a single bed, then a night stand with a lamp and another single bed next to it. To my right a dresser with a tv on top and a mirror abo...
Views: 637   Replies: 2
Last Post: Dec 24, 2008 8:00pm
by Marie
Two different types of fish
I dreamt that I went on a date with a man to a restaurant. The man in my dream reminded me of a person I use to date a long -time ago. (This boyfriend of my past always took me out to eat at very nice restaurants). My boyfriend of the past and I sat together at...
Views: 727   Replies: 2
Last Post: Dec 24, 2008 7:17pm
by Tracy
girls begging from basement window
I am walking in an alley downtown. From a basement window, a small girl calls to me. She begs for money. She has a strong foreign accent. All I have are some pennies and nickels. I give her those. The next time I pass through the alley, there are two little gir...
Views: 592   Replies: 3
Last Post: Dec 23, 2008 6:23am
by Gerard {Dream Fo...
Beautiful women in a horrifying environment
Last night I dreamed of a girl walking through a snowy forest with sharp, leafless trees. She passed several buildings, all of which were oddly plain looking, like a prison or most other government buildings. She was wearing a red coat (Think of a grown up version of...
Views: 590   Replies: 1
Last Post: Dec 22, 2008 7:49pm
by matty
Another haunted house/infant boar
I dreamt I was in a haunted house again. In reality, this is where lived at the age of four. My girlfriend and I were in my parents’ room (or a variation of it). I was standing up, mucking around and pacing (I do this when I’m thinking). My girlfriend was...
Views: 608   Replies: 4
Last Post: Dec 21, 2008 10:15am
by Marce
Shot In The Leg
I'm not sure where this dream started, so I'll do the best I can. I was at a concert. The performer was Beyonce, strange because I don't listen to her. After the show, she was meeting and greeting the fans. I was standing on the stage hoping to meet her, but al...
Views: 642   Replies: 5
Last Post: Dec 21, 2008 6:52am
by Gerard {Dream Fo...
Two Lunar Eclipses
This happened during a nap before I went to work. Much of the logic and duality in the following dream is stranger than what I'm used to. As soon as I started dreaming I was somehow aware that that it was a dream, yet I didn't think that I was really asleep. It w...
Views: 566   Replies: 1
Last Post: Dec 21, 2008 6:32am
by Gerard {Dream Fo...
Commune environment
I was in an environment like a commune of some kind. There were young men and women, and full and partial nudity were common. I was new there and still learning my way around, but everyone there seemed to know everyone else. I was about to take a shower, and locke...
Views: 593   Replies: 1
Last Post: Dec 20, 2008 4:40am
by Gerard {Dream Fo...
University & Goldfish
Hi Gerard, I dreamt last night that I was back in the University that I just finished working in. I was meeting the Dean of Research along with my younger brother. My brother seemed to have won some sort of competition and was discussing a business plan to sell re...
Views: 622   Replies: 5
Last Post: Dec 19, 2008 5:18pm
by Gerard {Dream Fo...
Cheating (again) in Paris
I'm in Paris with my husband, who is wearing a hat and coat (a stranger) and he suddenly leaves my side, walks up the steps to a bridge in a very romantic part of Paris, surrounded by trees in a garden, and goes up to a woman with short dark hair and pale skin, weari...
Views: 637   Replies: 4
Last Post: Dec 19, 2008 5:34am
by May
I don't really remmeber to much of my dream but what I do remember has me really shaken up. I dreamed that I found out that my husband was molesting our oldest daughter who is four. I remember telling him that I would kill him, but I never left him. In my dream my...
Views: 605   Replies: 2
Last Post: Dec 19, 2008 12:36am
by Jessica
My roommate is a bomber!
I think that I am on the verge of discovering something, but I'm not sure what it is. This dream has several of the same elements as dreams I've had before (alleys, back entrances) and "feels" like it has the same type of message--something repressed--that needs to...
Views: 615   Replies: 6
Last Post: Dec 18, 2008 11:37pm
by pilly
Last nite before going to bed I asked my subconscious to give me a dream about how to get the aquamarine and what to do about my friend S. This is what I got: I'm playing a party game with S.* and a few other people. I botch up the first question. For the second q...
Views: 754   Replies: 4
Last Post: Dec 18, 2008 12:18am
by May
It's probley a question that gets asked frequently but oh well here we go. I've been having dreams where whenever i'm under water I think i'm going to drown so I slide my hands onto my neck and try not to breathe if I do let my breath out I find that the water doesn...
Views: 646   Replies: 1
Last Post: Dec 17, 2008 5:11am
by Gerard {Dream Fo...
the run
I was in a monastery of some sort, and I found myself running up a narrow staircase along with a group of aged old people (mostly men). There were rumors of some "treasure" on the top. (I don't know what it should be, but I think it wasn't money, but rather a secret...
Views: 576   Replies: 2
Last Post: Dec 15, 2008 10:10am
by jenna
what am i dreaming?
in my dream i was with a young girl of around 13, she was wearing a red head band. I said buy to her and went to bed and fell asleep and started dreaming, My dream was as if i was a baby neing help tight across a mans body (felt like he was my father), I could NOT mo...
Views: 759   Replies: 7
Last Post: Dec 15, 2008 9:15am
by sarah
ok so this dream bugs me because I want to know what it means. It starts in a building with one of my close friends and then my girl scout troop. having my girl scout and friend there didn't make any sense though. There were all these challenge courses in the bui...
Views: 627   Replies: 2
Last Post: Dec 15, 2008 1:02am
by Julie
purple snow
I go out and see that it has snowed. There are a number of paths through the woods. I see that the snow is purple, the same color as the paraments and stoles in church during the Advent season before Christmas (I stopped going to church almost two years ago), For...
Views: 655   Replies: 3
Last Post: Dec 14, 2008 3:29pm
by harriett
Dreams Imaged On Computer Screen, Scientists Claim
When I was a kid in the '80s I saw an episode of my favorite cartoon show, "The Real Ghostbusters", wherein the techno-genius character, "Egon", had built a really cool machine. It was a computer that, when hooked to a sleeping person's brain, would display their dr...
Views: 577   Replies: 1
Last Post: Dec 12, 2008 6:30pm
by Gerard {Dream Fo...
I have not had a dream in awhile or just don't remember them but the other night I remembered this one. I was on another planet...(not here on Earth) and there was this circus that I was at. In fact, I was in charge of the cotton candy machine. Lots of people came bu...
Views: 728   Replies: 6
Last Post: Dec 12, 2008 12:36am
by Connie
Entering the backdoor of a haunted house
I dreamt I was in an asphalt area that stretched on and on in all directions. It looked like a cross between several schools I’ve been to and also a market I know. It felt very nice outside and there were a lot of grey clouds. There are buildings about the plac...
Views: 748   Replies: 3
Last Post: Dec 11, 2008 5:49am
by Gerard {Dream Fo...
Men from my past
The first thing I remember from this dream is beeing at a party, high up in the penthouse of a skyskraper. The building is circular with a large open spiral staircase in the middle. The penthouse apartement covers the entire top floor of the building and outside the...
Views: 649   Replies: 3
Last Post: Dec 11, 2008 5:47am
by Inanna
Hi, I had this very strange tonight, I kept seeing the back of a fish swimming away. It was in dark, deep water. The fish had that glimmery tropical look, was flat (similar to an angel fish) but coloured blue and yellow. I couldn't see it's face, but the scene of...
Views: 856   Replies: 4
Last Post: Dec 10, 2008 8:04pm
by Grimm
I'm not sure if this dream I had is telling me something good or bad, because although it was a fun experience that happened in the dream, it was strangely dark and gloomy(perhaps I don't remember more of it) Anyways, I had a dream where I was driving a motorcycle...
Views: 563   Replies: 2
Last Post: Dec 9, 2008 11:40pm
by Sergeyevna
Heros turn left !.... heroines turn right?
In a green landscape. A deep wide river flowing left to right.A bridge further down river on my right.Bridge is bueatiful, as if carved from one stone. I lower my self into slightly brown, very warm water.Hang on to the bank so that I am not swept away.The pull of t...
Views: 592   Replies: 2
Last Post: Dec 9, 2008 9:16pm
by Nina
High School Field Trip
I am a 41 year old female high school teacher. I am married, but don’t have children. My dream is about taking a large group of students on a field trip to a neighboring town. Several other teachers and I took the students to a town about 70 miles away. T...
Views: 593   Replies: 4
Last Post: Dec 9, 2008 6:45am
by Gerard {Dream Fo...
Moving Stones and Crumpled Father
Hi Gerard, I'm still dreaming some similar themes and that I'm with Sally again from my 'Man with No Muscles' dream and the 'River Street' one. Obviously something is trying to get through to me. I'm wondering if you might have a few thoughts? 'Moving Stone...
Views: 732   Replies: 10
Last Post: Dec 6, 2008 9:02am
by Angela
An owl and a crow?
Hello again, I had a dream recently of a very vivid owl which seemed very big with large blue eyes which I felt were the eyes of my boyfriend who died this year. The owl was up in a tree and I was trying to take a photograph of it with a camera that I just bought...
Views: 623   Replies: 4
Last Post: Dec 5, 2008 9:17am
by Tracey
My mom's cats
Hi! My mother dreams almost everyday that she is trying desperately to save her cats and the dream always ends without a disclosure. Sometimes, she dreams that they are lost and she is looking for them, but she never finds them. What does it mean?
Views: 630   Replies: 3
Last Post: Dec 5, 2008 6:40am
by Natalia
Upgrading Cars & Peanuts
I am driving in my gold used honda and I drive to a graveled parking lot. It looks somewhat full. I am directed by a guy with dark hair, dark jacket, and jeans to park my car at the end by the chain link fence. All the spots are taken. He directs me to the last car t...
Views: 638   Replies: 1
Last Post: Dec 5, 2008 6:19am
by Gerard {Dream Fo...
Dead but still alive
I was at home eating lunch my mom walks into the dining room and say's "Jeff andrew is outside." I go outside and tell him to come in because I'm still not ready and I'm still eating lunch. He says to me hurry up we need to meet with everyone at the super wal-mart. S...
Views: 617   Replies: 1
Last Post: Dec 5, 2008 6:04am
by Gerard {Dream Fo...
Soldier Dream 09/30/08
I went to visit Bagdad so i could know what daily life was like in a war zone. I met up with a soldier, and even though I was with him, I walked about 8 feet behind him. We were walking down a main street and I looked to my right. At 1st it looked like a huge space o...
Views: 589   Replies: 1
Last Post: Dec 4, 2008 6:37am
by Gerard {Dream Fo...
black man with no nose or lips
I am in the bedroom I had as a teenager. I realize that two men are stealing things and putting them in a large black trash bag. One is a small, middle-aged thin black man who reminds me of a boy I went to school with my senior year of high school, the first year o...
Views: 685   Replies: 3
Last Post: Dec 4, 2008 6:31am
by harriett
I dreamed it was dusk, and I had been lying in bed waiting for my roommate to come home from taking his friend to the airport. When I looked in the living room, he was already there, in the dark, lying on the couch. He stood up and hugged me. For a moment we dance...
Views: 704   Replies: 3
Last Post: Dec 3, 2008 5:41am
by Gerard {Dream Fo...
This is a recurring theme I've been dreaming of since I was a kid
Hi, I've dreamt about trying to escape from my home many times before, something strange/scary is going on in my house, some sort of threat that I will always try to escape, if I'm not mistaken, usually it'll be some ghost, or something unknown, or I just can't remem...
Views: 3338   Replies: 5
Last Post: Dec 2, 2008 10:25pm
by Katchi
I am arriving at a very old, very large cathedral. It feels like sacred ground. It sits elevated, on a gentle and vast hilltop. I am walking up a very wide and graceful set of old (but preserved) stone steps that lead up to the cathedral. I feel I am here to find...
Views: 659   Replies: 2
Last Post: Dec 2, 2008 9:52am
by Kristi
Nice but confusing
This isn't all of my dream but it's a little weird for me to dream about. If any of you haven't seen Twilight the actor Taylor lautner is a big part of the dream. Okay let's start...Whenever I opened up my back door I always saw Taylor standing there I usually greet...
Views: 673   Replies: 4
Last Post: Dec 1, 2008 5:38pm
by Sophie
stuck on busy freeway
Hi Gerard, you were so helpful with my last puzzling dream about a year ago, thank you! Here's another I'm not seeing the bottom of the meaning of, it's only the end fragment I can remember, unfortunately I'm walking on a very busy freeway, the kind with lots of f...
Views: 658   Replies: 2
Last Post: Dec 1, 2008 3:20pm
by elizabeth
Being in a house I have never lived in,, just in a recurring dream. Its vividly detailed all the way down to the glass door knobs, pictures on the wall, small stains on the carpet,etc. Very very detailed. Something is very wrong in this house. I sense an unrestfullne...
Views: 645   Replies: 2
Last Post: Nov 27, 2008 8:45am
by Marce
Friends With New Cars
So last night I dreamed that I was in the school parking lot with two of my friends. One of these friends has recently abandoned me...because he found out I liked him. It's a shallow reason to ignore me, but I'm getting through it. Anyway, we were all in the parki...
Views: 605   Replies: 3
Last Post: Nov 27, 2008 6:39am
by Gerard {Dream Fo...
Dead grandpa papers
Hello there! My grandpa died last year and only now, I recall having dreamed of him. He was sitting at his desk, signing a lot of papers while talking to me. Suddenly, there was a store full of things and I had the papers to get whatever I wanted. But I did...
Views: 648   Replies: 8
Last Post: Nov 26, 2008 5:34pm
by Natalia
I'll just post my response to the previous post here, together with the dream I had this morning, while it's still fresh. Hope that's ok. First, about the running and climbing-dream: I think you're right on the spot. I have been feeling chased lately, by difficult...
Views: 622   Replies: 3
Last Post: Nov 26, 2008 6:21am
by Gerard {Dream Fo...
Mouth filled with junk
Hi. I see this dream almost once in two weeks. I see that my mouth is filled with some chewed junk and i cant even utter a voice. Im trying to spit it out but it is impossible. I try to remove it with my fingers but nothing happens. I have to meet someone important b...
Views: 561   Replies: 3
Last Post: Nov 25, 2008 4:42am
by Gerard {Dream Fo...
Girlfriends - girls I know and strangers
I've had this reoccuring theme in my dreams over the last few years. The dreams could be about anything and then I come across a girl (one I know in my waking life or someone I've never laid eyes on before). The feeling I get is that the girl loves me in the dream an...
Views: 566   Replies: 2
Last Post: Nov 24, 2008 10:36pm
by Grimm
Creativity and Mental Disorders
Both Carl Jung and Joseph Campbell thought that the creative aspect was as natural as any physical or psychological aspect of the human psyche. In fact both taught that creativity was the essence of the soul, the one thing in life that brought about fulfillment where...
Views: 731   Replies: 2
Last Post: Nov 24, 2008 5:27am
by Gerard {Dream Fo...
A date
So, I had a dream that, while it was happening made me feel really happy, but when I woke up, I ended up feeling crappy all day when there wasn't anything significant that would have done so otherwise... I still can't say it was the dream, but it might have been....
Views: 595   Replies: 3
Last Post: Nov 24, 2008 4:56am
by Gerard {Dream Fo...
Seeing the devils
I had this dreams for over 4 years. It used to start differently, but had the same core to it. I would be sleeping comfortably when suddenly I would arrive at a state between 100% sleep and wakefulness. I would feel as if I can't move my body, someone's holding me ti...
Views: 588   Replies: 2
Last Post: Nov 23, 2008 11:05pm
by Grimm
Running and climbing
Hi again. It's just been too much happening lately, I haven't found the right focus to consentrate on my dreams. It has been like a hurricane both round and inside me.. But I'll post two glimpses from a dream now, just to get me started again:) The first glimpse...
Views: 589   Replies: 1
Last Post: Nov 23, 2008 9:05am
by Gerard {Dream Fo...
cut my brother's right arm
hi, i've been so perplexed with this dream that i decided to look for some guidance as to what it is. my dream started with a scene where my brother is in some kind of a rage and with a knife i struck his right hand a few times and severed it. the next scene i...
Views: 573   Replies: 1
Last Post: Nov 23, 2008 8:28am
by Gerard {Dream Fo...
Delay in giving interpretations on posted dreams
It will be this weekend before I will be able to provide interpretations on posted dreams. A head cold has brought me down. Instead of trying to give an interpretation that may not be proper I will wait until I have my full 'facilities' before attempting to decipher...
Views: 705   Replies: 0
Last Post: Nov 21, 2008 6:17am
by Gerard {Dream Fo...
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

stats from 7-14-10 to the present