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The Secret Life of Dreams
I am not one who usually endorses books on dreams, other than Jungian related. But I have come across a new book by Clare Gibson, The Secret Life of Dreams which I believe will be invaluable for those who are new to dreams. And although this book isn't classified as...
Views: 513   Replies: 2
Last Post: Jul 31, 2007 6:55am
by Gerard
Carl Jung Video-Matter of Heart
Here is the latest addition to the MDS video file, and a special addition at that. It is Carl Jung's 'Matter of Heart' {1 hour 45 minutes}. This is "a complete and in-depth portrait" of the life and work of Carl Jung on video. Enjoy. Gerard
Views: 487   Replies: 2
Last Post: Jul 31, 2007 6:41am
by Gerard
woman friend 's diploma not valid in her region
I dreamt about a woman friend,we are quite close,she lives in germany and is german.She has studied naturopathy and she wants to dedicate herself to that as a job now. In the dream,there was a problem with her license in the region where she lived.she could not work...
Views: 506   Replies: 3
Last Post: Jul 30, 2007 6:20am
by cavebear
A Friend's Curious Snake Dream
A friend asked me about this dream (she's 28 & works at a day care): "I was at work, and I walked outside to the playground. I saw some adults I do not know in real life (one was a woman, but not sure about the rest). They were playing with about five large, charming...
Views: 573   Replies: 2
Last Post: Jul 29, 2007 3:27pm
by Ellen
Two different dreams, three hours apart
i had two dreams today...the first one it was me, my best friend and my sister and this guy named nash. well bascailly my friend and i were in a classroom we were filling out these forms for school and we left and i got mad at her cause she left my pencil there. my s...
Views: 535   Replies: 2
Last Post: Jul 29, 2007 2:41pm
by Marie
mud pool and a woman killed
There was a kind of swimming pool (but it was not a proper swimming pool), rectangular, partly full of mud. I was standing at the edge and the part which was closest to me was covered with green and dirty water, it was not really deep, but seemed to be very slippy. T...
Views: 417   Replies: 4
Last Post: Jul 29, 2007 10:04am
by Jun Rail
Views: 472   Replies: 1
Last Post: Jul 26, 2007 8:42pm
by Lisa
Scary, weird dream.
I went out on a date with a guy. I don't particulaly know him from real life, but I was meeting up with him in my dream. I came back home and went into my room and the guy I was with got on the computer. A little six year old girl came skipping into the room. (Sh...
Views: 553   Replies: 2
Last Post: Jul 25, 2007 1:47pm
by Lisa
A Glass Moon
I had a dream that I was inside my house with my mom. For some reason I felt a reason to go and run outside. It was night. I began running down the street, but when I looked up the moon was made completely out of glass.It was a very clear image. Later in the drea...
Views: 441   Replies: 4
Last Post: Jul 25, 2007 11:39am
by cavebear aka ste...
I used to be able to remember my dreams all the time. Every night I would ahve a dream and in the morning I would remember every single detail about the dream. Now I cant.Its been like almost half a year since I have been able to actually rememeber a dream in detail....
Views: 440   Replies: 3
Last Post: Jul 25, 2007 10:45am
by Kathy
my betrayal
Hi, After some weeks of vague dreams and not remembering almost anything, there it comes a vivid dream(s). I was departing. I wanted to go somewhere, but apparently there was no one to come with me. Someone suggested this well-known, powerful man (in his 50s)....
Views: 451   Replies: 3
Last Post: Jul 25, 2007 5:20am
by carlos
serving olive oil
Hi, In the last night's dream, I was with my mother, brother, in-laws... I don't remember who else but my deceased grandmother was also sitting in a corner. We were all having our plates filled with a traditional dish (a liquid prepared with flour and milk) and I...
Views: 417   Replies: 2
Last Post: Jul 24, 2007 12:55am
by Elona
Elephant Children
I am in the neighborhood I grew up in as a child. One of our tenants has a little girl who started life out as an elephant. The mother loves this child but keeps admonishing the child to stand up straight, believing the child’s poor posture is a matter of laz...
Views: 485   Replies: 8
Last Post: Jul 23, 2007 4:13pm
by carlos
Lost in the Winter
I've had a recurring dream... So far I've had two remembered dreams in a row that involve me being lost. I don't recall the exact details of the first one, but the last one is fresh even after a whole day going by. I'm driving on the highway, and I think I must've ma...
Views: 467   Replies: 4
Last Post: Jul 23, 2007 12:28pm
by Michael Cox
A dragonfly
I am hoping to find someone more knowledgeable about dreams than I. Last night, I had a dream that I was talking outside with my husband and while talking about boring everyday stuff a dragonfly landed on my hand. In the dream, I study the dragonfly with an amo...
Views: 473   Replies: 3
Last Post: Jul 23, 2007 5:47am
by cavebear aka ste...
end of the road
hi, i would be grateful for any thoughts on this dream, it came as a suprize,as my dreams have been quite possitive recently,thought i was getting somewhere. i am walking up a mountain path, it starts to get narrower and narrower until i end up on my knees craw...
Views: 435   Replies: 5
Last Post: Jul 23, 2007 3:27am
by cavebear aka ste...
Sharks - Near Death - Praying
Hello everyone, It's been a while since I've posted, but I was hoping for some insight on a dream that I had last night. This dream had a very strong effect on me and it was difficult to go back to sleep afterwards. Dream: I am reading a story in a newspaper....
Views: 536   Replies: 3
Last Post: Jul 22, 2007 2:51pm
by carlos
My First Remembered Dream
Hello Everyone, I read recently somewhere that our first remembered dream...or first dream in starting analysis tells us the outcome of how things will turn out. With that in mind, I'd like to post my first remembered dream that I consciously recall all the content...
Views: 601   Replies: 6
Last Post: Jul 22, 2007 2:39pm
by May
Hi, A few nights ago i had the next dream: I'm somewhere outside in an unknown place. With me is an unknown young woman. The woman is telling 'her story'. It feels like she's not especially telling her story to me, but it more looks like the whole thing is in a...
Views: 575   Replies: 2
Last Post: Jul 22, 2007 2:22pm
by The Mask
People from my past...
Dream 7/18/07 – 2:40 am or so It was strange since it seemed as if things from the Past were somehow settled in my psyche…(or something) There were people I saw there that normally bring me poor dreams or make me queasy. I dreamt of my old childhood...
Views: 601   Replies: 2
Last Post: Jul 22, 2007 7:48am
by Gerard
Views: 425   Replies: 3
Last Post: Jul 22, 2007 6:49am
by cavebear aka ste...
in my friend's dream
I have to share this dream of a friend of mine. We work in the same office and have a very friendly relationship. I am a senior and she is a junior, but we both work hard. Although she is good at her job, she has not received the proper recognition. While I just ye...
Views: 367   Replies: 3
Last Post: Jul 20, 2007 5:39am
by Elona
Repeating dreams
Hi, My whole life i have VERY vivid dreams most nights of the week. Only reciently have i started to want to know more...... As a child i used to get extremly high temperatures and almost died of a fever once. Whenever i have a high temp (even to this day) i have t...
Views: 378   Replies: 1
Last Post: Jul 19, 2007 4:43pm
by carlos
boyfriend filling storeroom with oranges
Hi,last night i had a dream which I have some ideas what it could mean but would like to hear opinions.As a background:I am without news from my boyfriend after our temporal(or definitive?) splitting up becuase he feels I don't give him enough space.I feel quite ang...
Views: 446   Replies: 4
Last Post: Jul 19, 2007 9:03am
by margit
Choosing and cheating
Las tnight i had a dream that i was with this guy name jesse and he ahd a bestfriend named brennan. The next thing i know i'l looking for brennan because for some reason i know me and him are together behind jese's back and we have to sneak around to get some along t...
Views: 493   Replies: 1
Last Post: Jul 19, 2007 5:18am
by carlos
My Dog Driving
We were all in one car...and my dog was driving MY car. He was driving in front of us and we were following. Suddenly, my dad feels like being in front and cuts him off. So I'm watching my dog as he has to jump up and down to hit the gas pedal. We finally stop and co...
Views: 457   Replies: 3
Last Post: Jul 19, 2007 5:12am
by carlos
he meets another girl
last night I had the following dream: My close woman friend from the shop phoned me and told me that mt boyfriend was sitting inthe street cafe next to her shop and was kissing with a girl.I asked her if she knew her,she didn't.It seemed to be a new girl who just ar...
Views: 620   Replies: 0
Last Post: Jul 19, 2007 1:33am
by margit
my boyfriend has a nightmare about a demon
my boyfriend phoned me tonight and he has still not worked out if he wants to continue with the relationship as he loves me but feels he wants his freedom.he told me that he had a nightmare on saturday.he woke up screaming and had to sleep all night with the light on...
Views: 440   Replies: 4
Last Post: Jul 18, 2007 9:05am
by margit
Dream of cancer...
Hello. Today I had an odd dream... I had some type of cancer, I can remember my mom telling me that in the dream... Then I was in the bathtub feeling really weak and I collapsed... My vision was fading... And everything was turning black... Then I saw just blac...
Views: 393   Replies: 2
Last Post: Jul 17, 2007 11:14pm
by Luna
I had a dream last night that I had found to be rather confusing, can anyone help? It started out as me walking outside. It looked rather sunny from the inside of my house, but from the outside the sun was beginning to set and it was growing dark. I then began to...
Views: 427   Replies: 3
Last Post: Jul 17, 2007 1:18pm
by Hawk
the bird song and snake
as a follow on from my last posted dream, altered state of consciousness ritual, i would welcome any comments on this latest dream, i am cycling down a country lane,with a female who is ahead of me,leading the way. she says its been a long journey,we have come...
Views: 594   Replies: 14
Last Post: Jul 17, 2007 11:34am
by cave bear aka st...
Getting to know evil
Hi, I recently had a dream where I was associated with a man whom I knew to be very dangerous - both to himself and others. I knew him to be very clever and murderous, and I strongly felt that people were not appreciating this fact about him, even though he was bein...
Views: 526   Replies: 11
Last Post: Jul 17, 2007 11:28am
by Renee
reflections of myself
Hi all. This is my first post here. What an interesting site! A few weeks ago, I was driving my red Sentra (I loved that car! 215,00 miles before I gave it to a neighbor, but I have a new Yaris now) up a hill that spiraled counterclockwise. I was in the left lane,...
Views: 488   Replies: 4
Last Post: Jul 17, 2007 8:46am
by Jim
My Dream
Hi I would like to share my dream with you which I saw yesterday night.In my dream I was in a green car with my old friend mine who I don't see very often anymore.My friend was driving her car and I was sitting next to her.We were on the bridge and than with the car...
Views: 349   Replies: 2
Last Post: Jul 17, 2007 7:22am
by Freudiana
weird dream
i had a dream lastnight that my husband was doing this thing at a school where people of all ages can come to and sing and he would have to listen to them sing and tell them if they were good enough or not. well in the dream i was standing in the line, and a former c...
Views: 392   Replies: 3
Last Post: Jul 15, 2007 5:12pm
by carlos
pregnancy/crying/Virgin Mary...2 dreams
There are two dreams that I am curious about. About a week my dream I dreamt I found out I was pregnant with a guy friend of mine....I was afraid to tell my mother about the pregnancy because I wasn't married to this person therefore I was crying...the c...
Views: 362   Replies: 2
Last Post: Jul 15, 2007 4:55am
by Gerard
Dreams of me about to die. . .
Okay... I've been having these weird dreams lately. The first one I had was about 3 months ago. Then I had one two weeks ago... then for the past three nights... In these dreams.... I don't die... But I am going to die. And I know that I am.. Can anyon...
Views: 419   Replies: 2
Last Post: Jul 14, 2007 12:16am
by Luna
A Kiss and Killer Bees
There was this new kid at school and we became fast within the first day. So we're walking...I think down a street. I felt this extremely strong connection between him and I, so I was going to find out. So I stopped walking, grabbed ahold of this head...
Views: 500   Replies: 8
Last Post: Jul 13, 2007 6:22am
by Kathy
re-occurring dream of bad teeth
I had yet another dream of bad teeth, (I'm thinking this is like the 3rd or 4th one in the last several months.) While I cannot remember the details that surround the other ones, what they all have in common is the fact that in the dream, I have at least 3 teeth that...
Views: 462   Replies: 3
Last Post: Jul 12, 2007 11:03pm
by Kathy
The Carnival In The Middle of the Forrest..recurring
This isn't really a particular dream, but more of a recurring motif in my dreams, and I'm curious if any of you have run into it before. I am 35 and male, married with no kids. I have a degree in philosophy and psychology, (both equally framed and equally worthless i...
Views: 471   Replies: 3
Last Post: Jul 12, 2007 5:40pm
by carlos
Fish and Snow???
This was a pretty long dream but I keep a good memory of a small part of it. I'm coming back from basketball practice. I get stuck in a massive snow storm. Cars are stopped bumper to bumper. The snow is invading my car. Next thing I know I'm trying to empty my car...
Views: 465   Replies: 6
Last Post: Jul 12, 2007 1:07pm
by J-p
Psychopath in my parents house,nobody calls the police
Hi;I had a dream last night and Would like to hear your ideas about it. It probably has something to say about my recent temporal (or definite) separation from my boyfriend and strong inner crisis because of that. I am in the house of my parents and a about fifty ye...
Views: 507   Replies: 7
Last Post: Jul 12, 2007 12:59pm
by Marce
Please help interpret
Hi, Two hours ago I had very strange dream that left me very confused (may i say that it is very rare for me to dream like this at all) My dream was: I am out with a date and other people, it's evening and across from our table my ex boyfriend walks in and sits...
Views: 432   Replies: 2
Last Post: Jul 12, 2007 7:36am
by marce
spider legs
Hello- Last night i had a very strange dream. The dream took place in my home, specifically my bedroom. I was cleaning my bedroom because is was a mess. The room was for the majority clean but i brought in my vaccum cleaner to finish up. As i was doing the baseboards...
Views: 517   Replies: 5
Last Post: Jul 11, 2007 9:15pm
by carlos
Dream about an octopoid sea monster
Dream consisted of A house on a rocky cliff on fire with dead best friend, her dead mother, and father (who is still alive). An octopus monster climbed out of the sea up the cliff. The dream ended. This occurred 2 months after my friend's death.
Views: 583   Replies: 2
Last Post: Jul 11, 2007 9:03pm
by carlos
mom screaming
The other night I had a dream where I heard my mother screaming very loud and I was so startled I woke up. She passed away in 2005. I have been having problems lately with my back because I have 3 herniated disks and spinal stenosis..with the weather being so hot it...
Views: 481   Replies: 2
Last Post: Jul 11, 2007 8:14pm
by connie
the spanish princess and my shoes
the husband of the Spanish princess has died and she comes to the community in the mountains where I live(I live on my own now ,but lived there when i was younger).She has come without luggage and needs my shoes or slippers,I get angry becuase nobody asked for my per...
Views: 661   Replies: 19
Last Post: Jul 10, 2007 2:01am
by margit
pregnant by bestfriend
I have a five year old daughter and I'am married. My bestfriend who is male just had his first baby and Im very happy for him. In this dream I sleep with my bestfriend once and become pregnant. I tell him and he says to get rid of it and Im hurt and say No. My belly...
Views: 490   Replies: 3
Last Post: Jul 9, 2007 6:56pm
by Gerard
Reaccuring Pregnancy Dream
This is a dream that a friend of mine had and I would like to help her out with it. She had this dream 3 times, in the dream she is pregnant by this guy she likes but every is ignoring her and wont help her get rid of it, she says in the dream I look older, like my...
Views: 397   Replies: 2
Last Post: Jul 9, 2007 5:18pm
by Gerard
dream about my ex
a couple weeks ago i had a dream that i left my husband to get back together with my ex fiance. now i havent seen my ex in 3 yrs, and i havent talked to him in a long time. every since that dream, i can not stop thinking about my ex. what do u all think the dream means?
Views: 409   Replies: 5
Last Post: Jul 9, 2007 4:32pm
by Gerard
Very odd dream ive been wanting help inturpreting
Okay, I had this dream a while back and ive been wondering about it lately. In the dream it starts off im in front of a 99 cents store with my friend, we are planning on what we will rob from the store, we go inside and look around then come out. Once we go back...
Views: 399   Replies: 1
Last Post: Jul 8, 2007 8:45pm
by carlos
disturbing dream about illness
Hi,I had this very disturbing dreams last night and can't understand them.Maybe you can give some ideas.As a background i must say that I have some health issues that worry me and the dream could be related,(or not?). I am sick in the mountains.It is vey cold.I try...
Views: 529   Replies: 10
Last Post: Jul 7, 2007 6:51am
by margit
The other night I had a dream in which I was driving down this country road. There were no cars on the road but mine. When I stopped for a red light, I heard funny noises from behind me like someone was walking. I looked in my rearview mirror but saw no one...then al...
Views: 546   Replies: 3
Last Post: Jul 6, 2007 8:21pm
by connie
I had a terrible nightmare the other night- it is still with me. It was so horrible- the first time I had ever felt so terrified that I woke myself up from a semiconcious state. I also still believe the dream was real even after I had woken up. In the dream I wa...
Views: 392   Replies: 5
Last Post: Jul 6, 2007 10:31am
by Shelbers
Sinisa's Dream-Gerard
Here is a dream that is full of archeypal symbolism. I encourage other Forum contributors to take a look at the dream and offer their insights. I sense a true 'heroic' adventure being played out in this dream, and in the life of the dreamer. My original posted dream...
Views: 566   Replies: 12
Last Post: Jul 6, 2007 5:29am
by Gerard
My boyfriend's family hates me.
The night before last night I had a dream that my boyfriend's family was having a party so I went to his house. Everyone in his family was there. I am really shy so I didn't talk to any of them. I guess they got mad and ended up hating me. He also had an Uncle Peter...
Views: 559   Replies: 4
Last Post: Jul 3, 2007 2:09pm
by Jessica
Night terror?
I have had this dream three times. The first time I just woke up screaming and I felt like I was floating towards the ceiling and I couldn't breathe. My parents came in and I guess I said that it hurt. SO they took me to the hospital and they said I had a night terro...
Views: 465   Replies: 4
Last Post: Jul 3, 2007 2:06pm
by Jessica
A strange one for me!
Last night I had a weird dream of which I have never encountered previously. In my dream to begin with I was male. Of school age and I was aware of my name both christian and surname which is the same as it is in my waking state. But then I became female. I was a t...
Views: 511   Replies: 4
Last Post: Jul 2, 2007 9:21pm
by Kathy
Family dying
For the past 2 nights I have dreamed about my dead aunt, she was lying in the coffin and comes back to life and then I dreamed about my cousin, He got killed and the cops couldn't find his body and then he comes home safe and sound! Please help
Views: 417   Replies: 2
Last Post: Jul 2, 2007 3:49pm
by Gerard
A sinking ship and a gay who seems to want me .....
hello everyone :)) It's been some time that i have trouble sleeping - it must be because of the heat ... What's the weather in your city ?:)) But last night - finally !! i fell to sleep before 2 am ! and i dreamed that > i am at the seaside . it's a tipycal se...
Views: 462   Replies: 4
Last Post: Jul 2, 2007 5:24am
by Gerard
altered state of consciousness ritual
hi, as some of you may know , some of my dreams have been very shamanic in content,with rich archetypal symbolism, i am still trying to understand why it is this way for me,primitive and primordial, my latest dream is no different and i would welcome any thoughts,...
Views: 496   Replies: 6
Last Post: Jul 1, 2007 6:01pm
by steve
very troubling dream about my daughter
Hey, it's been awhile since I posted a dream but I had one that is really troubling me. I keep having these dreams about my daughter that worry me a lot, I need to know why I keep having them. The latest one was this: My daughter, who is four, was a baby again and sh...
Views: 408   Replies: 4
Last Post: Jun 30, 2007 4:17pm
by rosebudsgypsy
power of the myth
gerard, just wanted to say how happy i am that you have incorperated the power of the myth series onto mds, it is one thing to read the words in the book, but to hear the words spoken with such authority and wisdom from the great man himself is another, i am alwa...
Views: 405   Replies: 1
Last Post: Jun 30, 2007 4:03pm
by Gerard
day camp
Hi All, A dream from this morning follows. In waking life I'm working at day camp for children over the next three days. The organizers do this the last three days of the month during summer to feed children who don't have food at home. At end of month households...
Views: 558   Replies: 7
Last Post: Jun 30, 2007 8:23am
by Kathy
Crab attack
Hi! I need help with this please. I was at work and made a Joke. My father (witch is my boss) heard it and was not happy about it. We end up having an argument. I’m now walking on a street still pissed about what happened. I take my cell phone from my po...
Views: 336   Replies: 1
Last Post: Jun 30, 2007 5:05am
by Gerard
Poilce, No U-Turns, Reality vs. Fantasy, life memories, forgetting...
I just woke up from a dream where I was sobbing becuase a non-compassionate Police man/State Trooper pulls me over and gives me a ticket for an improper U-turn. I couldn't afford the ticket. Two things that might have led up to this dream... (1) May's post about...
Views: 505   Replies: 7
Last Post: Jun 28, 2007 6:58pm
by Marce
What could these dreams mean ?
Before 1 month or so, i used to see a dream like my girlfriend was going away. It was the end of the world, and there were only 2 space ships, one for her and her family, one for me and my family. I used to cry, cause i knew i will not see her anymore, because there...
Views: 438   Replies: 2
Last Post: Jun 27, 2007 5:52am
by Kathy
Scary dream
Well it started off in my house. I wanted to get my hair cut so I took the car and got to the hair salon and it turned into a hair salon/restaraunt. I told the hair stylist that I would be back tomorrow. I went outside and my hubby and his friend were waiting for me...
Views: 404   Replies: 1
Last Post: Jun 27, 2007 5:48am
by Gerard
The Power of Myth
If you wish to view Joseph Campbell's popular 6 part PBS series 'The Power of Myth', I have all six available at the MDS website. Each video {interviews by Bill Moyers at George Lucas' Skywalker ranch} is almost 1 hour in length but offer invaluable insights into the...
Views: 587   Replies: 0
Last Post: Jun 25, 2007 6:13pm
by Gerard
Hi, I had a dream I was in a house for some reason I adopted a black child. I was continually keeping watch on the child. There were rooms and in one of the rooms was a Lion. There was also a telephone which was ringing and my sister at the end of the line. My primar...
Views: 493   Replies: 4
Last Post: Jun 23, 2007 7:39am
by paula
Babies all week!!
Hi everyone, I hope you can help me. For the past 4 or 5 nights in a row I've been dreaming about babies. I'm not actually having one (that I know of, yet) and they aren't mine. It's always me saving babies from some harmful situation. In one, a baby was in a...
Views: 1065   Replies: 5
Last Post: Jun 22, 2007 5:03am
by Gerard
A Dream within a Dream-Trapped in a Dying Town
So I had this dream that I had a dream and then I woke up that the dream was so great that I decided to make it a movie. My dream was about 5 brothers that lived in an old fashioned town and one brother falls off a roof of a building and that starts the downwar...
Views: 403   Replies: 3
Last Post: Jun 21, 2007 1:35pm
by steve
nightmare about my boyfriend betraying me.
Hi, last night I had a very painful dream.As a background I want to say that I had an argument with my boyfriend who sort of was the whole weekend quite emotionally distant.(he often is and I get the feeling that for him our relationship is not as important as for me...
Views: 506   Replies: 6
Last Post: Jun 21, 2007 9:33am
by Margit
shell creature, sand, scared
Hi, I had this dream, a bit scary. There was sand, and this creature, staring at me as I felt. It behaved like a crab, but it was in the shape of a sea shell, smooth, and curved. I felt it staring at me, and it began charging at me, the only way to fight back wa...
Views: 494   Replies: 3
Last Post: Jun 21, 2007 6:59am
by Kathy
Hey! I'd appreciate some insight into this dream my boyfriend had: He dreamed he was being chased by nazis into a labyrinth in order to get captured and operated. He tried to fight, but they got him and then came a doctor with a syringe. Any thoughts? Thanks!
Views: 398   Replies: 1
Last Post: Jun 21, 2007 6:34am
by Kathy
Gorgeous home renovations, cryptic conversations..
Hello, this dream is intriguing for me and any ideas are welcome, I'm with my friend R (who I know in real life), and a Russian man (who I don't know in real life), in a restaurant. He orders fish and they bring him meat. I am living in a college dorm and am surpr...
Views: 477   Replies: 3
Last Post: Jun 20, 2007 7:31pm
by Marce
May's Winners of 'A Dictionary of Dream Symbols'
There are two Dream Dictionaries to be awarded this month. The winners are Sinisa Jelicic and eunice. I will contact each to let them know they will receive a free copy of A Dictionary of Dream Symbols. Congratulations. Gerard
Views: 642   Replies: 7
Last Post: Jun 20, 2007 7:01am
by Gerard
Washing dishes
Before I begin: I'll sumarise the main things I'm curious about at the end(See the red flag). I had this a few nights ago. It's not the most remarkable content wise, but I NEVER (other than in three other dreams) Focus on colour, and in this one the feel was very...
Views: 423   Replies: 2
Last Post: Jun 20, 2007 2:53am
by Alice
What do dreams mean to you? What do you relate them to?
Hi, I'm new to the forum and I am an art student who is doing 'Dreams' as a project, where we need to produce a piece based of thoughts and dreams. Therefore, basically, I just want you to give me ideas about what /you/ think aobut dreams. For example: atmosph...
Views: 409   Replies: 5
Last Post: Jun 19, 2007 5:18pm
by Kathy
People Ingoring me
We are in what seems to be my kitchen. I’m making a bowl of cereals. There is my girlfriend, our roommate and their respective parents. I’m being polite and say Hi but my roommates parents seem to ignore me. Because they pay no attention to my hello’...
Views: 431   Replies: 3
Last Post: Jun 19, 2007 4:31pm
by Gerard
I'm pregnant?
I was 50 y/o when I had this dream in 2004: I was in a birthing room secured in a brown leather birthing chair. Midwives were checking me and preparing to deliver my baby. I kept telling them that they had the wrong person--that I was not the one who was pregnant. Th...
Views: 483   Replies: 2
Last Post: Jun 19, 2007 5:50am
by Gerard
Psyche knew 10 years ago
Hi All, Since reading Justin's Time to Leave post a ten year old dream kept returning to mind. Intuition says pay attention, there's something here. Been mulling it around since. Thought it was due to stimulus/correlation to his apocalypse type theme. Finally read t...
Views: 481   Replies: 1
Last Post: Jun 19, 2007 5:28am
by Gerard
Voyer, telepathy, old car
Hi Everyone, I had this dream on May 30th, right before the last two dreams I posted, but because it was long, and I had been advised to post shorter dreams before I only posted Undying Love, and Driving without Brakes, as they are shorter, but I feel this dream i...
Views: 471   Replies: 2
Last Post: Jun 18, 2007 7:40pm
by May
Strange Erotic Encounters and Lost Bicycle
Hi All, I am trying to decipher the meaning of this dream: I am lying on my back in bed. A tall man, naked is lying on top of me. I caress him and he has an orgasm. He is lean and very toned. We are not having intercourse. I feel guilty because I am married. I...
Views: 1214   Replies: 8
Last Post: Jun 18, 2007 7:26pm
by May
The Memory Pill segment on 60 Minutes
Hi All, Yesterday evening 60 Minutes (investigative journalism tv show) ran a segment titled The Memory Pill. "Lesley Stahl reports on the clinical trials of a promising but potentially controversial treatment that can dull the memories of people, especially tho...
Views: 600   Replies: 0
Last Post: Jun 18, 2007 6:17pm
by Kathy
final in the series
Justin, I thought you would find this last dream interesting after your analysis of the first three i gave you. Saturday night i had another series of dreams. In the the first I was taken to a place by my ex boyfriend #1 because he was going to show me an apt that i...
Views: 547   Replies: 0
Last Post: Jun 18, 2007 4:15pm
by Janine
Food and stuff
food and stuff I had placed this on the discussion forum in error. i dreamt i was at an amusement park and i walked up to the lady in the candy booth and asked her to show me how to make cotton candy. She told me she had to teach me to model first, so i went thr...
Views: 451   Replies: 4
Last Post: Jun 18, 2007 3:59pm
by Janine
NEW: Cataloging Dream Posts
I'm in the process of cataloging all the dream posts, using the subject title as reference to the main topic theme of each post. As time allows I hope to catalog all 1600+ posts {plus all future posts} by subject and cross reference topics, as well as sub topics, so...
Views: 467   Replies: 4
Last Post: Jun 18, 2007 1:25pm
by Gerard
teacher, teacher
Teacher Teacher This had also been placed on the discussion forum in error. I was in a classroom and i said something to my teahcer, i seemed to have challenged her with the question.(she looks like my spiritual teacher in real life). She turns on me and her f...
Views: 459   Replies: 3
Last Post: Jun 18, 2007 10:48am
by Justin
delapidated house
I was in a delapidated house. I think it was mine, or at least I had been given it. A friend is there telling me that I should build another level on top of the existing one. I looked at the roof and walls, and notice that they are not in good shape. I know that they...
Views: 830   Replies: 4
Last Post: Jun 18, 2007 10:09am
by Ellen
job offers
job offers i was called back to work for an airline(one that i worked for before but no longer work for.)I tried on many of my old suits but they did not look good so i settled for a new one. I had just sent off the plane successfully, done everything well and wa...
Views: 453   Replies: 2
Last Post: Jun 18, 2007 9:59am
by Janine
He found me
Hi All I would like to ask for some other perspectives on this dream A few of us are in a public area like the waiting area of an airport or the seating are of a public cafeteria. I see a big man come in - he is physically big and big as a man. He is no nonsen...
Views: 550   Replies: 3
Last Post: Jun 18, 2007 7:23am
by Gerard
teenage boy is strangling his father(who is like a dwarf)
I had this very puzzling dream two days ago and I have spend some time meditating on it but can't come to a conclusion even if I feel it has a profound significance but I cannot see which.As it might have a relation to the other dreams I posted I decided to post it a...
Views: 914   Replies: 12
Last Post: Jun 17, 2007 9:45pm
by Justin
A Tony Soprano Dream
Tony Soprano has a dream in which he rides in the back of his father's old Cadillac: Carmela {his wife} drives and Ralphie {not familiar with this character} sits in front of him with a caterpillar on his bald head that changes into a butterfly or moth. The person ne...
Views: 968   Replies: 1
Last Post: Jun 17, 2007 12:37am
by Kathy
My boyfriend's dream(snakes and tigers)
Hi,I decided to post my boyfriend's dream because we would like to understand the meaning and cannot figure it out. He dreamt: He is in a wild place with people and he sees two enormous snakes,more short and fat than long and thin.He is not especially afraid of t...
Views: 2663   Replies: 4
Last Post: Jun 16, 2007 4:37pm
by Margit
Driving without Brakes
Hello, I dreamt I was driving a car with no brakes, and I almost ran into an old man in a crosswalk. I was so afraid, that I refused to drive after that, because when I finally reached my destination, my parents were in the car, as was a woman who I don't know who...
Views: 966   Replies: 2
Last Post: Jun 13, 2007 8:08pm
by May
Undying Love
Hi All! This dream was so beautiful and I woke from it feeling refreshed and joyful and very unconditionally loved, although its content is a bit shocking! I am dying of cancer and my husband is telling me and demonstrating to me in every conceivable way possib...
Views: 871   Replies: 4
Last Post: Jun 13, 2007 7:34pm
by May
A very long and vivid dream!
I had a very vivid and very long dream last night! I would really appreciate help with interpretation as I can make little sense of it! When my dream begins I am on a very nice chartered bus full of people, but the only people I notice are the male driver, a woman in...
Views: 405   Replies: 4
Last Post: Jun 13, 2007 9:44am
by margit
sleep demon
The other night, I had a dream that so real and so scary, I had no idea if i was awake for asleep. It so terrifing because one of the most famous horror monsters was in it. It started off like it was a normal school day at my high school. Students were taking note...
Views: 972   Replies: 3
Last Post: Jun 13, 2007 6:48am
by Gerard
Violent Kitty Cat
We are in a basement apartment. I live in it with some girl (not my gf but someone I don’t know) There is a very cute small baby cat that I thought was nice and inoffensive. The cat seems to have something against me. It jumps on my wrist and violently attacks...
Views: 882   Replies: 3
Last Post: Jun 12, 2007 8:22am
by Jp
Videos at Myths-Dreams-Symbols & Climate Change
I hope many of you have taken the time to view the videos I have added to the Myths-Dreams-Symbols website. There are many good films about dreams and myth {and the environment} that provide new avenues of knowledge on these subjects. That is why I have added them, t...
Views: 549   Replies: 0
Last Post: Jun 12, 2007 7:04am
by Gerard
Greetings All, The increasing volume of duties and responsibilities at my primary job and home life since January have been a drain on my mental, physical and intuitive energies. Crunch time at work and it was necessary to get that job to actual part time basis...
Views: 427   Replies: 2
Last Post: Jun 12, 2007 5:33am
by Gerard
difficulty with interpreting a recurrent dream
I am here with the difficulty I sometimes have when I dream with my boyfriend:How do you know if the dream talks about your inner masculine side or your emotions towards the real person? Also, how do you know that your dreams just don't sugest egotistical behaviour?...
Views: 699   Replies: 7
Last Post: Jun 11, 2007 6:32pm
by margit
odd dream
Ok so I dreamt that I was in a car with my hubby and his 2 friends. I was in the back seat with his friend and his other friend was in the passanger seat. I was very angry but dont know y. We dropped one friend off and then his friend and my hubby and I went to a res...
Views: 411   Replies: 3
Last Post: Jun 9, 2007 7:53am
by marce
Darkness, Down then up stairs, known & unknown males
Hi you guys, Haven't posted in a while - last was speaking w/Kathy, going thru rough time w/business, have since lost such & didn't really dream for a wgile. Anyway, had a "big" dream the other night - was going into the city (NY) to visit some friends we had there w...
Views: 922   Replies: 3
Last Post: Jun 9, 2007 5:42am
by Gerard
The other night I had a dream that certain friends of mine came over to the apartment and I did not want to see them or be bothered by them so I sprouted wings like a bird and flew right out the window and very far away from them. I know this is a crazy dream but wha...
Views: 840   Replies: 2
Last Post: Jun 7, 2007 11:50pm
by connie
terrorists torturing my spiritual teacher
I am in the desert. We are attacked by terrorists,very cruel and aggressive.There is a big mountain in the middle of the desert near where we are.It has a door.I am with a multitude of people..I try to make everybody enter the door and go up the stairs inside the mou...
Views: 861   Replies: 7
Last Post: Jun 7, 2007 3:40am
by Margit
I know I might be posting lots of dreams but this is what this site about, right? Anyways, feel free to comment anyway you want or not to comment. Just witting it down is already a good start for me. I prepare a robbery in a small grocery store with a friend. I...
Views: 738   Replies: 4
Last Post: Jun 6, 2007 2:41pm
by Jp
View of the House
I was in a large house with many rooms. It seemed familiar, but it is not a house I recognize in real life. I was sitting or kneeling (maybe praying?)at a creamy white upholstered bench at the foot of a king-sized bed in a beautiful bedroom decorated in creamy white...
Views: 812   Replies: 1
Last Post: Jun 6, 2007 5:33am
by Gerard
sorry - back finally!
Sorry back finally, after my laptop packed up and I was left internetless ( new word?)at home.
Views: 419   Replies: 1
Last Post: Jun 5, 2007 12:20pm
by Gerard
Hi,yesterday I had this strange dream which seems quite symbolical: My boyfriend has found a diamond.It is quite big,very pure and has thousands of little facets and a golden ring on top like a crown. I am watching the dream like a movie.Then all of a sudden I am hi...
Views: 978   Replies: 5
Last Post: Jun 5, 2007 8:11am
by Gerard
Body of Evidence That Jung Got it Right
Some thoughts on a day of celebrating the one millionth visitor to Myths-Dreams-Symbols When I first began interpreting dreams for others, I often frequented Dream Central's dream forum where there was much discussion among those who participated as to which metho...
Views: 581   Replies: 0
Last Post: Jun 5, 2007 8:01am
by Gerard
Peeing Dog
I have no ides what's going on here - so here goes. I'm at a stable with my husband and one of our dogs. In the country somewhere lots of barns etc. Someone who seems like a woman we've come across before (sold us our horse) picked up our dog and said that the lump o...
Views: 2643   Replies: 2
Last Post: Jun 5, 2007 6:26am
by Lesley
ancient tomb, fear, lady dead or waiting? Ancestor?
I dreamed that I was standing at the entrance to a large tomb made of stone. It looked like it was carved into a large stony area. The walls and ceiling weren't straight and flat. They were uneven and had chopped-out look to them. The whole tomb was grey stone. It...
Views: 1072   Replies: 2
Last Post: Jun 4, 2007 9:35pm
by claire
deep and dark place
My dream started of playing a soccer game. This was so normal I was sure I was actually doing it. Then the game ended and I went home. As I was walking home (not my home but my parents house that I left 2 years ago. I often dream I am going back there), I realized I...
Views: 948   Replies: 4
Last Post: Jun 4, 2007 9:15pm
by Justin
Is he still stuck in my head?
Well, it has been a long time since I've posted on here. The last time was one of my dreams in 2006! Long time no see. Anyway, so heres the lastest in my vivid and scarily detailed dreams. I wrote it down as soon as i woke up so that i wouldn't forget too much. Ho...
Views: 810   Replies: 4
Last Post: Jun 4, 2007 9:06pm
by Justin
Plane crashing around me
I am walking in green countryside in what looks like a country park, open landscapes, trees animals etc. I'm at the top of the hill looking down over it all and I'm with a child not mine but my'in dream child'. In the sky we could see as if someone was firing up smal...
Views: 1053   Replies: 2
Last Post: Jun 4, 2007 6:32am
by Lesley
Harry Potter-The Order of the Phoenix
I have a new lead in at the Myths-Dreams-Symbols website. The new Harry Potter movie and book are due for release in July and keeping on the theme of the the Hero's Journey in Myth I am using this promo. Take a look below. This is the promo I have on the front page....
Views: 616   Replies: 0
Last Post: Jun 4, 2007 6:25am
by Gerard
Dream of a bridge
I had a dream about a bridge. There was construction workers on it and they were tearing it up. One of the workers had a big nail that was hanging out of his hand. I'm not sure, but it seemed like they were tearing it down to rebuild.
Views: 846   Replies: 1
Last Post: Jun 4, 2007 6:18am
by Gerard
Strange dream that both me and my child had
Hi all I would like some help please, both myself and my child had exactly the same dream last night apart from a few differences. The bit that we both had was there was a old man in dungarees and red/orange t-shirt who was throwing live rabbits into a freezer in...
Views: 878   Replies: 4
Last Post: Jun 3, 2007 4:41pm
by summer
a boy?
HI, I am currently 15 weeks pregnant, and have dreamt on a few occasions that i am going to have a boy, Also a few of my freinds and family have dreamt it is a boy. What could this indicate?
Views: 1015   Replies: 1
Last Post: Jun 3, 2007 4:51am
by Gerard
wolves/ dogs
woke from this one pretty upset, my unconcious is realy trying to tell me something with this one! This was a long dream, but the most significant is as follows; I am living in a house in a beautiful national park, with a large family, who are arguing and singing. I...
Views: 877   Replies: 8
Last Post: Jun 3, 2007 4:33am
by Gerard
the mythical thunderbirds flying over a valley
my dream starts with hundreds of people all standing on top of the edge of a hill looking down into a valley, and i was in awe how beautiful every thing was and i looked to my right and there were a skyfull of beautiful giant birds flying slowly by. as they were flyi...
Views: 801   Replies: 1
Last Post: Jun 2, 2007 6:55am
by Gerard
Star Wars-The Legacy Revealed
For many of us it was Joseph Campbell who opened our eyes, and souls, to the hero journey. Perhaps the most famous disciple of Campbell was George Lucas and his Star Wars saga. It was Campbell who provided the inspiration for Lucas in the making of Star Wars. The fol...
Views: 653   Replies: 3
Last Post: Jun 2, 2007 5:48am
by Gerard
Power of Myth Video Now at Myths-Dreams-Symbols
Great news! I have discovered at Google Video and I have created pages for the first two, original, video programs'The Power of Myth' with Joseph Campbell {interviewed by Bill Moyers}. There are 6 one hour programs {they were first televised on PBS in 1988}, most of...
Views: 404   Replies: 1
Last Post: Jun 1, 2007 10:34pm
by Justin
new house
another dream i had last night: I was in a new big house.It was the former house of somebody I admire(a man who is a for me the representation of a good husband and a wonderful father for his own kids.) I sort of adquired that house and there are still things to dec...
Views: 893   Replies: 3
Last Post: Jun 1, 2007 10:39am
by Jp
dalai lama and the elephant
hello, this dream seemed like a very important one, i dont know why, actually, like all of these that i sent. i m in room/building/hall where somebody is keeping an elephant, of course, a huge animal, in this small and indoor space and he s miserable and they decide...
Views: 842   Replies: 1
Last Post: May 31, 2007 5:14pm
by carlos
witchcraft dream
hi my name is maria and i just ran into your website i really hope you can help me. I dream that my sister in law who hates me by the way came to look for me and she was crying telling me that she had recently found out that her mother cheated on her dad and that her...
Views: 807   Replies: 3
Last Post: May 31, 2007 2:16pm
by Jp
bridges without ending
hello again, i had two dreams with the same picture of a bridge without ending, and i was wondering what that could represent. both of the dreams have my boyfirend again. in the first dream, him and i are at my parents house and we are looking through the window, and...
Views: 859   Replies: 1
Last Post: May 31, 2007 2:01pm
by marce
recuring cheating dreams
hi, everyone. i need help, as we all do. i m having these dreams about my boyfriend cheating on me, not trusting him, always with some women around him, who want something from him or he wants something from them. i m so confused. that of course affects my everyday...
Views: 1006   Replies: 3
Last Post: May 31, 2007 6:00am
by marce
I had a strange dream that I am trying to understand how & why it fits into my life. Background info I am happily married and have two children. My husband cannot have anymore. The dream starts off in a farming community very small &all the women are required to have...
Views: 744   Replies: 3
Last Post: May 31, 2007 5:23am
by Gerard
clothes, bad guys,coded secret message, denied food, naked, fighting, family
I rarely have dreams that I remember but I did last night and it bothered me greatly because there was written message in it and I can't remember the whole message. I just know that it was an extremely important message that I need to know. Here goes: I dreamed...
Views: 1118   Replies: 5
Last Post: May 30, 2007 9:55pm
by claire
murdered man
Hi,I have another dream I would like to hear your opinion about.It was a recurrent dream when I was younger and I had it had twice recently. I have murdered a man(I don't know him),it was by accident and not out of negative feelings. I feel sorry and guilty and try...
Views: 821   Replies: 2
Last Post: May 30, 2007 7:47am
by margit
mad destroyer,alone in the woods and rejected when back
I hope you can interpret this very disturbing dream fore me. I alreadt posted two other dreams.I hope this is ok. this was a recent dream. I become mad and detroy everything in the room with a samurai sword ,but don't kill anybody, just all the things get smashe...
Views: 996   Replies: 2
Last Post: May 30, 2007 3:27am
by margit
Myths-Dreams-Symbols ... Approaching 1 Million Visitors
It has been almost 10 years since I first gave birth to Myths-Dreams-Symbols {1998}. Looking at hit counter on the front page I see that we are about to reach the 1 million mark in visitors. Although that may be 'minor league' compared to the mega sites on line, it i...
Views: 406   Replies: 2
Last Post: May 29, 2007 7:13pm
by Justin
Electricity, lightning, transformers, out of power...
First of all, thanks Justin for continuing to look at this theme. For those of you who help to interpret and look deeper into these dreams... Thanks. Sometimes, this is hard work to open up and expose such vulnerabilities and truths. The warmth and lack of rigidit...
Views: 937   Replies: 5
Last Post: May 29, 2007 6:52am
by Martha
Trapped in a box and can not breath
I have woke up gasping for breath for 6 days now I feel like its really happing I am dreaming I am in a dark box and all my air is being taking from me I try to move my arms I can't I try to scream out and can't and I always end up waking in a cold sweet and unable t...
Views: 869   Replies: 1
Last Post: May 29, 2007 6:15am
by Gerard
helping a deaf, mute or helpless child or person
This has been a recurring dream theme of mine for the past 5-7 years. I am with a disabled person or child that is deaf, mute, paralyzed, or mentally disabled, and last night it was a child that had cancer. I find myself understanding the grunts, moans or unspoken...
Views: 1059   Replies: 8
Last Post: May 29, 2007 6:13am
by Martha
Woman wearing an EyePatch
Ever since i was 12years old,I keep having these dreams where I see a woman who's wearing an EyePatch.It's never the same dream though.All of these dreams are completly different from each other,but they always have this same woman wearing an EyePatch.Can anybody ple...
Views: 724   Replies: 1
Last Post: May 29, 2007 6:08am
by Gerard
My reply to Kathy
Kathy - please see my reply of 23 May on my original post. thanks!
Views: 570   Replies: 0
Last Post: May 28, 2007 9:48pm
by claire
Dreams about DAD
My father unexpectedly and suddenly passed away 4 months ago; In the beginning my dream of him was seeing him from a distance, smiling, no words, no conversation. I've had 2 dreams this past week about him and during both dreams I woke up feeling confused, all I reme...
Views: 861   Replies: 1
Last Post: May 28, 2007 8:48pm
by Gerard
long dream...
The reply i had from my last dream was so good I'll post another one I had a few weeks ago. What I first remember was that I was about 15 years old and I was ridding my mountain bike with the friends I had in those days. (When I was this age, me and my friends wer...
Views: 408   Replies: 3
Last Post: May 28, 2007 7:31pm
by Justin
I recently became a doctor in my area of study. Nevertheless after the event, which went very well I had a dream that I was to defend my thesis. At the beginning of the defence a friend of mine took over (I like her a lot but do not think she is very clever) in any c...
Views: 887   Replies: 1
Last Post: May 28, 2007 6:08pm
by Gerard
resurrecting mother
Hi, this is a dream I had some years ago and it had a big impact on me, sort of archetypical flare. I still rember it.Maybe somebody can interpret it. My mother is dead in an obscure sinister chamber.The father is holding the deathwatch there.(they don't resemble...
Views: 754   Replies: 3
Last Post: May 28, 2007 4:59pm
by Gerard
help this confuses me
I had my ipod stolen a couple weeks ago, i dont kno if this is a sign or what, but last night i had a dream. I was in my writing class and my teacher pulled out of her desk my ipod and like 20 other peoples ipods. She said that I had to take it for a reason because i...
Views: 369   Replies: 2
Last Post: May 28, 2007 2:31pm
by Shaq
Videos Now at Myths-Dreams-Symbols
Fellow Jungians, and aspiring heroes and heroines. A note to let you know I've added videos to my Myths-Dreams-Symbols front page. The subject matter is about dreams and myth, Joseph Campbell and Carl Jung. But there is 'An Inconvenient Truth', which is about the fem...
Views: 593   Replies: 0
Last Post: May 27, 2007 1:05pm
by Gerard
female teacher
Hi Jerry, I am still out here, busy life period, inner work continues I would like to ask you share and contrast the dreams of two nights; and ask opinion on the female teacher .... I think it realates to a previous dream "can't proceed' and your reply May 01. #...
Views: 882   Replies: 4
Last Post: May 27, 2007 3:18am
by Justin
He keeps kissing me.
I keep having what appear to be short dreams about a guy for whom I have strong feelings. (How's that for a sentence?) A Little Background Our "relationship" or "interaction" is unusual, to say the least. We attend the same college, he is 8 years younger than...
Views: 740   Replies: 1
Last Post: May 26, 2007 6:00am
by Gerard
Electricity in Dreams
Hi All I would like to start a discussion on 'Electricity in Dreams' There have been two posts recently relating to this - by Susan and Martha; and the theme is recurring. I too have had dreams that would fit into this catagory, although they were clearer (to...
Views: 946   Replies: 2
Last Post: May 25, 2007 5:12pm
by Gerard
Weird class
I dreamed I was sitting in a class. A girl I knew from college walked in and I wanted her to sit on the empty desk nest to me and she did, even thought I had not asked her to. The class then began. The teacher was one I had when I was at the university studding ac...
Views: 721   Replies: 3
Last Post: May 25, 2007 1:13pm
by marce
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stats from 7-14-10 to the present