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Power of Dreams/MDS Dream Forum
Duality-The Two of Each of Us
A few random thoughts to liven up a TGIF.
After more than 18 years since my 'journey' began I am now able to understand to the fullest the reality there is 'two of each of us, a duality in and of life, what I believe from my 'Jungian' education and actual experien...
Staring into the eyes of God.
First off, just want to say that psychology and dream interpretation have always really interested me.
This is the most powerful dream I've ever had, it was probably about a year ago, so I know it doesn't hold much bearing on my current daily life, its just someth...
Views: 613 Replies: 3
Last Post: Jun 21, 2011 11:12am by Chris
The man in my house
I was in the kitchen with my mother, and I looked out the window above the sink. There was a car parked in the middle of the intersection when I looked closer I saw a man standing next to the car. He had a gun in his hand and was pointing it at the window. I yelled f...
Body and Soul-The Physical Condition As A Part of the Whole
There are two things I am passionate about. One of course is my dream work, delving deep into the psyche to discover what 'mysteries' reside within. And what wonderful discoveries I have made.
The other is physical fitness. Having lived a life that includes a fitn...
Jim Morrison and the Hero's Journey
It may not seem apparent at first glance, but Jim Morrison was the embodiment of the artist and shaman that Campbell so often talked about. The Doors tried to transport listeners to new frontiers of consciousness and spirituality. See for more infor...
Views: 672 Replies: 2
Last Post: Jun 18, 2011 12:44am by sam
Curious about Interpretation
I had a dream last night. Five of us were in a Safeway looking for sugar and trash bags (I AM NOT LYING). We were calling out to each other "Did you find them?" or "Do you see any?" We never found the stuff. It felt as if we were looking for hours.
2 separate dreams in one evening
There were two dreams in one evening. the first dream was a large soldier comiong from the woods behind the house. It charged forward and my dog was barking at it. The soldier stepped on the dog and killed it and then looked at me and said it's name. I didn't hea...
2 dreams same night
Hello, I had two dreams on the same night, in the first dream, i was driving in a car park looking for a place to park when i approached a stairs going down with a flat surface at the bottom which i had to drive on in order to reach the opposite stairs going stairs...
Views: 609 Replies: 3
Last Post: Jun 13, 2011 3:07am by paula
Hello again Jerry. I had another dream that I would appreciate your assistance with. It was a powerful dream that I had Friday night following a healing workshop that I attended.During the workshop I shared the situation that was the preface to the last dream I sent...
Views: 615 Replies: 4
Last Post: Jun 12, 2011 2:20pm by kathy
The Dream Forum is Open
It has been less than a week but it seems much longer that the Dream Forum has been 'offline'. I did not realize until yesterday that we had maxed out the number of allowed message posts for the forum {15,000 posts since January 2005} and new posts were not allowed....
The Hero Journey and Serving the Dragon
I hope all is well in the world of dreamers.
It has been a while since there have been this many days of no one making a post at the Dream Forum. With the 'official' beginning of summer, schools letting out, vacations beginning, it is not unusual for it to slow do...
Photos and Demonstrations
Good day Jerry. I quote Nana
" I'm looking at some of my childhood photos. In a strange way, they have voice too! I listen to what I'm saying through these photos and I'm showing them to my mother who becomes emotional. I believe she gets emotional not because s...
Views: 646 Replies: 3
Last Post: May 31, 2011 2:25am by Cynthia
Hello -
I dreamed I was looking at very large disembodied hands. In my dream I believed these were the hands of someone who has hurt me in the past, someone who has not been fair. ( Although I keep going back and forth what was his true intentions were) I was look...
Views: 582 Replies: 4
Last Post: May 30, 2011 9:46am by Oya
Slaying the Dragon-MUsings About My Journey
How often have you witnessed me use the term, 'slaying the dragon'? Many times if you read my posts. For me the 'dragons' been most prevalent in recent weeks due to the increase responsibilities having to do with my work. This is the busy season in the building trade...
A strange diamond
Good day Jerry, here's a dream I had tonight.
I saw Rosa -she's a friend, not a close one though- and it seems I had done some big favour to her. In my dream I knew what this favour was about, but now I can't recall it. She was much obliged by this, so she told m...
childhood abuse
I was back at this house where I had been molested as a toddler. It wasn't really that house, but it was in my dream and it was bringing out a lot of bad feelings. Scariness, fear, pain and living there was the grown up son and his family of the one who molested me....
Hello Jerry. This is a short one but puzzles me because it was so real. In real life I fell asleep on my couch laying on my pillow and covered with a sheet, no lights on and just the TV going. I dreamed that I woke up and my former love interest was bending down in f...
Recurring dreams about being shot
The past few months, I've had a lot of dreams about getting shot with a gun. I die in some of them and in some of them I don't. A few examples:
I am sitting in a car at a gas station when a man exits the gas station, looks me right in the eyes, and shoots me...
Physical Fitness, Psychology & Shooting A Basketball
Note I've included the two minute video at the bottom of this page
The reason I posted this video has many reasons. One is to demonstrate the importance, and benefits, of a good physical routine as a part of living a balanced life. Physical health is a vital part...
Religious belief is human nature, huge new study claims
An Interesting article from about religious belief being a part of human nature. Seems as if the world is finally catching up with Carl Jung's long supported theory that the spiritual aspect is a natural aspect of the psyche. I often find Jung's discoveries/t...
Eating Dead Mice/Bats
I cannot remember anything else from this dream, but in the dream I believe I was in a foreign country, and I was given these dead mice to eat. It was just the body of the mouse, with the head decapitated, and no limbs. I ate one, and it didn't bother me. Then I ate...
Views: 622 Replies: 2
Last Post: May 18, 2011 10:02am by Mellinda
About my parents
I quote Nana
" A reception in the Piraeus Philological Club where my mother is member, is organized. To honour my mother. Although I felt it was boring, I went there. It was to start at 8:30, the hour had passed, it was 11:30 and my mother had not come yet. That's...
thank you
thank u mr.jerry... i'm very greatful 4 ur suggestions.... hope,will soon contact u wit a gud change..bye bye...
dream- remedy
thank u mr.jerry .... i wld b pleased if u suggest me wit sum remedies 4 havin a peaceful sleep...
dream world
am gettin dreams often.. in a single n8 am gettin more dan 3 dreams.. even in a short nap am getting dream.. all my dreams revolves around my daily daily life happenings get mingled wit it.. am nt sure whether a particular task happened in my dream o...
A miscarriage of a young girl.
I quote Nana
"I'm giving some exams on some Psychology lesson, together with other 2 girls. The teacher in charge is my ex Therapist. This therapists calls in the room some other participants too. Various men and the brother of a local fascist politician. Anyway...
hi jerry, i have another i wish you can help me..
in my dream, i was also dreaming and i am aware of it. though i don't control my dream. the dream in my dream was that my aunt killed a cat and she said that she's going to offer it i don't know to whom just to hav...
Antique rings
here's a dream I had a while ago. It woke me up!!
I saw that me and my husband were at a flea market. At one stand, I saw a four antique rings. They were all quite similar : thin and fine, in white gold and small Amethysts and diamonds. I started trying th...
Views: 655 Replies: 2
Last Post: May 4, 2011 7:34am by Cynthia
Electric Snake
I am continually dreaming about snakes; as indicated in the last dream I posted. A dream equally as "strong" as that dreamed occurred last night - also about snakes.
The dream occurred in the house ( and town) I currently reside in. I dreamt that the townspeople h...
Avalanche Clouds
Hi Jerry,
I had another interesting dream, and am hoping that you can help me make some sense of it.
In the dream, my husband, daughter, and I go on a family trip up to the mountains. We go to the summit of the mountain, though I don't remember how we get there...
I had this dream one day following a very emotional incident while visiting my mother in Kansas.
I was asked if I was interested in being included in an opportunity to meet someone called the (bow-da-vee-sta) Bhodavista (? I may have heard this term b...
I quote Nana
" 1. All 5 members of a family fall -suddenly- seriously ill. It was the father who got it first and spread it to the rest of the family. Daphne -a close friend in waking life- is the mother. They soon feel better it is just Daphne who has a mild diar...
toenail dream
I had a dream that I was clipping my toenails. They were longer than usual. It felt really good to remove them.
I am just curious because it was such a strong impression on me with how good it felt.
Business Promotion and Shoes
I quote 2 dreams of Nana
" 1. I'm thinking to do something to promote my job and I'm discussing with some booksellers and friends, getting their opinion. Cynthia is telling me something deep and abstruse and I don't understand it too well but I know she will tell...
hi jerry thanks for interpreting my previous dreams. here's another one wherein i need your help.
got a dream last night wherein i am all dressed up for school to get my salary. on my way there, i remembered that since it's vacation we have no pay so i got disappo...
A diffident man
Good day Jerry, this is one of Nana's dreams.
I quote Nana
" I'm talking with a man who although looks strong and harsh, he is fearful and diffident. He and his girlfriend have been raped some time ago and even though he knows who has done this, he is afraid to g...
Red slippers
After quite a long time, here's a short dream I had tonight.
I dreamed I was wearing a pair of very comfortable red slippers. I was sitting on a chair, looking at my feet wearing those slippers when I noticed that the right slipper was a little worn out and my toe...
Hello. I had what I thought was a lucid dream several years ago after the suicide of my older sister. I was distraught and looking for answers. One evening after falling into a deep sleep, I dreamt that I awoke to find that someone had left me a message on my cold...
Jung & Freud Photos
I came across a most interesting page with several photos of Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud together. This photo caused me to think of the two men as being more like 'Easy Riders' than pioneering psychologists.
Notice the 'bell bottom' style pants Jung is wearing.
Views: 652 Replies: 1
Last Post: Apr 24, 2011 2:28pm by sam
Fairy Tale, Ships and Lectures.
Greetings Jerry! How are you doing? I hope you are having a nice weekend!
Well, first, let me say that I had a great surprise yesterday. I was talking to a friend on MSN and he said that he liked me when we first met and wanted to... How say it in english... "snog...
Three Nipples.
I'm quoting Nana
" Me and my teacher Irene (who in waking life is really a teacher and a friend) are sitting outside of the school while it is lightly raining. I'm sitting on an old, damaged chair which at the place where we sit on, has no cushion but a... book!...
Views: 700 Replies: 4
Last Post: Apr 22, 2011 11:33pm by Cynthia
Jean Raffa-Dreams Theatres of the Soul
One of my early inspirations into the dream world is Jean Raffa. She and I recently traded 'tweets' on Twitter and I am honored to have her as a follower. As a 'layperson' in the world of dream psyche it is indeed an honor to have her and other notable 'Jungians' as...
Interpretations for Those Who have Posted Recent Dreams
Please be patient with me in getting an interpretation. This is our busy season in the building trades and I am spending so much time having to put my mental energies to the business. Although I have come a long way over the past 18 months in balancing social respons...
Views: 617 Replies: 2
Last Post: Apr 21, 2011 3:59pm by Mellinda
House of many rooms that's all white...
Take your time;
I just need to post it, before I forget it.
I dreamed that I was walking through this huge house, with many rooms. I wasn't alone, I was in the company of a man. I was showing him the house, walking and conversing about how big the rooms were. Bu...
Views: 641 Replies: 2
Last Post: Apr 21, 2011 10:01am by Latoya
Panic swim in water...
Greetings beloved;
I hope the days are finding you in greatness, for my nights have been dreamful. I am going to get straight to it, this dream seemed to have taken a toll on me, that I have been in thought all the day.
Hi Jerry! I dreamed last night that I wa...
Some friends and a funeral
Good day Jerry!
Nana and I, thank you for your latest "Beach" interpretation. Nana believes she's going through a big emotional Change, that's why her dreams have such a significance and she thanks you for being so very helpful. Here is the dream she had last nigh...
Chicken excuse! :))
Hello Jerry!
Here's one more, rather funny Nana's dream!
I quote
" Panos is driving a small car, me sitting next to him and you (Cynthia) at the backseat. We want to stop somewhere as we have something to do, so I write a simple short note to put it on the wind-...
Introduction to Dream Interpretation
I am at a time of year when my obligation to social duty {the business that makes my living and which requires so much mental energy} where it is sometimes difficult to get in touch with that 'intuitive' self that is required for me to properly interpret dreams. That...
Views: 627 Replies: 1
Last Post: Apr 13, 2011 5:34pm by Latoya
Caught in the most awkward position...
I do not know how explicit, detailed, or informative we can get, but Jerry I got to tell you about last night's dream.
So there I was visiting this guy whom I have been involved with for quite some time. Don't get all gushy, because the sad part is that he's in f...
Views: 617 Replies: 2
Last Post: Apr 11, 2011 6:27pm by Latoya
A few dreams I just can't explain..
This first dream I had a few weeks ago. I was outside at night with some family and friends and we were joking and laughing. I was pregnant and I was joking around saying "I can't wait to have this baby already!" Then I thought about how much longer I had till I gave...
Views: 660 Replies: 2
Last Post: Apr 11, 2011 1:01pm by Lee
Husband Knifed
The crippling fear I felt in this dream ripped me from my sleep. I dreamed that my husband was having an affair with a married woman. In reality, I never worry about my husband being interested in other women, though the topic comes up relatively often in my dreams....
Nana's scattered dreams
Tonight, Nana had some short dreams and it amazes me she remembers it all! hehe. I quote Nana:
1. I am at my father's clinic which is closed now, no one is working there, it's empty and I start looking for the W.C. I finally find it and it's dark, dirty and a bit...
A woman, 3 little girls and a bottle of perfume
Beloved; I do not know why I was in this home, visiting this woman from "high school" years, and conversing with her 3 daughters, who were admiring a bottle of perfume that I knew of being fairly expensive, and then I ended up pocketing the bottle for myself. What's...
Views: 636 Replies: 4
Last Post: Apr 8, 2011 4:31pm by Latoya
please help me interpret my dream...
last night, i saw in my dream our house which is very bare. it seemed like it's newly constructed. the kitchen was covered with tiles and the only appliance we have was a red oven. then when i went outside i saw a man running t...
I was shot...
I had a dream about a week ago that has bothered me ever since. I was in some building with familiar faces, but couldn't remember any of the people around me. I was fully aware there was some commotion going on about a guy with a gun. I look up and he's standing in f...
Crazy mutant guinea pig
Hello! That's a wonderful forum about dreams! Well i had a dream where a woman gave me a kind of guineapig that belonged to her son, but it wasn't cute, it was full of falling fur spots and did looked like a mix of rat or something. It was a very angry lil thing and...
Nana at the Beach
Hello Jerry!
Here are 2 of Nana's dreams. She saw them this night and she usually wakes up and keeps notes of them so that she won't forget them and then goes back to sleep! hehe. I quote Nana :
" I'm driving my Jeep (her car is really a Jeep) to the Beach, hav...
9K winner...
I would first like to thank you for your consideration to interpret my crazy and wild dreams previously posted, they have enlightened me in many ways.
Now, I am currently stressing because of being in a financial bind, and lately your comments were geared towards...
Bookstore and woman
I had a dream last night that I was in a bookstore and looking for a book I couldn't find. I was also in the parking lot looking for my car, which I had lost. Later, I met up with a woman I went to high school with. There was a romantic connection between us. I a...
it felt like that my dream started like i was in a tv drama. I was wearing skirt in school and it was raining.i'm not sure if i brought n umbrella. i saw from a distance my co-teacher wearing white shirt and when he looked at me as if he was telling me he's gonna tuc...
Views: 680 Replies: 6
Last Post: Mar 27, 2011 7:13pm by kate
The follwoing dreams occured on the days shown. I am having a difficult time getting a direction from them. I have been having lots of short dreasm voer the past two weeks and they are not staying around the next morning.
March 11, 2011
I was resting in an open s...
My Car was stolen and wrecked...
Well this ought to get things "popping." I awoke crying tears fervently, and whimpering after this dream. I was at a relatives house when all of a sudden she asked where was my car, and then concluded with a "look over there" It appeared that a group of...
cant stop thinking about this one weird dream
a few nights ago i had a strange dream it had myself my son and a handful of unfamilar aquintances . there was an ackknowledgement of fear and uncertainty with the people casually in the vicinity of us. everyone knew something was coming. the emphasis was on me and t...
feeding a baby .
from last 15 years i m having this dream frequently ,i see a baby grl or boy doesnt matter but always he/she s an infant child ,i m taking care of him/her ,some time i see its my baby n some time he/she s anyother one's , but i treat him/her as mine ,i m playing wid...
Nana Banquet
Good day Jeff. Here is Nana's dream again. I quote:
" I am at the Banquet Hall of a big Hotel where a big Reception was held. Even though I was one of the guests (there were too many guests, about a thousand) , I felt I was in charge of the catering as well and...
Eating dead butterflies
Last night, I asked to have a dream regarding the truth about my relationship.
In my dream we went to see a wise woman and I asked her to read the cards for me and to find out what was in my partners heart.
She said she wasn't in the mood, but then offered us...
Good day!
The other night, I had dream wherein I visited a closed mall situated in an abandoned land. The only shop that was open in that mall was so colorful.It sells umbrella. When I visited that shop, it closed. I was about to leave when I noticed that I lost m...
Views: 679 Replies: 4
Last Post: Mar 21, 2011 7:57am by kate
Constant Nightmares
Ever since I was a little girl I have always had nightmares, all similar in fashion, there is always the dark figure after me. There is usually lots of blood and fear but not like what I have been dealing with lately. I have had such horrific nightmares for the pas...
Strange Family
I dreamed I was home alone in my apartment. The weather was behaving very strangely. While it was sunny and clear outside, there was a storm raging but instead of lightening bolts, flashes of fire would appear instead. It would flash very quickly, every five seconds...
Contrast of White and Colors; Filling a plate, but no food??
I am at work. My hair is darker. Longer. I am wearing these medium sized burgundy butterfly clips in my hair. Very late 90’s. Anyways, on my left, the one side keeps falling. It’s driving me bonkers. I keep trying to fix it but I don’t feel as i...
Molotove cocktail
ive just had a dream in which i was an old man and threw a molotove cocktail in the face of somesort of bussiness CEO. What could this mean?
Finding a gun, and partying with people I don't know
I am one who's become fond of finding out what my dreams mean nowadays, haven't been having the best of luck, in love, and in life genarally speaking. Well, last nite this dream I had involved finding a gun, that was stashed, and attending a party with a group of wel...
Interpretations - Lawrenece, Cynthia, Jackie, Josiah
Gifford Fence CompanyServing Middle Tennessee Since 1978And Now InOrlando, Fl.
Please accept my apologies. It will be Friday morning before I will be able answer dream requests. A long day yesterday {slaying the social dragon on my birthday} and another...
Views: 719 Replies: 1
Last Post: Mar 17, 2011 9:24am by Cynthia
Wedding Invitation - Nana
Hello Jeff!
Here's one more of Nana's dreams!
To make it easier, I will write it as if Nana is speaking. I quote her.
" I saw I was about to get married. I had no idea to whom, no male image in my dream. I just knew I was soon to get married and I was concerned...
Views: 711 Replies: 2
Last Post: Mar 15, 2011 11:34pm by Cynthia
bleeding from bald spot on head
I dreamed that I was getting out of the shower, walked over to the mirror, and saw blood dripping down my face. I tilted my head forward to see where the blood was coming from, and I saw blood trickling from a bald spot on the top of my head. I remember thinki...
I was living at a location (unknown to me) near water and a close friend’s son, his wife and baby daughter came to visit. We warmly greeted each other. The young man said they came to visit so that I could see their daughter and we could have some fun in the wa...
Views: 702 Replies: 6
Last Post: Mar 13, 2011 6:45pm by Lawrence
Going uphill
Good day Jeff.
This is one of Nana's dream as she dreamt last night.
Nana dreamt that I visited her parents'home after I had taken a ride with a bicycle in the neighbourhood. She and a couple of mutual friends, were to get into her car and go somewhere. She asked...
Hello ! This night i saw weird dream ( It's happening every nights but , last night...) I saw, that tattooist made me a tattoo on the inner side of my right arm there was written with a very beautiful font " HOLD " . I would like to know what the meaning of that kin...
Owl and Rat
OK i had a dream where i was in a vast region full of swamps deserts and forest. In the dream i was in a small family of what looked liked vikings, and we set up camp at night right next to a big grassy hill. I was the smaller scrawny brother with half of my face pai...
Views: 708 Replies: 4
Last Post: Mar 8, 2011 7:34pm by Jake
Finding I left purse behind
For the last few months, I've had a recurring segment in various dreams where I discover my purse and realize I walked away and just left my purse somewhere. When I walk up and see my purse, I feel "oh geez, I can't believe I did this again". In the dream before last...
Dream with several symbols
I just had a fairly elaborate dream. It started with me on my college campus about to have lunch at a nonexistent place and I had gotten terrible service at the customer window. Some odd fact about the place was that they had a special bucket of mayonnaise that every...
Flying and Singing
Hello Jeff, today, permit me to ask your interpretation of the dream of a close friend who wishes to find some answers. This friend is having Eating disorders and is following Overeater's Anonymous. I think you should know this, maybe it is of some significance. Ye...
Window Shopping
I saw it is summer morning and I'm downtown, shopping. I stand in-front of the window of a shoe store, looking at some very nice shoes. I know this store, it's the one I'm usually buying shoes from. While I'm window shopping, I see a deceased family friend...
prophetic dream? or somthing more?
Last night I had a dream about my auntie. In real life I had visited my auntie in a hospice last week and when I saw her there was barely anything of her and she looked old and weak. In my dream, she looked like she did a few months ago before she became ill; quite o...
Being attacked....
Unfortunately, I don't remember some of this dream, because it gave me an icky feeling :)
I was in a house with my daughter and many others. We were all sleeping (I was sleeping in a room with my daughter)...I woke and suddenly had the feeling that there were peo...
Hi Jerry and Kristi,
No dreams recalled for a long time - maybe six months. I am journaling and finding insights into my "stuff" through this meditative activity.
Good events have unfolded the past year. Son and grandson now living with me. We are getting on w...
Views: 1114 Replies: 12
Last Post: Feb 27, 2011 6:49pm by Kristi
Blast Production
I have strong feeling reference to "the church," as if "the saints" are with me. What transpires feels like a script/role of some if I am an actor/actress. As we go, it feels like, "Take 1," "Take 2," and "Take 3," of a movie production. I have this line...
Views: 746 Replies: 5
Last Post: Feb 27, 2011 6:40pm by Kristi
Killer whales
I dreamt I was at some sort of camp - for children I believe, or possibly adults. At one point I was part of the camp and at another point I was a one of the counselors. We were all instructed to go and play in the ocean and it was night time. I had already done so s...
Married to My Friend but we weren't in love with each other...
It felt like I had this dream before, like it was a continuing telling the story, i guess you can say. The dream that I felt I had before was me getting married to my friend. In this dream I dreamed my sister and I were either on facebook or of those. I...
Myself My girlfriend and someone else (male but couldn't see him) are in the bedroom of my house, although the furniture is still my Granddads except the bedroom which is mine. We are all in the bed. There is a loud noise coming from another room. My girlfriend goes...
Decapitated Women?
This is the dream I had this morning: I was driving and approaching an intersection when I came upon a woman's decapitated head. She was wearing glasses and had long light-brown hair. The head was in the way and I had to maneuver around it. Just beyond it was the res...
Views: 1187 Replies: 7
Last Post: Feb 27, 2011 3:56am by Merana
Filthy House
This morning I saw a very vivid and detailed dream. I was in our house, just woke up in the morning and I felt that I needed to clean the house very quickly because I was expecting somone will come over soon. The house was a mess. There were clothes and garbage every...
The Animus
Hello! This is my first post here.
In the past few months, I have had several dreams with my Animus figure. The first one, I first was being chased by a sabre-tooth leopard :), and I tricked it into going out a door. At that point I became lucid. I felt a pres...
Views: 1148 Replies: 12
Last Post: Feb 24, 2011 6:49pm by Angie
Coloured Snakes
I was playing in the backyard of a friends house; there were a few visitors with children and the children were making the most of the backyard for playing. As I played amongst the children I realised that a brown snake bit me on the leg. (it did not really hurt - no...
Views: 796 Replies: 6
Last Post: Feb 21, 2011 6:33am by Anna
Mouse in Breast
Hello Jerry and all,
I feel quite distressed after last night's sleep-walking nightmare. (I regularly sleep-walk/act out my dreams.) Nightmares are so common for me that horrific ones don't usually upset me. This was an exception though, as it produced high and...
inner and outer
In the dream, I was inside an institutional-type building, like an old building at a college. I was on maybe the third floor, in a rather featureless hallway (light yellow walls), having come out from someplace before I started remembering the dream. It was evening a...
Royal Affair! :)
Good day Jerry and friends.
I dreamt I was our ex-King's secret mistress. We had not met for quite long so I sent him a message (I don't remember if it was or text etc) that I would be at the movie theater a specific night so he could come and meet me there...
Apocalyptic Dream
Hi, I had a very vivid dream this morning that started quite normal, holiday at the beach with the folks, fun everywhere, all good walking around with my parents and then the water started to get more and more agitated, then an odd series of eclipses, one after the...
Late Interpretations
Click to Enlarge
I apologize for being late in my interpretations. I am fighting a head cold and had to work a long day yesterday building a 'fortress' type fence, something I seldom have to do phyically any longer. I hope it doesn't affect my intrepretations. I am...
Bathroom Adventures!
It's the ...third time I'm trying to post it, let's hope this will be successful!
I was on my knees on the bathroom floor, close to the toilet as it was dirty and it wouldn't clear even after enough flushes. I thought it would be better if I took it out the hous...
Toys in a tub
I was in a bathroom of house that I hadn't seen or visited before. In that bathroom there was a white bathtub and inside that tub there were few old toys from this holiday cottage that my grandparents used to own.
I only remember one of the toys; a blue plastic hors...
Blue fish
There was a bright blue fish that was very pretty and wasnt very big, probably about 6 inches or so from nose to tail end. It was out of the fish tank and I was trying to put it back. It was trying to get away and also trying to bite my finger but I wanted to save it...
Views: 695 Replies: 8
Last Post: Feb 8, 2011 11:46am by Melissa
Strange dreams about my mother, please help.
Hey Guys, I have been dealing with some strange dreams for a while, and I was hoping maybe someone here might have some insight. I have talked with my therapist about this and she seems to be stumped, so you guys are my only hope. A little background; Im 22 years old...
Pigeons in love
It was a long dream but I don't remember its start! All remember is that at its end, I was on the terrace of a building that was like a castle and there, I saw many pigeons, nesting. Most of them were white and some of them greyish. I saw a pair of them, they were...
Views: 672 Replies: 2
Last Post: Feb 6, 2011 12:43am by Cynthia
Interpreting A Dream-Explaining How I Interpret the Symbols
In the future, and as I have been doing to a degree in the past few weeks, I will explain how I look at a dream in detail. An example of this can be seen in Anna's recent posted dream Coloured Snakes. By doing this I hope to provide insights to how I 'read' a dream....
Myths-Dreams-Symbols Video Library
I am in the process of updating my video library at the Myths-Dreams-Symbols website. There are a limited number of videos available on Carl Jung and Joseph Campbell but I have found new resources, including the Joseph Campbell Foundation, for new videos. You can fin...
Lost Car and Diseased Animals
Hello - I haven't posted in a while, but I had a few (short) dreams in the past 2 days that I wanted to get some feedback on.
Dream #1 - Stolen/Lost Car
I'm inside of a large building and decide to leave, but I feel like I have to "sneak" out or be discreet about...
SAD- Seasonal Affective Disorder
As one who is always looking at underlying causes for human behavior, as well as my own behavior during particular times, I found this article at MSNBC to be timely {Feeling SAD? How to cope when the sun goes away}> In particular to note is one remedy for this season...
I dream numbers
Last night I dreamed of the numbers 3400 and 40. In my dream my son needed money for a car payment or to keep his car from being reposessed, the total was 3400 but the company would settle for 40 dollars.
What does this mean?
Jack LaLanne, Founder of Modern Fitness Movement, Dies at 96
I recently posted a blog about Physical Fitness, Psychology & Wholeness where the subject was good physical health and what affects it has on our psychological health. I had mentioned Jack Lalanne as an early pioneer of physical fitness and as an example of how an ol...
Views: 679 Replies: 3
Last Post: Jan 26, 2011 3:27pm by Connie
Four Fish
I am on a wooden pier at the edge of the sea. I have four large fish from the deep sea before me. I know that I have just assimilated or taken in the life force from these fish (without physcially eating them). Kneeling there on the boardwalk with the bodies of th...
Views: 764 Replies: 4
Last Post: Jan 25, 2011 8:28am by Kristi
weird dream
Hello Folks! I post a dream on here when I have one which is not that much.
Okay this dream was a few nights ago where in the
dream I was driving my car to the store and see
in my rearview mirror that this white large rabbit
was actually following me. I pulled ov...
Views: 673 Replies: 4
Last Post: Jan 24, 2011 5:14pm by Connie
Death of Sons
Hi, I have had two separate, disturbing dreams of my children dying. I did not see them dying in the dreams, but learned of it from someone else. Of course, these dreams were very upsetting to me, although I understand that a dream about death does not mean real de...
Ancient Aliens Theory vs. Jung's Archetypes
The History Channel has been broadcasting a program that proposes the great pyramids in Egypt and South America as well as other mysterious structures around the world were built by technology provided by alien beings from another world and not by ancient earthly man...
two babies
Hi Jerry, enjoy a fine Sunday.
Tonight I dreamed I was a bit older than I am and had a daughter who gave birth to twins (my closes friend is in real, pregnant to twins!!). When I first say the babies were not really that little, not like newborns, they were like o...
Constant wolves
Of late all my dreams are ending the same exact way and I have no idea way, it doesn't matter what the original dream was the same dream adapts to the first dream and the same thing happens. My good friend and I always end up running (she is behind me) and there are...
a dream of wolves, a tiger and stars
I sure can use help in interpeting this dream. I dreamt that I was running in a forest trying to save my son from a pack of wolves who where chasing him. no matter how hard I ran, I could not catch up to the wolves. All of us sudden, he stopped in his track,turn...
Views: 888 Replies: 10
Last Post: Jan 19, 2011 5:45pm by Kristi
I turned into a small cat...
Hello, in my dream I turned into a small cat and ran around superfast in first person. Three wastland raider type characters kept hunting me so I ran away and waited till they were unexpecting of me. Then I kinda clawed them... and then I ran away again... Sorry it w...
Swiss friends and zombies
Hi Jerry,
I've been reading Jung now for a year and had some great insights but not much luck in interpreting my dreams although I keep a record of all the dreams I can recall. So I'd really appreciate any insight you could provide into this dream.
I'm backpac...
Views: 655 Replies: 4
Last Post: Jan 18, 2011 4:26pm by Tim
A New Year-Approperiately 1-1-11 {Equals 4}
A Happy New Year to everyone. I don't think we could have started the new year with a better number 1-1-11. In Jungian psyche the number 4 represents wholeness. Let's hope this is a note of great things to come for 2011. Being one who strongly believes in the power o...
Views: 775 Replies: 12
Last Post: Jan 17, 2011 10:02am by Kristi
The following dreams occurred over a five day period and the last one was two nights ago:
In the first dream I am in an open shower having completed a workout and there is one other person/man in the shower. Not paying much attention but another gentleman comes to...
The Wedding
When kid, about 6, I was bridesmaid at an employee of my father's wedding. I have one picture of that event, posing with the newly weds at the church yard.
My dream : I dreamt I was looking in a drawer and there, I found two photos of that wedding. Two photos th...
dirty public washroom
I had a dream last night. In its middle I woke up, and I remember the following dream:
I entered a public washroom with so many units in it. But all the walls inside was very dirty and shitty. I walked along the path inside the washroom but I had fear that my clot...
Journey with Old Man to Comb Free
My brother Michael and I are with an old man. He is giving us instructions. We are each about to assemble our gear/vehicles and depart for a journey together. Preparing to set off, I step outside and see our three vehicles staged to depart. I fasten my Army rucks...
Views: 743 Replies: 8
Last Post: Jan 9, 2011 8:59am by Kristi
A silver ring with black gemstone
My husband comes home and offers me a silver ring with a big black lustrous gemstone, telling me that his mother gave it to him , for me. I get upset and I tell him that it's a shame, she owns so many wonderful golden rings with diamonds (which is true) and instead...
Physical Fitness, Psychology & Wholeness
I had an illuminating conversation with a young African American man at the gym yesterday and I think it important I share some of the contents of that meeting. Important because it does have a great impact on the psychology of the individual and not just the physica...
Views: 665 Replies: 2
Last Post: Jan 6, 2011 5:14pm by Lawrence
Wedding Ring - Stone missing
Hi there,
I just woke up and have had this dream about 7 times now. I have only been married a few months but Ive have this dream prior to the wedding.
I have a 1.5 carat diamond engagement ring and in my dream it becomes loose (which it has done in the past...
Mark and the Train Track
Hi All,
Me thinks it is time to come out and begin sharing some of my dreams again, in the hope of gaining greater insight. I'd sure appreciate any moments you can give to this Jerry, and others. Thank you.
Mark and the Train Track: I know that I am intendi...
Views: 689 Replies: 6
Last Post: Jan 1, 2011 3:54pm by Kristi
Death & Dying
I was witnessing people sent to take people on the final journey of death. I asked if the people could change their minds and the people taking their life said no. It was not cruel or violent deaths and then they said you are next. The angels/people took a very fluff...
Do Animals Have A Soul? Grieving the Loss of a Pet
2010 has been a hard year for me with the loss of three of my pet felines and a fourth gone missing. After reading an on line newspaper article on how we feel about our pets and having so many experiences with those who employ my service as a fence contractor to prot...
Views: 752 Replies: 7
Last Post: Dec 29, 2010 3:22am by Kristi
I noticed when I made my last couple of posts here that there are some unidentified small image windows beneath the text box. They merely have small red x's in them. Are these supposed to be emoticons? Here I just clicked on one, will see what is it (ma...
Views: 669 Replies: 4
Last Post: Dec 29, 2010 2:18am by Kristi
Reaccuring male and Summer
Don't remember much so it probably doesn't make much sense. I had this dream the morning of Christmas.
The dream started out with me talking to this girl I never seen
before. My surroundings seemed almost completely foreign except for
The few thin...
I dreamed that I was speaking to my grandmother about a set of duplicate keys I had which belonged to my mother. *Both my mom and grandmother have transitioned.
Frogs and Luna Moths
I had an interesting and strange dream the other night and I would like to see if anyone can possibly help me interpret it.
In my dream I was in a diner at a booth and there were three really small almost flat frogs (green) embedded in my right arm and hand (on wa...
Views: 728 Replies: 4
Last Post: Dec 16, 2010 11:06am by Alexa
recurring hotel in dream but different events each time
Last night I had a dream that my grandmother, who lives far away and doesn't contact me, saw me at a rare family party, and that she immediately criticized me for wearing a long sleeve red shirt (mauve) that she said smelled bad. Then, she kicked me out of the house...
dream meeting
I have an idea of meeting in dream. People who want to participate just choose a common place of meeting. Maybe some of us there will be aware of dreaming and could try make others aware.
I had this dream about year back but it has always puzzeled me .
I was in tree in a jungle looking at a clearing when I saw a male lion kill a old man and mutilate his body ,as I watched the lion got up and left . All of a sudden I saw movement where the old man...
Oddly depressing dream
The dream began with me loitering around a generic college cafeteria. I remember thinking to myself that I would wait around until someone I knew noticed me, which was somewhat frustrating because I kept seeing people I knew from high school exiting the building. Fi...
Myths-Dreams-Symbols Website Hacked
If you visited the Myths-Dreams-Symbols website ovre the week end you may have seen a page that read:
HaCkEd By
IslamiC GhOsTs TeaMDr.Xp Mr.MoOoM
MoDaMeRGreets :
aB0 m0h4mM3d & brn @...
Russian woman
I had a dream I was walking up a hill with a group of friends from my past, and a Russian girl I did not know. The girl had long dark hair, silver underwear and a silver jacket. We were talking and became seperated from the group.
Halfway up the hill we stopped to...
Yusuf Islam and I are dating?
I know it's the day before Thanksgiving so please don't feel compelled to answer anytime soon. Thank you in advance for reading and responding.
This all takes place in New York City.
It starts out hanging out with friends. I meet an old lady (seriously, 6...
New-My Blog on Dreams
Something I have been working on for some time is a blog about dreams. I have created the first entry and hope to continue posts on a weekly basis. The blog will be primarily on dreams and the exploration of the deeper psyche. Other topics will be about mid-life issu...
Chased by dog
I had a dream last night where I was in some public place (maybe a dogcare facility), I was talking to this woman (stranger) and she was with her dog. The dog was muzzled and she was telling me why the dog needed to be muzzled (I forgot), then she left the room but t...
School Dreams
hi, i have dreams about school that often reoccur throughout my life in no particular order. In these dreams i often times don't know the other kids there and i feel a strong sense of urgency to get to my classes. Nearly every time i try to find the class the school...
Views: 721 Replies: 2
Last Post: Nov 19, 2010 7:18pm by Jake
Red Light
I'm in my car driving. My boyfriend is sitting next to me, he takes my hand but I don't see him as my eyes are fixed on the road ahead. It's night and I'm downtown in an area I'm very unfamiliar with. I know we came down here for a party but I have the feeling we nev...
Spider Attack
I was completely alone wondering around a forest. It was night out so the only light was provided by the moon. I was trying to find my way out by following a chain link fence when I found my boyfriend. He said, “I love you, but you know I can’t go with yo...
Dream of fishing
I had a dream of fishing with my dad. Somehow I lost the fishing pole and it submerged in water. I got my second fishing pole and everything was okay. Then I remembered my friend, Ian, no longer uses his fishing pole, I was going to ask him for his. He has one of tho...
Urine everywhere!
Hi, I have had a recurring dream involving urine overflowing and flooding bathrooms and into other rooms, etc. I often have dreams of myself urinating too. What does this mean? I looked "urine" up in the dream dictionary and it alludes to a sexual meaning, but I d...
Views: 1797 Replies: 4
Last Post: Nov 8, 2010 2:40pm by Linda
stats from 7-14-10 to the present